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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersMood swings in women is unpredictable like the weather, sunny and cloudy on the same day. Does it happen just to women? Not exactly, the level of mood swings is highest when it comes to women. Mood swings are experienced by men as well. All the blame cannot be put in women, it is not in their control. The hormones do all the talking.
Practically, every human goes through mood swings, look at it psychologically, can we be happy everyday or would we be sad all the time? Moods are bound to fluctuate and they are unpredictable. Nevertheless, this fluctuation and instability is more with women even because of the physical condition of a woman.
This article aims at showing you a clear picture about what causes mood swings in women, signs that clearly indicate mood swings, ways to control mood swings and when would it be time for a doctor to check on a woman if her mood swings end up affecting her mental and physical health too much. Understand everything about mood swings in women and see what you can do whenever you feel that way, you should find a way to feel better.
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What Are Mood Swings?

If a person experiences different emotions because of an incident it is clearly justified. However, a mood swing is involuntary and just the opposite, when you experience an instant switch between your emotions for no valid reason, this condition is termed as a mood swing.
How do you determine it? You would be laughing at this moment and in the next ten minutes for no good reason, you would get reminded of an unpleasant situation and feel like crying. What’s the reason for this to happen? You yourself would not have a clue but it would just happen. That said, it would never be called a mood swing if you had the ability to control it before it affected you.
Causes Of Mood Swings in Women
While mood swings are meant to just happen. Indirectly or partially it is a woman’s pattern of living or her hormones that drive her mad. Here are causes for mood swings in women. Take a look at them!
1. When Estrogen Levels Dip Down
A woman’s estrogen levels drop down right before she gets her periods, this is a premenstrual condition. Most of the women start to feel low and depressed a few weeks before she gets her periods. It is all to do with abnormal estrogen.
2. When Women Experience Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
This disorder is a degree higher than the usual menstrual disorder. This happens to women who have become mothers recently. Women suffering with disorder find it even more difficult to handle their emotions as they feel extremely frustrated and sad.
Read: Weight Gain During Periods – Is It Expected? Read About It!
3. Stress Triggers Mood Swings
Stress is a common cause of mood swings in women and men. Women who are way too stressed because of work pressure or poor mental health are bound to experience strange mood swings. Stress causes other added health issues as well.
4. Mental Disorders
If a woman has existing mental disorders such as bipolar and depression, it is easy for her to get trapped mentally and experience too much mood swings. This happens because she, as it is, does not have control over herself and above all it is tormenting that she unknowingly experiences mood swings.
5. Hypothyroidism
It is essential for the thyroid gland to produce enough hormones and when this does not happen, it totally hits on a woman’s mental as well as physical health, this is the condition is a clear sign for a woman to experience high mood swings. Think about it logically as well, if a woman is not healthy, how would her moods be stable?
6. Early Teenage
When a girl is in her teenage phase she is sure to go through shifts in her emotional, psychological, mental and physical condition. She gets to experience a drastic change in her body that without being conscious of the fact that there are several changes she witnesses those changes and the puberty hormonal changes are the strongest.
Read: Teenage Stress: Causes And Remedies
7. When A Woman Is Carrying
Carrying a baby in the womb is no joke, can you imagine the level of turmoil a woman goes through? Her emotions and state of mind is affected because of the changes happening in the body and this is how a woman has mood swings during pregnancy.
8. The Troublesome Menopause
Just as puberty strikes to change a girl’s life, likewise, menopause is the end to all the hormonal roller coaster experiences. This phase is equally troublesome and it ends up making women feel low and experience mood-swings. Besides mood-swings, women deal with hot flashes, low libido and they tend to feel weak.
Read: 12 Helpful Ways To Take Care During Menopause – Don’t Stress Out!
9. When You Are Craving For Sleep
You need to get good 6 hours of sound sleep otherwise it will leave you feeling irritated, angry and sad. The worst part is you won’t even understand that it is because of not getting enough sleep. This happens because your body has certain tasks to take care of while you are asleep and if you disturb that routine in your body it is sure to hit on you causing severe mood-swings.
10. Not Eating Meals On Time
Your body can have adverse effects if you do not give it food at the right time. That being said, you are not allowed to diet or have poor meals if you want your moods to remain stable. When you do not eat on time and take your health for granted it could cause low blood sugar problems and your blood sugar levels are disturbed it could make you angry, sad and you lose the ability to think.
11. Being On Steroids
Are you on steroids by any chance? If you are on steroids that must be the reason your mood-swings are bothering you. There are certain drugs that do not suit your body and their side effects show up on your moods causing unstable mood-swings.
12. When Your Brain Is Affected
Have you heard of dementia? It is a condition where the brain is affected and a person loses track of their memory. If a woman is suffering from dementia at one point her mood would be all happy and at the next moment, she gets all mad. Mood-swings is one of the ill-effect of this issues with the brain.
13. Lack Of Control Over Impulses
Well, there are a lot of women who lose their cool for little things just because they do not know that their impulses are going out of control. They would not even realize that it is a disorder and they rarely have control about what they feel. This disorder is known as Hyperactivity disorder. Probably a woman who gets upset and depressed really quick is having hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)
14. Excessive Consumption Of Caffeine
Caffeine to an extent is still okay. When you get your body used to caffeine and by chance you happen to skip consuming it, it hits on your moods and you tend to feel tired, nervous and sleepy when you are deprived of it. Caffeine is bad addiction and people who get used to it cannot do without it.
15. The White Food
Not keeping a control on your sugar intake and taking too much of it impacts your health as well as causes you to experience mood swings. That said, your brain stops to function well if your body gets too much of fructose. Thus, keep your sugar intake as low as you can.
Signs And Symptoms of Mood Swings In Women
Take a look at the signs that clearly indicate a woman experiencing mood-swings
- Anemia
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Anger
- Disinterested to do anything
- Extreme and unpredictable moods
- No stability with thoughts
- Indecisiveness
- Irritability
- Bloating in the stomach
- No stability in the behaviour and personality
- Blood pressure is never the same, keeps changing
- Always feeling demotivated
- Unaware of feelings
- Heartbeat fluctuates every now and then
While mood-swings cannot be controlled or gotten over all of a sudden it will require your own will to overcome this feeling, the least you can do is try to overcome this situation.
Workable Ways To Control Mood-Swings – Step Forward!
While you cannot be sure of how long will the process take to get over mood swings, yet, there are several ways that can help keep your mood-swings in control. Having said, you should not let your mood-swings sway try and take hold over it. Do not have to stress over yourself, do what you can
Psychological Solutions
Way No 1 – Make Up Your Mind

