Positive Parenting Techniques to Help in Better Development of a Child


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positive parenting techniques

Parenting is rewarding, challenging and exhausting at the same time. Being a mom calls for immense responsibilities both physically and emotionally. For we want everything perfect for our little one. Our entire theoretical learning of parenting is put out there, but nothing seems to work all the time.

For parenting needs improvisation and re-inventing at the same time. Children aren’t alike and it is tough to instill good manners and positive behavior in kids. So these positive parenting techniques are here to help you learn some more basics from tried and tested ways by other parents.

Some Positive Parenting Techniques:

These positive parenting techniques are sure to help you improve and strengthen a better parent-child bond and instill some wonderful habits in your little one. We need to strike a balance between over-parenting and under-parenting and these points must help in finding our moderation.

1- Never use abusive language:

Children are a reflection of parents and whatever they see and hear becomes a part of their own. Be careful when using fowl language or abusing anyone in front of kids. Remember what they see will be incorporated in their daily practices. A child should never be exposed to such displeasing language at home and outside.

Never use abusive language

2- Give them independence:

Allow your child to take decisions and be independent. Let them learn to eat as soon as they hold the spoon, learn to bathe as soon as they get potty trained, learn to sleep alone as soon as they come out of their crib. And keep adding these further. You must allow them to be their own individuals with likes, dislikes and choices. Never let them down by dissing their preferences and allow them to lead their own day’s tasks.

[Read: Anger management techniques for teens]

3- Ignore their wrong behaviors:

Ignore bad behaviors and do not pay any attention initially but be careful that this behavior may not have gone yet. If you attend to bad behavior the child knows they will get attention and may repeat out of that urge to seek attention rather than to hurt. SO find the causes of those behaviors rather than scolding or punishing. Remove the trigger to avoid such in future.

4- Let them make choices and decide whats good for them:

Helicopter parenting makes us decide every bit of what they eat, what they wear, how to walk, let kids choose what they wish to do. The more you let them choose the better self-confident they will be. And for the coming years ahead they must be prepared to take the plunge and problem solve or make decisions for themselves.

5- Teach essential life skills:

Essential life skills are not just for being able to work independently but also for comfort and confidence. The more kids learn these essential life skills the better they will be on terms with life and relationships. Let them do their laundry, arrange dinner table, make meals, clean the house, do grocery and their shopping all by themselves.

6- Make Yes a habit:

Never out-rightly disapprove whatever your child asks. Specially the case for elder kids in preteen and teen. Kids must know when the parents disapprove, it means there is a strong reason and not just that they have a habit of saying no always. Let the kids enjoy the yes atmosphere for more time. Be their friend and give them the liberties they must own, within their safety parameters.

7- Be consistent:

Never have overflowing emotions and anxiousness prevalent. Let consistency be your positive aspect of parenting. Do not be too angry or too possessive of your kids. And control your temper and reactions with more assertion but less of abrupt mood swings.

[Read: Why kids lie and how can we prevent it]

8- Don’t disturb the routine:

Make a time table and follow it as much possible. The more disruptions in the routine, the more anxiety it causes. And kids stay positive and happy with a proper routine.

9- Spend more quality family time:

It may not be possible to find hours to spend together as family. But find a few quality hours in a day to enjoy and connect as family. The families who have a routine weekly board game night, movie night or outdoor sports planned have better and stronger relations with kids than who have been at home all the time but not shared such precious moments with kids.

10- Show respect:

The more you show respect to your child, the more the child learns to respect. And respect is a virtue that must be present in everyone. Respect cant be taught but it becomes a part of us when we see people around us respecting and getting respected in return.

11- Be there for your child always:

Never miss the important days and times your child needs you. Be it at ballet recital, sports match, class meeting or any other; always be present on these precious days as your child needs you to just be there when they see other kids having their parents around.

[Read: Baby parenting books]

How to spend more quality time with your kids:

quality time with your kids

Spending quality time with kids as family does not mean just sitting with your child but more than that. It includes everything else that makes your routine. A child must be a part of your day and an important one for that matter.

  1. Do household chores together like laundry, grocery, cooking and cleaning\
  2. Have your child work for you sometimes, this allows a sense of responsibility and pride
  3. Fix game nights and movie nights with children
  4. Allow at least one family trip a year or if possible more such
  5. Go to museums, library and parks as family and enjoy with each other
  6. Go for morning walks and exercise together
  7. Have fun theme days at home, dress up in same color or kind of dress for some select days of the week
  8. Pray together
  9. Make way for their games and activities in you schedule as much possible
  10. Don’t say no upright, talk them down and explain. Allow for discussions to help them speak while you share your point of view

Spending quality


Positive parenting techniques to help in better development of a child is based on experiences and learnings overtime. There are ample reasons why we need to first brush up our parenting skills than expect our child to adopt good positive behavior. A child is a reflection of parent and thus make yourself better and available for your child to enjoy better parent-child relationship.

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Minu Manisha