Makeup essentials a woman should carry everyday


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Makeup essentials

Makeup makes the bare essentials for prim and suave look. “Makeup essentials a woman should carry everyday” is a compilation to help woman equip and arm herself with her most prized possessions. The integral part in todays Makeup essentials is to keep it simple and sweet. Woman are increasingly becoming aware of the harm chemical based products can cause to their skin. Therefore the health and fitness being intact, we have enlisted the bare essential tools of trade to accent the aura and glamor of a woman.

Spring clean your makeup bag and make it trendy and prim to make the summer as stylish as you can. Have a small handy makeup essential bag for your daily use. Something you can carry around while on your routine spree. Being a woman calls for a little more responsibility at home, at work and everywhere. Thus the time at hand to glam up and polish yourself is minimal.

Makeup Essentials a Woman Should Keep in Her Vanity

Makeup essentials a woman should keep in her vanity to pamper and look elegant every single time:

1A Primer

A makeup primer is a smooth and neutral base for any foundation to hold up well. Many times we skip primer and go ahead, but primers enriches the makeup and adds radiance to the skin for long. Primer makes the entire makeup hold strong and glamorous for the entire day. Primer also helps in concealing the lines and wrinkles on our face. Primer goes well with every cosmetic. Primer creates a more flawless skin for the makeup to hold up perfectly. Use a moisturizing primer.

[Also Read: Makeup tips for beginners]


For a flawless complexion and a more shiny skin, use liquid based nude foundation. It must accent the skin tone perfectly and apply it around ears neck and forehead as well. Be cautious of your skin type, there are ample choices from oily skin to acne prone skin and dry skin. For women who touch their face all the time, use a more waterproof foundation.

3Under Eye Concealer

Special care for the dark circles and lines around our eyes. As they plague the skin radiance. They also are prominent signs of aging and end up making the makeup charm lost. Use a shade or two lighter than your skin tone, also use a concealer stick of pencils for smooth and symmetric application.

4Eye Liner

Eye Liner frame and shape our eyes. Applying specific eye liner for upper and lower eyelids will help in enhancing eyes and also adding sparkle to the face. Use a liquid liner for over upper lid and pressed smoothened pencil for inside and lower eyes. Keep a tissue around while applying away from home.

5Eye Shadow

Small eye shadow pack with 2 to 5 colors must be kept in your Makeup essentials kit. From lighter to darker and shiny shades must be included. Eye shadow if applied properly, can add depth and dimension to our eyes. It should always be chosen so as to complement the eyes and enrich the overall makeup

[Also Read: How to make eyes look bigger]

6Colored Lip Balm

Lip balm is a makeup essential as well as skincare ingredient. For preventing wear and tear apply lip balm as a base before applying lipstick or gloss. More and more herbal and organic lip balms with colors almost glowing like a gloss make it a healthy substitute for lipstick. Keep a cherry, plum or rhubarb shade that gels awesome with any outfit.

7Cotton pad

To wipe the excess off the face, keep cotton pads intact. Also use them with water or toner to remove dirt from the face.

8Tweezers and filer

For the extra strands around brows and chin, tweezers always handy, can make your face flawless and free from extra growth. Filers to shape your nails as and when they chip. Proper and timely filing of nails will prevent bruises and cuts due to broken nails.

9Sunscreen and moisturizer

Use a SPF 30 or above for face during summers. Also try to apply before heading out, to prevent harmful ultraviolet rays on the skin. Moisturizer for after you clean your face or wash your face. Our skin gets dried up and loses its moisture so it’s essential to replenish it with natural moisturizers every few hours. This will improve skin health and make it radiant and rich for long.

10Facial Wipes

Carry natural and herbal facial wipes to prevent bacteria and grime on the face. These lightweight wet wipes are so versatile that they have extreme importance prior to makeup application and later for makeup removal and cleansing the face.

Makeup essentials

The above compilation on ‘Makeup essentials a woman should carry everyday’ is based on the readings and experiences with cosmetics and their effective usage. A simple trick to keep your aura up and about every single time, “eat healthy, sleep healthier and shine healthiest” Every women deserves to keep up her glamour, be it a stay at home mom, a working woman or a women in higher ages. Make your face a canvas reflecting your beautiful inner self, and paint it rainbow to sparkle and enchant every single time.

Do consult your dermatologist for specific skin related issues. We love your feedbacks so keep writing to us. Enjoy your beauty because you are worth every bit of it.

Minu Manisha