PIYO Workouts For Beginners For Full Body Transformation


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PIYO workouts
Image Source: pinimg.com

PIYO workouts are an 8 week fitness regime, developed by Charlene Johnson as a part of Beachbody PIYO. They are a rather painless workout and yet a complete body transforming fitness routine. PIYO exercises are a combination of Pilate and Yoga with low intensity dance and martial arts moves. The latest and popular form of workout, PIYO is all about strength and body balance. They are some really fast paced Pilate and Yoga moves with the element of music and dance to enthrall you and make you work out in a balanced way.

What is PIYO and how can it be helpful:

PIYO is a low impacts workout program which does not need weights or any other additional equipment. Its a one size fits all type of program befitting every age and fitness level. It combines the fast paced Pilate moves and strengthening Yoga poses. Along with rhythm to burn up calories and enrich the core. It also helps in muscle toning to build lean muscle and flexibility. PIYO results are amazing and some people who have been doing PIYO from months now, swear by the very many other benefits in addition to body toning and strengthening.

PIYO and how can it be helpful
Image Source: beachbodyimages.com

PIYO workout reviews:

PIYO is a low impact, body weight workout which combines Yoga, Pilate and Cardio too. Its a rather swift introduction to Yoga and Pilate which is truly invigorating. PIYO focuses on physical body movements and not any yoga based body alignment or pilate based equipment’s. PIYO workout reviews include:

1- PIYO is unlike the regular Yoga and Pilate. It is a dynamic flow choreographed for a much rhythmic body movement which is pleasing and enriching too

2- You get Cardio kind of strength training without having to undergo the rigorous boot camps.

3- All moves in PIYO are designed in a way that focuses each and every muscle and bone in your body.

4- The sequential and rhythmic movements help in spiking the heart rate almost like the high intensity interval training

5- PIYO moves can be modified to fit everyone thus making it safe for all age and stage

6- PIYO is all about immense energy, and PIYO for beginners may be little tricky for the moves may not be paced for you yet. Just keep doing and you will eventually blend in

7- The moves and music makes it truly spirited unlike others which get boring after a certain time.

The moves and music makes
Image Source: lovelifesurf.com

Does PIYO exercise work:

Well! For most of us, PIYO has become our routine way of life. It not just helps in body toning and strengthening but also gives peace of mind too. PIYO workouts focus on the below fundamentals:

1- Alignment:

This is the foremost fundamental which binds PIYO with body balance. You get to perfect your form and proceed as the PIYO workouts progress

2- Defining and toning Upper and Lower body:

From shaping your arms to upper body strengthening and lengthen the entire lower body and legs. See the impacts on your glutes and hamstrings also your claves.

3- Total body sculpting:

PIYO uses dynamic moves and fast paced cardio mixes in addition to strength training which results in total body sculpting.

4- Maximum fat burning and calorie loss:

PIYO workouts helps in maximum fat burning which leaves you drenched and kick starts metabolism. It gives complete body transformation

5- No weight and no equipment, do it any place any time:

PIYO does not need any equipment or weights, its a calorie incinerating workout with no bulk at all

6- The intensity is grooving and just what you can handle

7- Your body gets more balance and control, thus giving you’re a discipline

8- You get more and flexible thus getting agile, fast and strong. This is a foundation for getting an athletic body.

9- Better body recovery as flexibility and stretching help in improving range of motions.

10- PIYO helps in de-stressing as each move is intentional and deeply-meditative.

Origin of Beachbody PIYO:

Origin of Beachbody PIYO
Image Source: www.fitnessrocks.org

American fitness guru Charlene Johnson developed this 8 week long PIYO exercise as a part of beach body. She developed this home workout program which takes elements from Pilate and Yoga for stretch, strength and flexibility. PIYO speeds up everything and help in fat burning.

Some PIYO workout for beginners:

PIYO workout without diet gives some amazing benefits. They don’t need any extra equipment and can be proceeded at home easily. Check out few PIYO exercises:

1- PIYO Cross:

PIYO Cross
Image Source: womensrunning-compgroup.netdna-ssl.com

  • Stand in sumo squat position
  • Now round your back and put your forearms between your legs as you stretch out your spine.
  • Now come back up into a sumo squat in a fluid movement, opening your arms out and pushing the shoulder together keeping palms at the sides of your head and facing forwards.
  • Proceed the same at least 20 times

2- PIYO Plank:

PIYO Plank
Image Source: pinimg.com

  • Stand in a press-up position bending your right leg so the heel goes toward your buttock.
  • Now flip your leg behind to keep the foot on the floor
  • Raise your right arm up into a side-plank position, and your right leg still bent and your left leg straight.
  • Then raise your hips while you stretch the right arm over your head.
  • Return to the plank position before repeating on the other side.
  • Re[eat 10 times at least

3- Runners pose:

Runners pose
Image Source: telegraph.co.uk

Runners pose is similar to dead lifts and it works on glutes and hamstrings.

  • Stand on your right leg and lift the left foot off the floor.
  • Now keeping the left knee bent, tilt forward pushing the leg behind you
  • Now tilt backward slightly as you swing the knee forward and up to waist level.
  • Keep moving the leg backward and forward in a single leg running motion.
  • Repeat 20 times for each leg

4- Kick through:

Kick through
Image Source: pinimg.com

  • Stand in the beast position
  • Now lift your right arm as you rotate your right shoulder back
  • Now push the left leg out straight to the right side.
  • Then come back to the beast position and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Do at least 10 doubles

5- Beast:

Image Source: womensrunning-compgroup.netdna-ssl.com

  • Stand on your hands and knees
  • Then lift up on to your toes, raising the knees off the floor by a couple of inches
  • Now without moving the hips use your core to hold the position
  • Stay on for a minute holding it stable
  • Repeat 10 times


PIYO workouts are low intensity and strengthening full body transformation exercises. Get flexible, balanced and in full control for these rhythmic musical and fast paced workouts are truly enriching.

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