10 Brilliant Make-up Tips For Deep Set Eyes – Do It Gracefully!


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Make Up tips for deep set eyes
ImageSource: youtube.com

Whether you go to a party or you go to work, anyone who comes in contact with you talks to you will look into your eyes. It is evident that you want your eyes to look nice and not odd, isn’t it?

Each of us are made so different that nor the point of perfection nor do our flaws match the other. Nevertheless, our physical structure could be similar although we may not be 100% similar.

Talking of eyes, few of us may have hooded eyes while few of us may have deep set eyes. It is quintessential that you have basic knowledge about how to groom yourself given the way you are made.

In this article, you will learn how to do an eye make up for deep set eyes. You will be enlightened with the right procedure and get great tips to make your eyes look lovely.

What Are Deep Set Eyes?

What Are Deep Set Eyes
ImageSource: minkilashes.org

To do an eye make up for deep set eyes, it is essential to know what exactly it is. You never know you may discover that you are someone who has deep set eyes. Deep set eyes are also known as high lifted eyes. Big and wide eyes that are sunk into the eye area and wherein the brow bone is slightly protruding are deep set eyes.

Take a look at this video to get a better idea about deep set eyes

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS-TIFuo_r4[/embedyt]

Makeup Tips For Deep Set Eyes

Here are some quick tips to do great makeup on deep set eyes

  • Tip No 1 – Always clean your eyes before you start doing any makeup.
  • Tip No 2 – Make the right choice of eye shadow colors for your eyes.
  • Tip No 3 – Identify what you must leave simple and what you must highlight on your deep set eyes while doing makeup.
  • Tip No 4 – Know the right technique of applying the eyeliner.
  • Tip No 5 – It is a must to use a concealer on deep-set eyes, that is a basic step as you being an eye make up. Reason being, deep-set eyes are darker at the inner and outer lids and it is essential to cover that darkness
  • Tip No 6 – Apply a highlighter on the lower lids of your eyes and then blend it well with the existing concealer, this will help in making your deep set eyes not look really deep.
  • Tip No 7 – Do an eye make up in such a way that you bring the brow bone back so that it does not make your deep set eyes look obvious.
  • Tip No 8 – Blend in the eye shadow appropriately around the eyelids on the upper eyelid in the right proportions. Brush it through well in all directions, up and down, left and right.
  • Tip No 9 – Always try and do your eye make up in such a way that the edge of your eyes are stroked well upwards, repeat the same thing downwards as well. It makes the eyes look lovely.
  • Tip No 10 – Always stretch your eyebrows and do the eye make up so that the eye make up is evenly brushed across your eyes.

Makeup Tutorial For Deep Set Eyes

Make Up Tutorial For Deep Set Eyes
ImageSource: www.temptalia.com

Having understood the basic eye make up tips for deep set eyes. Here are steps to go deep and try out an eye make up for deep set eyes. The intention is to balance out the set of your eyes.

Part 1 – Clean Your Eyes

Clean Your Eyes
ImageSource: azureedge.net

Before you begin to do eye makeup, the first thing you have to do is to clean your eyes so that you have a clean base to continue with the rest of the eye makeup.

You can clean your eyes with wet wipes or use rose water and cotton to clean your eyes.

Part 2 – Give your eyes a good base with a concealer

Give your eyes a good base with a concealer
ImageSource: www.tinytouchups.com

Concealing your eyes is the next step as it is important to conceal all the dark circles around your eye and give your eyes a brighter base so that the rest of your eye make up can be carried out well.

You require :

  • A great concealer for your eyes
  • A concealer brush

Follow these steps :

  • Step 1: Take a few drops of concealer and apply it in bits all around your eyes, around your lower eyelids as well as upper eyelids.
  • Step 2: Spread the concealer evenly with a brush or your fingers all around your eyes.

Once you have applied the concealer around your deep set eyes, it will help in not just hiding away the dark circles. It will also help in covering the lines under and above your eyes. This step gives your eyes a smooth finish before beginning.

Part 3 – Do the basic highlight to your eyes

Do the basic highlight to your eyes
ImageSource: shopify.com

Once you are done with concealing your eyes, you must opt to use a neutral colored eye compact to make your eyes look bright.

