14 Incredible Money Saving Tips On Makeup – Be A Miser For The Good!


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It is justified that women love makeup and most of you might be in the impossible zone to think of breaking ties with your make up. Having said, do you think all the make up you buy is worth the price? Take a while and think of it this way, what if you got a chance to look all blingy with not much to spend from your end, wouldn’t you jump with joy and fly off your ceiling? Give this a thought!

For real you can think of ways to save money on make up, something like a recycle? reuse or probably using makeup sensibly. Either of them or maybe all of them. There is no harm if you love spending on makeup but if you have knacks and tricks to be a penny pincher when it comes to buying your make up, then why not?

This article, will teach you about reasonable money saving tips on makeup. You will undoubtedly find the tips a good take away. Here you go!

Follow These Tips To Save Money On Make Up – You Will Love It!

“Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship” – Benjamin Franklin

This quote justifies it all, you might shell out money on the most expensive accessories, lipstick, mascarra etc for the moment just because it is fascinating. However, if you find tips on spending less on makeup, wouldn’t you want to try them? Here are a money saving tips on makeup, this is how you can do it

Tip No 1 – Buy What You Need

Src: indiatimes.com

For once just give it a thought, how many times does this happen that you find a lipstick or nail polish really attractive and you just want to pick it up without thinking of whether you need it or not. Right?

The attraction factor makes you pick up things that you barely need. Therefore, make a list of things that you want to have in your make up collection and just have those, do not buy anything unnecessarily.

Be a minimalist when it comes to using makeup, you do not have to go on a ‘no-makeup’ wherein you give up using makeup. You just need to focus on all that you need.

Tip No 2 – Walk Away From ‘Wastage’

Src: hearstapps.com

This often happens that you might tend to use more than you need. Do not waste makeup unnecessarily, if you use makeup in the right quantity you will not need to shell out money before time to stack up makeup.

In other words, say suppose you buy your make up once in a month, if you waste make up you would have to purchase your make up twice a year. Therefore, do not waste it. How to reuse your make up is secondary but learn the art of applying makeup in the right proportion so that you do not end up wasting it.

Tip No 3 – Left Overs Are Not Always Left Overs!

Src: thekrazycouponlady.com

The little drops of water make an ocean. Likewise, the little left over make up that clings on to the bottom of your make up bottle or lids can be scooped out and be used another time or adding hot water is the best way to not let go of the little left over.


If your eyeliner, mascarra or lip gloss has a little liquid clinging beneath the bottle, all you got to do is add warm water, close the bottle, shake it well and then use it back. This way you are using the product to the fullest by making the best use of the leftovers as well.

Tip No 4 – Why Buy Always? Why Not Make Make-Up At Home?

Interestingly you can make certain products of makeup at home instead of buying them. Definitely you are going to spend money on buying the ingredients to make the make up product, still, you would be spending lesser than the product.

There are certain makeup products you can make at homes such as lip balms, lip gloss and primers. Save money by making these products at home. You would be proud of yourself for learning to make a makeup product and at the same time, you would be using a homemade chemical – free product.

Tip No 5 – Follow The “Double-R” Rule! Recycle And Re-Use!

Src: bustle.com

Yes, you always have the bandwidth and access to recycle and re-use either makeup, its tools and the makeup packaging in order to save money.

You have an opportunity to return back makeup bottles and boxes to Mac and to the exchange they usually provide a make up product for free. This way you earn a new product at the same time you are not letting the packaging go a waste.

Apart from this, there are several ways of making use of makeup that is not in use. Look at some of the ideas of using makeup that you think is no more of any use to you. Do the best out of waste.

Take a look at this video :

Tip No 6 – Assemble Free Sample Make Up

This is one of the coolest, smartest and a reasonable way of stacking up your make up. Whenever you stroll around stores in malls, you could go to different makeup stores and ask them to give you a sample of their product.

