13 Useful Tips On How To Make Nails Shiny At Home – Say No To Nail Polish!


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Make Nails Shiny
ImageSource: esteticagulegule.i

Big girls love long and shiny nails! This is what we all thought as little girls. Not sure of big nails, but all women love shiny nails and who would not want to have shiny nails naturally. Has it ever happened that you ended up envying someone for their shiny nails?

At some point, most of the women envy women with shiny and strong nails and want to have them too. Shiny nails look neat and healthy on the fingers and everyone can have shiny nails if they know the tricks, tactics and ideas on how to make nails shiny.

You need not envy anyone anymore! This article brings to your information on how to make your nails shine at home through natural means. Try them all and share these tips with the others as well if the methods turn out effective for you.

Ways to Make Nails Shine At Home – Make The Effort!

Ways To Make Nails Shine At Home - Make The Effort
ImageSource: youtube.com

Why ignore the nails when other parts of the body are taken care of. When nails are shining and colored they bring in real attraction to the fingers. One should keep their nails healthy, shining and clean to keep the charm on the fingers alive.

The shine in your nails will automatically come if you take care of the health of your nails. It is important to keep your nails healthy for it to look, feel and stay good.

Specifically, there are three ways of making your nails shine, one is by eating the right food, second is by buffing your nails and the third is by trying useful home remedies. Each of these methods gives nutrients to your nails to make them shine.

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Food to Eat To Make Your Nails Shine

Food To Eat To Make Your Nails S
ImageSource: www.girlscosmo.com

Similar to how your hair, skin and body need the right food in order to function well. Same goes with nails, your nails need nutrition too and bear in mind the following nutrient that they need to make the nails shine naturally.

1. Nuts Do Miracles!

Nuts do miracles
ImageSource: consumerreports.org

The main aim here is to make the brittle nails healthy and get the nails rid of inflammation and ridges. Almonds, peanuts, cashew, quinoa and black beans are healthy nuts that contain magnesium and protein, because of the magnesium content nails get shiny and healthy faster. Besides this, almonds contain omega fatty acids too which transforms unhealthy nails to healthy one’s.

Magnesium is powerful because it is rich in minerals and minerals promotes nail health and nail growth.

2. Foods Rich in Biotin

Foods rich in biotin
ImageSource: cookinginstilettos.com

Biotin foods are essential for the nails because they change the story of weak breakable nails to make them strong unbreakable one’s and not just strengthen them but it also helps them grow well. As per a study conducted on how biotin is effective for the nails, the conclusion of the study was that a person should get 2.5mg biotin in their body for great nails. Add to your diet these biotin-rich foods such as

  • Dairy products
  • Avocado
  • Sweet potato
  • Salmon
  • Sweet potato
  • Cauliflower

3. Wonders Vitamin-B does!

Wonders Vitamin-B does
ImageSource: youtube.com

Predominantly Vitamin-B12 is a key nutrient that plays a great role in absorbing iron which in turn contributes in making your nails soft and shine.

New cells in your nails form easily if you have an adequate amount of Vitamin B9 in your body. If a person is Vitamin B12 deficient the color of the nails tend to turn blue. Therefore it is essential to take VitaminB12 for healthy nails.

Ensure to eat foods like green vegetables, rice, citrus fruits, meat and dairy products.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRwkLgOc4wo[/embedyt]

Besides these nutrients, it is essential to eat foods that have iron, protein, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids in them that make your nails look beautiful and strengthen them.

Best Home Remedies To Make Your Nails Shine

Each home remedy has a property that make your nails glow. Here is the good every natural home remedy does!

1. Make Your Nails Shine with Rose Water

Make your nails shine with rose water
ImageSource: shopify.com

Why Rose Water?

The characteristic of rose water are as follows :

  • Antibacterial
  • Antiseptic
  • Antioxidant

Since it is having these 3 powerful properties and applied on nails it makes the nails naturally pink.

