Loving Someone Vs Being In Love – Get It Right!


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A deep perspective to love!

It is time for some self-brainwash if you think you have fallen for someone or you are experiencing the romantic butterflies all around you.

Slow down and don’t let that intense emotion take over your ability to think, hold your horses and sit back to analyse the ‘Love’ you feel. Tricky? It will be if you are doing a root cause analysis of feeling what you feel right now.

First things first, you need to probe questions to yourself when you have started to feel for someone, try and get your facts right, are you really in love or just because you want someone in life you are loving someone? Don’t put yourself in a spot where you realize it too late, take time and then conclude or express love for him.

For you to find depth to what you feel, you will need to scroll through this article to understand the difference between ‘loving someone’ and ‘being in love’.

Read: How to Say I love You Without Saying it

Why Is It Important To Understand Love So Deep?

It is always good to have a clear picture of what you feel before you make decisions on the basis of your feelings. Say for instance, you think you are in love and over the time you feel that what you felt earlier was just a ‘phase’. Wouldn’t this have impacted your energy and mind? Irrespective of your decision of being with the person or not.

Therefore, you should ask yourself if you are in love or you are loving someone. Knowing the deeper version of what you feel is a satisfying feeling. Thus, read through the differences between being in love and loving.

13 Differences Between Loving Someone And Being In Love


#1 – Loving Someone Is ‘Making It Happen’, Being In Love Is ‘It Just Happens’

Planning to love is loving someone and not even considering to give it a thought is being in love.

The best example you can take is that of an arranged marriage. For the most part, the two people in the marriage make it happen because they are bound to responsbilities and promises towards each other. Over time it can change, however, it begins with the thought of making it happen.

However, when you just don’t intend to fall for someone and when it clicks in the first instance or over the time it makes you feel like its just mean to be, it is being in love.

#2 – Loving Someone ‘You Are Okay With Or Without The Person’, Being In Love ‘You Want To Be With The Person’


You carry along the practical aspect to love when you are loving someone. However, when you are in love, you lost the capacity to be practical.

When you are loving someone, it is okay with you if your relationship doesn’t go a long way too because you are practical. However, when you are in love with someone, it is not okay with you if your relationship doesn’t go a long way.

#3 – Loving Someone’ Love May Fade’ Being In Love ‘Love Never Fades’


When you give it your thought and then decide to fall in love with someone, chances are that your love can fade in time, when there are differences between the two of you.

On the contrary, when you are in love, the emotions don’t fade, you might even hate that person for being his worst with you, deep down your love for that person will never fade.

Read: The 6 Most Loving Zodiac Signs and their Compatibility in Love

#4 – Loving Someone ‘ You May Or May Not Have Chemistry’, Being In Love ‘ Is All About Chemistry’


The moment you see him, you feel the vibes in your heart. The moment he touches you, you feel an adrenaline rush and you get into a state of mind where you cannot take your eyes off him.

When you are loving someone, you will still be with that person, you will feel great, but, you may or may not experience the adrenaline rush when you look into his eyes or when he touches you.

Read: Sure Signs of Falling Out of Love

#5 – Loving Someone ‘Connection With The Mind And Body’, Being In love ‘Connection With The Mind, Body And Soul’


When you love someone, you are connected with them mentally, you want to spend time with that person, you feel safe and comfortable in their company and you want to make love with that person.

When you are in love with someone, you tend to connect a step more than mental and physical connection, you feel like the person is connected to your soul and you will feel like you are bonded with that person for ages. It would give you special goosebumbs all through your body.

#6 – Loving Someone’High Expectations’ Being In love ‘Low Expectations’


Expectations are a part of us, it all the more comes into the picture when two people are in love.

When you love someone you will always want them to be around you, you get disappointed when they don’t give into waht you want and it becomes more of a ‘my thing’.

When you are in love with someone, you take everything that comes your way with a smile and you are happy with what your partner wants, you have low expectations and you tend to be the most understanding partner.

#7 – Loving Someone ‘Involves Thinking’ Being In Love ‘Involves No Thinking’


Love is blind and knows no right or wrong. Heard of this? This is exactly what it is to be in love, you are just drawn by the person without thinking if it is the ideal person, whether the two of you are compatible and if you should be with the person.

When you love someone, you give your relationship enough time, you think before deciding to commit and you avoid making decisions abruptly.

#8 – Loving Someone ‘Is Sensible Love’ , Being In Love Is ‘Innocent Love’


When you love someone, you respect that person, the person’s priorities become yours and you see yourself get more sensible in time.

When you are in love, you are innocent and end up being least bothered about anything else. All you know is your passion and love for that person.

Read: Relationship Goals That Show Immense Love And Trust

#9 – Loving Someone’You Think Of The Two Of You’, Being In Love “You Only Think Of The Opposite Person’


When you love someone, it is a two way street, you think about spending time with that person, you want to fulfill your wishes with the same person and you want everything shared and equal between the two of you.

When you are in love, you are so deep and crazy that you never consider waht you want and how should the two of you make efforts, all you think of is to just give into the relationship or do anything for the person you love.

#10 – Loving Someone’ Makes You Confident’, Being In Love ‘Makes You Conscious’


When you love someone, you feel great about the fact that they are in your life and you tend to be your true-self. You are never worried about being on point with regards to your looks or the way you talk and behave. End of the day you know that the person will love you just the way you are.

When you are in love, it is a different story, you are the most conscious and you want to be your best even if it means stepping away from your true-self and being slightly fake. You live to impress the person and in a way you aren’t as comfortable you would be with someone you love.

#11 – Loving Someone’You Don’t Give In Much’, Being In Love ‘You Give In Too Much’


It would be great if we could be the same people when we are in love and when we love someone. Although, that’s not how it works in reality.

When we love someone, we have an unbreakable understanding with the person that it doesn’t require much out of us. It is a great friendship.

On the other hand, when you are in love with someone, you will give in too much and there is no guarantee that the two of you have a great friendship. Chances are that you will end up giving in too much and you can lose yourself as well.

#12 – Loving Someone’ You Won’t Be Heartbroken’, Being In love ‘Your Heart Can Break’


When you love someone, as you are practical, responsible, your true-self and a happy person, you are neutral and strong in the relationship. When you are at this stage, you are never scared of getting heartbroken.

Contrarily, when you are in love, it is painful because you would always have a fear of being rejected or put off by the person you love. Remember, you are way too emotional when it comes to the person you are in love with and chances are that you end up being hurt the most by them.

#13 – Loving Someone – ‘You Go A Long Way’, Being In Love ‘ You Might Not Go A Long Way’


When love just happens, you know nothing but your infatuation for that person, you don’t know the person personally, you are not sure if you can blend in. Chances are that you may realize later that he is not the one you can live with although you love the person.

On the other hand, when you love someone you are more sure of the compatibility and idea of fitting in together. In this situation, the two of you get mixed well like water and you go a long way together.


Love is a beautiful emotion, whether you love someone or you are in love. Ensure to make your life a happy place to be in. Both kind of love will have an x-factor and a missing-factor, it is you who has to choose who can you go a long way with.

For the most part, if you look at this circle of love with a slight difference, you will be happier with someone you love instead of the one you are in love with.

Make the right choice and live with the love in your life!