Collect at least three samples in a month and that’s how you save money. You would not need to spend on the products for the month.

If you are wondering on how to do that then you simply have to tell them that you like doing all your trials before you freeze on your decision to buy makeup. It is as simple as that!

Tip No 7 – Give It A Second Thought Before You Purchase Makeup

Src: businessinsider.in

Whenever you go to a store to buy makeup always give it a second thought whether or not to buy the product. Chances are you might end up regretting your choice.

Therefore, always take your time and do a proper test of the make up you want to buy. See how the makeup looks in bright light and dim light and then accordingly make your decision.

Reason being, you have a 50-50 chance of getting the makeup exchanged or a refund on the product because some stores do not have a return policy whereas some stores would have it too.

As per the rule, you would get a refund only if the product is damaged when you purchased it. You cannot get fortunate that the product will turn out to be damaged. Thus, do a test and think twice before you are buying makeup.

Tip No 8 – Be The Makeup Seller!

Src: moneydoneright.com

If you are stuck and cannot get a refund for your make up then you have an alternate to selling your make up online. It is amazing that social media and the internet today gives us opportunities to do little things and make an earning out of it.

If at all the company does not take a refund, simply go on sites such as eBay, depop, use the #insta, #muab to sell your make up products.

While you sell your make up there just bear in mind that you maintain transparency in describing the product. Say suppose, you used a little makeup and then did not like it or if it is brand new and you never opened it, these sort of details. Click good pictures of the products so that it is visible to the buyer.

Tip No 9 – Try Substitutes On Expensive Make Up Products

There is no such rule that you always have to use expensive makeup products and tools. Substitutes are always existing!

There are two instances, For instance, instead of spending a lumpsum on make-up brushes why not use paint brushes, they look similar and the work just like makeup brushes. If you want to use a makeup remover instead of buying a specific makeup remover product why don’t you just opt for baby oil, it will help remove all the makeup.

Tip No 10 – Be Picky About The Place You Shop

Src: yelpcdn.com

There is a difference in the prices at every store, some stores sell the same products for a higher price. If you want to save money on buying makeup then why not go for the same product in a store where it costs lesser, this way you will be saving money on not just make-up products but you are saving money on toiletries as well.

Tip No 11 – Enjoy

Src: shopify.com

Stores keep having offers and discount sale every now and then. One of the best ideas to make use of offers is to buy your make up in bulk during that time frame.

This way you are going to save a lot and you are not going to go short of makeup. You will just have to be alert about when doing the offers take place. There are certain companies that have bonus offers during festive seasons.

Not just this, you can follow beauty bloggers who keep posting content on makeup and get aware of the discount offers. Stay all alert at that time and see what best you can do to buy make up for the most reasonable price.

Tip No 12 – Broken Make Up Is Not The End Of The Story

If you ever see a crack in your compact powder or eye shadow, you do not have to throw away that makeup, all you have to do is fix it with rubbing alcohol, water, astringent on your powder products. You can try re-molding your lipstick by melting, freezing and using it another time.

Tip No 13 – Consider Being A Make-Up Tester

Src: pahomepage.com

There are several websites out there who need testers for their products, why don’t you be one by enrolling for a website? When you do so, you would be sent products at your doorstep and you can try them as well as stack them up in your make up collection.

Some of the websites you can look into are Toluna, User-testing and Pinecone. Take a look at these websites and see how you can be a makeup tester to collect products for yourself.

Tip No 14 – Heard Of Debenhams?

Src: mycreativeshop.com

Basically, if you are into applying to make up all the time then you should go for a beauty royalty card because you would win reward points and make the most of the offers you would get.

Take a look at this website to know more about beauty royalty cards. You will be saving loads out of this.

Every tip is a take away for you in understanding how well you can save money when it comes to buying and maintaining all your make-up stuff. It is okay to think like a miser to save every penny. Start following these tips and do great makeup with less money.

Be the miser girly girl and stay happy with your make up!