When you know there is a problem and it has to be looked after you need to just make up your mind to take your steps and try to handle it. To handle anything you would first need to make up your mind, it cannot happen just like that, isn’t it? Given the mood-swings that you go through, you are likely to forget that you want to control your mood-swings and get into that mood again. Be strong no matter how tough it is do not give up at all.
Way No 2 – Pen Down Details Of Your Mood

Penning down helps you get a better picture of what you feel during the entire day. Keep a track of all your moods from morning to night and see how you can be better the next day. If you have felt too angry on a particular day, try to control the anger emotion the next day.
This way you will be able to work on all of your emotions one by one. By doing this, after ten days when you check on how much have you improved, you will notice that you have gone way ahead and been able to get a better hold on yourself.
Way No 3 – Talk To Yourself Every day

Have you ever realized that talking to yourself and spending time with yourself is good for your health especially when you have to know yourself better. Having said, when you know that mood swings are dominating you and you need to get them in control you need to give ten minutes of your day to just yourself, this really helps you get a clarity as to why you feel what you feel, which means, if you have stress or other issues you will know that your mood-swings are because of being stressed.
Physical Solutions
Way No 4 – Have Your Meals In Time – Say No To Skipping!
Eating in time ceases your blood sugar levels from dropping down. You will certainly see some amount of difference in your moods once you start eating correctly. This does not mean you get to eat anything and everything, you get to eat anything and everything only when you know how to keep it in control. Thus, eat well if you want the level of mood-swings to come down.
This tip implies eating the right food when your hormones are not at all in your control. For instance, during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, if you eat the right food you could be healthier and feel better.
Way No 5 – Get Your Body Moving – Sweat It Out!
You need minimum movement in your body if you want to feel fresh and stable mentally and physically. Your moods will automatically come in control when you sweat you, how would this happen technically? The endorphin hormone will release all the stress out of you and help you feel happy. Mind you, this happiness would not be like one of your mood-swings happiness, it will be long lasting and stable. Start exercising today and help yourself.
Way No 6 – Do the Most Peaceful Task – Have A Sound Sleep!
Sleep and moods do have a relationship because if you keep your sleep happy it is going to keep your mood happy. That said, if you do not want to unnecessarily get your mood affected you should simply sleep well, it is as simple as that. Sleeping well helps in making you feel positive all the time. Try and do this for a week, you will surely feel amazing.
Way No 7 – Water! Water! Water! – Drinks Loads Of It
Drinking loads of water is a “powerful solution” to all your problems. Yes, get your mood in control by drinking sufficient water. If your body is dehydrated your mood would get disturbed. To keep your mood stable you should see to it that you are drinking sufficient water.
Mental Solutions
Way No 8 – Meditation Can Be A Medicine
Meditation might seem like a slow process of getting a hold of your moods. However, if you explore the benefits of meditation you would be happy to know that it will help you keep your mind calm and you would be able to introspect what is happening in your body. That said, you would understand that there is nothing for you to feel low or experience mood-swings. On the other hand, your mind would be busy focusing and it would not wander.
Way No 9 – Find A Way to Manage Stress

Whenever you are stressed, immediately snap out from there, you should either go and spend time with people you feel good around or you can go ahead and do whatever pleases you at that moment. Everyone has a different way of relieving stress, you can either spend time doing what you love or just relax your body for that time period.
Way No 10 – Sit Quietly
When you are at your lowest, it is best to be calm, do not make a decision, do not think, do not get into arguments with anyone. Just stay to yourself and breathe. Let your mood just be, if you think you need your space, it is better if you take your space and revive back your energy.
Sitting quietly has other mental benefits such as feeling relieved from stress, your brain feels all activated, keeps your blood sugar in control, solves all your sleep concerns and most importantly it has its way of helping you get over the bad mood. Therefore, sit quiet and relax!
When To Seek A Doctor’s Help for Mood Swings
It is natural to have mood-swings because of hormonal changes or things not going well at your end. Either way, you should feel better in time. You will be able to handle mood-swings when you live a healthy mental and physical lifestyle. However, your situation is questionable when you have tried every way to feel fine and you haven’t been able to feel fine at all. In this case, it is bad and you need to see a doctor and get help with improving your moods.
In conclusion, mood-swings is like a circle in every woman’s life. These moods keep coming back at every phase of a woman’s life even though she finds ways to deal with it. It comes back either because of periods or with the changes in hormones. Having said, it is necessary for you to have a strong will power that comes what may you will with every bad mood swing that comes up for no good reason.
Mood swings are temporary, they would not have a long-lasting effect on your life unless you allow them to stay and you do not really need to let them stay because it is not worth it.
Do Not Let Your Moods Swing! Let Your Moods Stay Still!