8 Nutritional Protein Shakes To Gain Weight for Women To Get Boosted!


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Protein shakes to gain weight for women
ImageSource: www.slendertone.com

In this fast-paced world, we women are active and on our toes from dawn to dusk because of which at times we fail to emphasize on our health and we tend to lose weight. There is an intake of nutrients in our body every day. But, is it sufficing? sometimes yes and sometimes no. Now to bridge this gap let’s look at one of the nutrients that is typically required to be taken care of for building and toning our muscles and that is working on proteins for woman to gain weight.

In our body, proteins form amino acids and these amino acids service the protein functions, like synthesizing protein. If for any reason proteins are less in our body protein shakes compensate for what’s missing. Apart from just being a substitute to the body, protein shakes can be ingested to either gain weight or lose weight. The adequate quantity of protein does not alone help in weight functions but it also helps in strengthening ruptured muscles and tissues. As per studies, women require a lesser quantity of proteins in their body when compared to that of men, even then it is requisite that cannot be overlooked. It is symbolic that protein shakes come into the picture not only as a requirement after a stringent workout. In fact, it is an added advantage to add nutritional value to your body and at the end of the day, you are assured to feel revived.

In this article, you will get inputs to choose the best protein shakes for women to gain weight. If you are happier making them, then you will also see recipes on how to make a protein shake at home. In case you aren’t physically very strong yet, you will transmute from a thin ‘feeble you’ to a ‘strong you’ with protein shakes!

How To Gain Weight

How To Gain Weight
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

It is not an onerous task to gain weight. But how you do it matters, you have to be wise and keep a track of your activities. Like, you have to see if you are sufficient in taking the required nutrients, you have to re-check and see if you are eating at the right time, if you are getting enough sleep and if you are over-stressed and in case you are going through one of these things, then you need to correct it . It is very crucial for you to know that the steps you take to put on weight should not hit on your health. It should make your health.

1. Increase your meals

Since you want to gain weight you have to do first things first, and that is nothing but ensuring to eat your meals regularly and on time. When you get yourself accustomed to doing so, only then will you step on to improve on the food you eat. This does not mean that you begin to eat unhealthy junk. All you have to do is, eat three sustaining meals I.e, your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, have small meals in between those three meals.

2. Eat healthy and rich food

Now when you have increased on the number of meals you are eating, see to it they are rich in calories. Eat a lot of nuts, add cream to the fruit you are going to eat, increase the number of lentils you consume, add butter to some of your meals, in the vegetables you can pick on potatoes and eat red meat for non-veg. This kind of improvement and add on to your food will prove healthy to your body.

Eke out through Protein Shakes

  • Having protein shakes helps in sustaining your appetite, you will not feel the need to eat every now and then because protein shakes are filling
  • Your muscles build better in case you rigorously exercise, protein shakes or powders have their effective benefits of working on your muscles and less developed tissues faster
  • It is rewarding nutrition, it compensates for all the nutrients that are lacking in your daily intake
  • It is easy to gulp a protein shake rather than chew protein food. It is handy to carry a shake and drink it anywhere and at any time.

3. Move from cardio to weights

Exercising and eating go hand in hand. You eat to get energy and you exercise to either flush out fats by losing weight or give the energy a form by gaining weight. If you focus on cardio when you intend to put on weight, you will burn down all the calories you have been working for. Hence, try exercises to help you gain weight.

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Whey Protein Shakes for Woman

Some of the benefits of having a protein shake are

1. To keep you away from unhealthy fat and bring you close to healthy fat

Whenever you are underweight and want to put on ‘healthy weight’ by working on your protein and you do not have the time or you are eating protein foods and even then you feel your body needs more. Then a protein shake is what you should think of and the best part is you won’t add on to the fats in your body you will be working on exclusively just your muscles.

2. To take care of your muscles

Basically, if you are a woman who is a gym freak or does a lot of physical activity you really need to check on how much of carbohydrate, carbs, and fats your body is getting, it has to be good enough, it is a must that you take in some form of protein every day. This is why shakes are a supplement for your muscles to help muscles be safe, remain firm and sustain the balance in muscles because while you are exercising your muscles are working throughout.

3. To enrich your sugar level’s pre and post-workout

Every ingredient used to make a shake has properties of proteins, vitamins, sugars, minerals, calcium, carbohydrates and fats. When the body gets exhausted working out and you feel dizzy it is best to have something sweet. For these reasons, a shake can add up to your sugar levels pre and post-workout.