How to Apply it :

  1. Take 2 tsp of rose water in a bowl.
  2. Dip your nails into this rose water and clean them well.
  3. Repeat this procedure 3 times in a week.

2. Shiny Nails with Olive Oil

Shiny nails with olive oil
ImageSource: www.indiamart.com

Why olive oil?

Our nails get brittle and the cuticles tend to get dry and lose moisture. When we apply olive oil to our nails it gets absorbed into the skin and nails and makes them soft and shiny. Once nails get soft and shiny, nail health is retained.

How to apply it :

  1. Take 1/2 a cup of warm water and apply 4 drops of olive oil.
  2. Dip your nails into this bowl and use your fingers to scrub on your nails.
  3. Clean your nails with olive oil for about 5 minutes.
  4. Repeat this procedure every day for boosted and good nails.

3. Massage Petroleum Jelly on Your Nails

Massage petroleum jelly on your nails
ImageSource: medicalnewstoday.com

Why Petroleum Jelly?

Petroleum jelly is a moisturizing agent and it helps in retaining the strength and moisture in your nails.

How to Apply It :

  1. Take a portion of petroleum jelly and apply it on the tips of all your nails.
  2. Now massage the tip of your nails well and let the petroleum jelly get soaked into your nails.
  3. Massage every nails for a few seconds.
  4. You can repeat this procedure after you take a shower everyday and bed time, it will brighten your nails.

4. Lock the Moisture in Your Nails with Baby Oil

Lock the moisture in your nails with baby oil
ImageSource: cloudinary.com

Why Baby Oil?

Baby oil easily removes all the dry and dead skin and moisturizes one’s skin. If nails are moisturized throughout they tend to remain pink and shine.

How to Apply Baby It :

Apply a drop of baby oil on the tip of every nail and then spread all across your nails by massaging it well for a few minutes. You can repeat this procedure bed time every day and you will see how soft your nails will get.

[Read More: Beauty Benefits of Baby Oil ]

5. Bleach Your Nails with Lemon

Bleach your nails with lemon
ImageSource: www.organicfacts.net

Why Lemon Juice?

Lemon is a universally known bleaching agent to remove of all the stains and dirt inside and outside your nails. It is obvious that a bleaching agent will make your nails lovely. It not only gives shine to your nails but increases the length of your nails and all thanks to the Vitamin-C present in it.

How to Apply It :

  1. Take a bowl and add 1 tsp of olive oil and 2 tsp of lemon juice. Mix the two.
  2. Dip your nails in this mixture and let it remain in it for a few minutes.
  3. Repeat this procedure twice a week and let your nails get cleansed, white and shiny.

6. Hydrate Your Nails with Cucumber

Hydrate your nails with cucumber
ImageSource: purch.com

Why cucumber?

Cucumber is a natural hydrating agent and it adds, strength and moisture to your nails and its cuticles. As a property of silica is present in cucumber it makes your nails strong. Silica is an effective mineral.

How to Apply it :

  1. Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on your nails.
  2. Repeat this procedure for about 5 minutes every day and watch how white and shiny your nails become in few days.

7. Heal Your Dry Nails with Butter

Heal your dry nails with butter
ImageSource: medicalnewstoday.com

Why Butter?

Butter acts as a conditioner to the nails and it softens your nails and cuticles. The fact that butter gets an instant glow to your nails is because it has properties of zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium all these nutrients naturally make the nails shine.

How to Apply It :

Apply butter to every finger tip and use a buffer to spread the butter on all your nails evenly, massage your nails and once you have done that clean your nails with warm water. Repeat this procedure before you go to bed.

8. Cleanse Your Nails with Water

Cleanse your nails with water
ImageSource: news.sanfordhealth.org

Why Water?

Water is the king of curing any problem or disease. When you look at tips on how to stay healthy, water is surely there as a remedy. There are two ways of getting shining and healthy nails by pushing away all the dullness on your nails. One is by drinking water well and the other is by soaking your nails in water.