You require :

  • An eye compact, it should be a neutral shade(light cream or the lightest pink)
  • An eye shadow brush

Follow these steps :

  • Step 1: Stroke the eye shadow brush into the eye compact
  • Step 2: Apply this neutral shaded eye compact from the inner lid of your eyes to the edges of your eyes

It is important that this neutral shade is applied so that the base of your eye make up is too perfect for any flaw around the eyes.

Part 4 – Do the Creasing On Your Eyes

Do the Creasing On Your Eyes
ImageSource: www.lily-like.com

Applying the eye shadow on the crease of your eyes is like a bifurcation between your brow line and the upper eyelid. This creasing is to create a fine line.

You require :

  • An eye shadow brush
  • A light colored eye shadow

Follow these steps :

  • Step 1: Take a light brown or a light pink colored eye shadow and stroke the eye shadow brush left and right on the eye shadow.
  • Step 2: Start to gently stroke the eye shadow brush on the crease of your eyes beginning from the inner eyelid.

Creasing your eyes is like drawing an outline on your eyes.

Part 5 – Add color to your eyes

Add color to your eyes
ImageSource: www.yourtango.com

Now its time to add color to your eyes with a nice eye shadow. Try and use a light color instead of going for a dark one.

You require :

  • Blending brush
  • Eye shadow palette

Follow these steps :

  • Step 1: Take the blending brush and mix it well into the eye shadow
  • Step 2: Start stroking the brush slightly below and above the crease of your eyes, do not extend stroking the brush on the brow bone for now.
  • Step 3: Stroke the brush of eye shadow even below your lower waterline.

Perfectly shimmering your eyes is important because this step is an integral part of an eye make up when it comes to giving your eyes a color effect.

Part 6 – Outline Your Eyes

Outline Your Eyes
ImageSource: shubhpuja.com

Outlining your eyes means applying the kohl pencil and eyeliner on your eyes.

You require :

  • Kohl Pencil
  • Eye Liner

Steps to follow :

  • Step 1: Apply a thin line of the kohl pencil on your lower waterline.

Note: Do not apply a thick line of a kohl pencil, let the line be thin and slightly darkened at the edges.

  • Step 2: Draw a thin line of eyeliner on your the upper water line

Note: Ensure that the upper water line is no a thick line, make it thin and you can have thin wings at the edges if you wish to.

Highlighting your eyes will make them look bold and bright.

Part 7 – Give Attention To The Brow Bone

Give your eyes a good base with a concealer
ImageSource: gstatic.com

You should highlight your brow bone with a light glittery shade, just to make your eye make up shine well.

You require :

  • A thick highlight brush
  • A glittery eye shadow shade

Steps to follow :

  • Step 1: Stroke the brush into a shimmer colored eye shadow.
  • Step 2: Gently stroke it exactly on the brow bone to make the features of your eyes shine well.

Brow bones of women who have deep set eyes look awesome when they are highlighted.

Part 8 – Do Not Ignore The Eye Lashes

Do Not Ignore The Eye Lashes
ImageSource: www.lorealparisusa.com

Highlighting your eyelashes is an art and they make everything on the eyes look better. It adds on to the existing beauty in your eyes.

You require :

  • Mascara

Steps to follow :

  • Step 1: Evenly dip the mascara into the liquid.
  • Step 2: Look up and start to roll the mascara upwards on your inner eyelashes

Note: Neatly roll the mascara upwards, do not let the thick liquid stick to your eyelashes

Mascara makes your eyes look bold and charming.

In conclusion, how and what you do with your make up is all based on your style. However, when you go by following rules of how to do an eye make up on deep-set eyes you can adopt to these makeup tips and a stepwise procedure on how to go about this brush of perfection with your eyes.

To break it down, you have to clean up your eyes, create a base, use subtle shades on your eyelids and do all the adorning to your eyes with eyeliner, kohl pencil and mascara.

All the ladies with deep set eyes, you are going to admire your pretty eyes post make up. It is okay if you do not do it great, but remember to do it right.