4. To be a Great Metabolizer

Protein shakes stimulate better metabolism and a proper metabolism is required for the body because through this the rate of burning and retaining necessary fat through oxygen in the body is controlled. So it acts as a control system, this energy that controls the muscular system takes help of phosphagen and glycolytic systems. Better the metabolism of the body, better you eat and you get healthy.

5. Partially an Alternate for Vegan’s and Vegetarians

The ingredients that a protein shake has is often having no meat in its ingredients and for the people who do not eat non-veg, they can look into having shakes. Hence, if you are a vegetarian and you are wondering about how will you be able to get protein then just take up having protein shakes.

Vitalizing Protein Shakes for Women to Gain Weight

Protein shakes can add to your weight or bring down your weight. Your primary focus should indicate adding on to your weight. If you want to put on weight with utmost dedication or you have kept yourself physically fit and want to work on putting on weight. Then, here are some of the best protein shakes to gain weight

Great Man-made Protein Shakes

1. Step up with Creatine Protein shake to gain weight

Step up with Creatine Protein
ImageSource: www.muscleandstrength.com

Creatine has amino acids and has ingredients of meat and fish in it. It helps in structuring muscles and improving metabolism that is hidden in the hydrophobic core, these hydrophobic cores are responsible in segregating proteins on the basis of their nature and place. Creatine adds volume to your muscles and one can gain about 7.3 pounds taking this shake which is considered to be water in your body. One of the good Creatine Shake is Core Nutritionals Mono Hydrate Creatine.

Creatine helps in reviving lost energy.

2. Get Pumped up with Whey Protein Shake to gain weight

Get Pumped up with
ImageSource: www.reviews.in

This protein will help you get sturdy, it is best to retain healthy fats in the body and act as a body mass stimulator. Whey Proteins are to be consumed post-workout to act as an energizer by catering to the muscles and tissues, crucial nutrients and your tendency to put on weight will be faster when compared to having it before a workout.

It is as awesome as a milk whey protein because it is more beneficial in terms of adding to the weight of the muscles to gain weight. It is a hub for all the amino acids.

Whey Protein is superior in promoting the flow of amino acids through enzymes, and this flow has to stay by because our cell membranes have protein revolving around them and these proteins help in responding to the functions of the cells giving a signal to another cell.

3. Look Young with Carnosine Protein Shake to gain weight

Look Young with Carnosine
ImageSource: www.vitaminsemporium.com

Carnosine is a Protein shake that illustrates itself to eradicate aging, it is a support system to the muscles and while they are working, this protein also contributes in the development of the muscles and this is a strong source of protein to gain weight. This protein assists the body for its smooth functioning by treating certain diseases that the body tends to suffer.

It is advised to be taken in case you are exercising because this shake gives you the capacity to perform better. There is no age bar to date about what age group of people is eligible to take this shake. This protein shake contains nutritive sources of food such as soybeans, watercress, white mushrooms, edamame, laver seaweed, spirulina seaweed etc.

How each source of food yields protein

  • Soy – Plant protein food, if about 100 grams is taken then it has 36 grams of protein
  • Watercress is an aquatic plant and considered as a leafy vegetable similar to that of mustard greens, about 100 grams of watercress has 2.3 grams of protein
  • White mushrooms – This protein is beneficial in terms of many sources of nutrition, talking of proteins it is a protein that saves the bones from becoming weak
  • Edamame – This source of protein is a softer version of soybean, it is rich in protein with 10.88g of protein for about 100grams
  • Laver Seaweed – Seaweed is a high source protein ranging between 2-9 grams of protein per cup. It has its importance in providing minerals and vitamins to the body
  • Spirulina Seaweed – It is rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and a small extent of carbs. Apart from this, it can help in preventing a person by being attacked by cancer. Spirulina is effective when compared to eggs. This seaweed grows on water.

Tasty Home Made Protein Shakes to make you Robust

Tasty Home Made Protein
ImageSource: www.3in1solution.com

If you think the shakes available in stores could be burdensome for you to spend on or if you are most at ease and assured of a product is healthy and safe that you feel is better made at home, then here are some amazing recipes you can try out to quickly reshape from being a tender woman to a she-woman. These protein shakes will help all you women out there to gain weight.

1. Spinach Protein Shake

Spinach Protein Shake
ImageSource: www.punchdrink.com

A spinach Protein shake is made to give your protein shake a higher value of nutrition. Spinach has minimal protein in it and is not a source to gain weight, but it is overall healthy and can be a good option as a protein shake.

a. The Ingredients You Need

  1. 4 Almonds
  2. 1 cup Milk
  3. Less than a handful of flax seeds
  4. 10- 15 leaves of Spinach
  5. 1 scoop Vanilla powder

b. How are these ingredients advantageous to the body?