How to follow it :

  1. Drink at least 3 liters of water every day.
  2. Soak your fingers in luke warm water for few minutes everyday.

Note: Do not keep your nails soaked in water for too long because nails absorb more water when compared to the skin and in the bargain you do not want to make your nails dry while your are trying to make it shine.

9. Pour Coconut Oil on Your Nails

Pour coconut oil on your nails
ImageSource: www.1800remedies.com

Why Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a natural antiseptic and it nurtures unhealthy infection (fungus ) from your nails. Once something unhealthy is removed from your nails it is easier for your nails to look shiny and become healthy. All in all, coconut oil is a hydra tor and well as a strengthener to keep your nails good.

How to apply it :

Take a few drops of coconut oil and massage it on every nail for a few minutes, you can repeat this procedure in the morning and at night.

10. Condition Your Nails with Yogurt

Condition your nails with yogurt
ImageSource: amazonaws.com

Yogurt constitutes proteins, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids, when these nutrients are consumed in the right proportions they will always keep up to the health of your nails. To see the shine on your nails you must eat a cup of yogurt everyday.

11. Fish Oil

Fish Oil
ImageSource: www.healthline.com

Why Fish Oil?

Fish Oil has omega – 3 fatty acids which is a contributor in making the hair and nails strong and healthy. It revitalizes brittle nails and makes them firm and shine better. Using fish oil is an option to consider during winters

How to apply it :

You can apply drops of fish oil on your nails and massage it for a few minutes. Repeat this procedure twice a day.

12. Bleach Your Nails with Baking Soda

Bleach your nails with baking soda
ImageSource: recipes2day.org

Why Baking Soda?

Baking soda removes all the dirt from your nails and makes it white.

How to apply it :

  • Take warm water in a bowl.
  • Add 2 tsp of baking soda and mix the water and baking soda well.
  • Take a brush and start to apply the baking soda on your nails.
  • Let it stay for a few minutes and then wash it off with Luke warm water.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a week.

13. Scrub Your Nails with Tooth Paste

Scrub your nails with tooth paste
ImageSource: stuff.co.nz

Tooth paste helps in removing all the spots and pigmentation from the nails and it exfoliates your nails to a great extent.

How to apply it :

  1. Take out some tooth paste and apply it on the tips of your nails.
  2. Once you have applied it scrub it well in and around your nails(you might feel a burning sensation).
  3. Leave it for 5 minutes and wash it off with luke warm water.

Buffing to Make Your Nails Shine

Watch this video on how to make your nails shine at home.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8JLdwFBUHQ[/embedyt]

Keep in mind that you do not be too harsh while buffing your nails and in turn scrap of your own nails. Do the nail buffing gently.

Other Tips for Strong and Healthy Nails

  1. Do not leave your fingernails wet, keep them dry so that there is no scope of getting affected with a bacterial or fungal infection.
  2. It is not good to chip off growing nails with your teeth, use a nail cutter instead. When you bite your nails your saliva is doing bad to the health of your nails and the germs settled on your nails tend to enter your body which can cause harm to you as well.
  3. It is necessary that you nurture your cuticles before they do any bad to your nails. Do not cut the cuticles as the empty space in your nails can push the germs to settle there.
  4. Give importance to keeping your nails hygienic.
  5. Make sure to keep your nails moisturized.
  6. Be careful while buffing your nails
  7. If you are using a nail polish choose a good remover if you want to remove the nail polish.
  8. Do not use sharp instruments to peel off the nail polish.
  9. Even if you are growing your nails, it is necessary that you trim them well.
  10. Get a manicure done once in a way to feel nice.

A synopsis on how to make your nails shine is all about keeping your nails well moisturized, not letting the cuticles dry, making sure to take in nutrients that are specifically meant to improve the history of your nails, eating the right food and keeping yourself hydrated are some of the ways of how you can make your nails shine.

Try using all the home remedies for your nails and do a nail care once a week to have clean, shining and strong nails.