Oolong tea health benefits, the best available tea around


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Oolong Tea Health benefits

Oolong (pronunciation: /uːlɒŋ/) Tea is a traditional Chinese Tea. It has so much to offer, we must know Oolong tea health benefits, and it is the best available tea around. Oolong tea is packed with anti-oxidants and is semi-fermented. It has a unique aroma and flavor, which makes is stand apart from black and green tea. It is more commonly known as Chinese Restaurant Tea, served almost every place in China. The oh-so-many benefits of Oolong tea make it a must have and a must-must-substitute for black tea.

Oolong tea is made similar to black and green tea, but the degree of fermentation varies. Green Tea is un-oxidized, oolong tea is semi-oxidized and black tea is fully oxidized. The taste is in between the Green and Black tea flavors. Oolong tea is moderately rich in Catechin as its semi oxidized. Thus Catechin and Caffeine together help fight free radicals. It has healing benefits and Thus the many health benefits it offers makes it richest of all kinds of tea available.

Oolong Tea Health Benefits:

1- Your weight loss partner:

Your weight loss partner

For everyone who wishes to lose weight and in a healthy and balanced way, oolong tea is your answer. Oolong tea boosts up metabolism, thus fat does not accumulate much. It has a natural sweet taste and with honey, you can prevent adding other sweet fattening substitutes.

2- It fights free radicals or helps fight aging:

helps fight aging

Free radicals advance aging by acting upon skin lipids. This causes pigmentation and aging. The enzymes formed from Oolong tea fight the radicals and thus delaying the process of aging.

3- Lowers Cholesterol and thus it is heart healthy: Oolong tea is semi-oxidized so it is able to activate lipase enzymes which help dissolve Fats.

4- Better dental hygiene:

Better dental hygiene

Oolong tea prevents tooth decay and oral cancer. As it is loaded with polyphenols which inhibit enzymes causing tooth decay and thus better dental hygiene.

5- Promotes richly radiant and healthy hair:

richly radiant and healthy hair

Oolong tea when used as a conditioner, boosts hair growth and prevents hair loss. The anti-oxidants in it make hair voluminous and radiant.

6- Prevents cancer and tumors: Tea generally lowers the risk of cancer, and with its anti-oxidizing properties Oolong tea reduces risk of cancer the most. The polyphenols act as chemo agents, thus cancerous cells do not grow.

7- Aids in development of healthy bones: Oolong tea prevents bone diseases like osteoporosis. Rather, it makes the bones stronger and healthier. Oolong tea contains minerals in bones, thus making them healthy.

8- Fights bacteria and thus strengthening the immune system: Oolong tea inhibits streptococci bacteria which causes infections. So a greater immunity in body. The anti-oxidants present here prevent cell damage.

9- Prevents diabetes: Oolong tea stabilizes blood sugar levels, thus preventing diabetes. The polyphenols in Oolong tea metabolize sugars quickly. They also detoxify the immune system in our body.

10- It increases mental alertness and reduces Stress: Caffeine in Oolong tea refreshes the mind and boosts mental activity. It helps improving focus and mental alertness.

11- It helps in treating eczema: Oolong tea is known to cure the effects of eczema like redness, swelling and patching on skin. And also improves skin luster and glow.

Various kinds of Oolong Tea:

  • Fujian Oolong tea: the most expensive and popular of Oolong tea is made in two Fujian provinces Wuyi and Anxi. They are richly packed with aroma and flavor. These kinds of tea are mainly for export purposes.
  • Guangdong Oolong tea: Strip style of Oolong tea is prominent from here. They are good quality and rare in any other area
  • Taiwan Oolong tea: Taiwanese form of Oolong tea serves the high domestic demand there. Taiwan has variations in temperatures with seasons, so the flavors of Oolong tea also differ here.

How to prepare Oolong tea:

  • Boil water
  • Put Oolong tea leaves
  • Let it stand for 4-5 minutes
  • Then strain it and enjoy will honey
  • The same tea leaves can be reused several times unlike other teas
  • The best is forth time consumption of the same leaves.
  • This tea does not require creamer or milk and is rich in herbal values

Oolong tea


  • Oolong tea contains caffeine so moderate amounts must be consumed
  • Too much of it may cause an irritable bowel syndrome
  • It may also lead to bloating and heartburn

Writing about Oolong tea has been a relishing journey for me. Being an avid tea lover and moreover experimenting with various flavors available worldwide, I have a strong urge for not only the different variations but the inherent health benefits it offers. It is a must have daily tea. Writing on the must know Oolong tea health benefits, it is the best available tea around, was a tasteful and refreshing journey.

Happy Oolong-ing

Minu Manisha