  • Almonds – the source of fat, fiber, and protein. Helps in nourishing skin and keeping it tender and flexible
  • Milk – the source of calcium, mineral, and protein. Helps gain muscles, nourish hair and nails
  • Vanilla powder – adds flavor by exciting taste buds. Its antioxidants help the body save itself from diseases and good for skin
  • Flax seeds – rich in lignans, omega-2 essential fatty acid, 100 g seeds has 18 g proteins. Lowers blood pressure in the body
  • Spinach – the super source of iron, calcium and Vitamin A. Has antioxidants that will cleanse your skin from within.

c. Follow these steps to successfully make your shake

Step 1: Chop the almonds into two halves, chop the spinach in two halves.
Step 2: Grind the bits of almonds into a fine powder.
Step 3: Slightly heat the milk and add the vanilla powder, stir it well.
Step 4: To the Vanilla Milk, add the fine powder of almond and seeds, add the chopped spinach. Now, blend this entire mix.

d. Appropriate time and frequency to have this shake

This shake can be had once every day, between the time you have had your lunch and breakfast. This will be the best suit instead of having some unhealthy junk.

2. Banana Walnut Protein Shake to Gain Weight

Banana Walnut Protein Shake to Gain Weight
ImageSource: www.pxhere.com

Walnuts may not be high in proteins but they do have the vital amino acids like valine, leucine, and threonine that contribute to proteins, walnuts are high in calories and when mixed with banana the combination is well balanced. Banana’s are high in potassium, calcium and a good source of protein for a woman to gain weight. It can be a great choice for a shake to make you get healthy.

a. The Ingredients You Need

  1. 2 bananas
  2. 1 cup of yogurt
  3. 10 walnuts
  4. 2 spoons butter
  5. 2 spoons honey

b. How are these ingredients advantageous to the body?

  • Banana – being rich in potassium it helps provide a smooth flow of oxygen to the brain and helps in preventing pain in the muscles, it is a better energy booster than caffeine or sugar candies before work out,
  • Yogurt – detoxifies from the toxins present in our food, counters a better health after post consuming oily food
  • Walnuts – the source of brain food, protects the skin from free radicals that are harmful in nature
  • Butter – High in Vitamin K2, ensures a consistent flow of calcium in the bones, good muscle builder.

c. Follow these steps to successfully make your shake

Step 1: Cut the bananas and walnuts into small pieces.
Step 2: Take a bowl of Yogurt, add butter and honey, mix these ingredients well, add a little water to this mix in case its consistency is thick.
Step 3: Add the chopped bananas and walnut pieces into the yogurt mix.
Step 4: Blend this mixture well.

d. Appropriate time and frequency to have this shake

This shake can be had half an hour before you go for a workout or can be had after a workout in order for you to reinforce stamina in your muscles.

3. Oats Protein shakes to gain weight

Oats Protein shake to gain weight
ImageSource: www.pikby.com

Oats is a by-product of fiber, it is not tedious to prepare it and the best part is that it is a tasty dish that can be eaten for breakfast, pre-workout and post-workout. It is a nutrient having carbs, some are slow carbs, some are fast-digesting carbs in the body. These carbs provide the body with long-lasting energy and sufficient protein to gain weight.

a. The Ingredients You Need

  1. Oats
  2. 2 cups of milk
  3. 1 banana
  4. Cinnamon
  5. 1 egg

b. How are these ingredients advantageous to the body?

  • Oats is a by-product of fiber, it is not tedious to prepare it and the best part is that it is a tasty dish that can be eaten for breakfast, pre-workout and post-workout. It is a nutrient having carbs, some are slow carbs, some are fast-digesting carbs in the body. These carbs provide the body with long-lasting energy.
  • Oats – Oats is a good source of treating skin rashes like, dermatitis, the zinc in the body helps cleanse the skin, it helps in adding on to the proteins also to your body
  • Cinnamon – is a strong spice, great for medicinal purposes like fighting against cancer, diabetes, and nerve-related issues
  • Egg – best for bodybuilding and fitness, rich in carbohydrate, calories, and proteins. At least two eggs a day is good enough to start off with as a source of protein for gaining weight.

c. Follow these steps to successfully make your shake

  • Step 1: Take one cup of oat-meals and boil it for 5-8 minutes
  • Step 2: Cut the banana into pieces and break the egg
  • Step 3: Take two glasses of milk and pour it in the bowl of oats. Mix the two well.
  • Step 4: Break a small piece of cinnamon and add it to the oats and milk mix, add the cut banana and egg and blend all of these to get a shake.

d. Appropriate time and frequency to have this shake

This shake may taste very different as there is no honey or sugar, if you wish to you can add honey or sugar and this can be eaten once a day as a small meal along with breakfast. There is enormous protein in this shake.

4. Avacado Kiwi Protein Shake to gain weight

Avacado Kiwi Protein Shake to gain weight
ImageSource: www.pxhere.com

Avocado is a tummy filling fruit, it can be made with milk or it can just naturally eat, the peel of an avocado is rough but the fruit is soft. Kiwi’s is a sweetish and slightly tangy fruit, it is rich in vitamins.

a. The Ingredients You Need

  1. 1 Kiwi
  2. 1 Avacado
  3. Peanut butter
  4. Seaweed
  5. Jaggery
  6. 2 cups of milk

b. How are these ingredients advantageous to the body?

  • Kiwi – high in fiber and vitamins. Eradicates insomnia, improves the body’s immune system and prevents any kind of blood clots by reducing the amount of fat in the blood
  • Avacado – antibacterial and antioxidant flavonoids, richer than a banana in its content of potassium and a very good option for a woman to gain weight. Avocado helps in keeping your breath fresh, enables kidneys to function better as the potassium in the avocado keeps the fluid balance
  • Peanut Butter – has 25g of protein and 20 g of carbohydrates. Reduces the risk of heart diseases, their fats come from Omega – 6 fatty acids, 2 spoons of peanut butter is equal to 195 calories which are good enough fat for the body to gain weight in a healthy way
  • Seaweed – high in nutrition value. Prevents body from getting strokes, eating seaweeds evokes the environmental pollutants that enter the body through pollution, seaweeds has enzymes that help in having a long-term stamina
  • Dark sugar/Jaggery – rich in Iron, calories, sucrose, fructose, and glucose. Dark Sugar is good to cure a running nose and helps heal menstrual issues.

c. Follow these steps to successfully make your shake

  • Step 1: Chop kiwi and avocado, break the dark sugar into pieces, add seaweeds and 2 spoons of peanut butter to these fruits.
  • Step 2: Grind this mix and let it be a thick paste
  • Step 3: To this paste add 2 cups of milk
  • Step 4: Blend the milk and paste and mix it well to drink

d. Appropriate time and frequency to have this shake

This can be had after your workout anytime during the day. It has so many nutrients that it serves the purpose of helping you gain weight.

5. Savoury chocolate protein shake to gain weight

Savory chocolate protein shake to gain weight

Now, this shake seems very tempting because it is rich in calories and its taste and aroma will tempt your taste buds and help you gain weight. Chocolate is rich in calories, carbohydrates and fats because of its enriching ingredients like nuts, dry fruits, the virgin olive oil, and avocado oil that it contains.

The Ingredients You Need

  1. 1/2 chocolate protein bar
  2. 2 spoons of cocoa powder
  3. 1 spoon honey
  4. 2 cups of milk
  5. 2 spoon of Peanut butter

How are these ingredients advantageous to the body?

  • Chocolate protein bar – contains almond butter, almond milk, stevia extract, protein powder and oat flour. These are high in fats and carbs
  • Cocoa powder – richest source of polyphenols, this, in short, is the compound that is responsible for the color of the plant and it is a protector to the plant. It is an ingredient of cocoa powder which has its set of booming nutrients, it never elevates blood pressure, its omega – 3 fatty acids protects it against diseases
  • Honey – contains minerals, proteins, sugars, and acids. Some of these acids help inefficient functioning of the metabolism, having honey can help relieve yourself from diarrhea and dysentery.

Follow these steps to successfully make your shake

Step 1: Heat the chocolate bar in the microwave for a minute for it to melt.
Step 2: To the melted chocolate adds 2spoons of cocoa powder, pour a little warm water in this chocolate mix to make it a thin paste.
Step 3: To this chocolate mix, add peanut butter and honey and stir this mixture.
Step 4: Take 2 cups of milk and pour it in the final chocolate mixture.
Step 5: Blend this entire mixture well.

d. Appropriate time and frequency to have this shake

This shake can be had thrice a week, because it is too high on calories and it is best to have it as a meal. This shake is sure to help you put on weight.

To conclude with, it is debatable to consider which of the two is better, either eating food rich in protein or drinking protein shakes to gain weight. It is better to go with simple steps first. Start off with having protein foods if you think you are falling short of protein content in your body, shakes are always there to make up for that deficiency and with taking shakes women automatically gain weight, protein shakes can be given greater importance for a sportswoman especially who is working out day in and out. For the best performance, nothing like protein shakes.