Ultimate Lighting For Makeup Application – Get Decked Up Well!


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Lighting For Makeup
ImageSource: www.zomei.com

The little things make most of the difference. Talking of this, women who are accustomed to applying make up and are fond of grooming themselves are happy in that glamour world. Every woman who gets dressed up strives for perfection. Makeup is a woman’s ally in terms of co-operating with making her look spot on with her grace.

Give it a thought, is it all to know how to apply your make up? Or is there more to the nitty-gritty of makeup? To have your make up to the par, an external factor I.e, the right lighting for makeup application comes into the scene and it is inexorable. It is quintessential to focus on using the right lighting because there could be a day and night variation in your face under different lighting.

You might be quizzical about why is lighting for make up an essential, know about it in this article. Get a thorough idea as to how the right lighting could make a world of a difference on your face. Besides this, when you have the apt lighting you can get quick at doing your job.

Effects Of Lighting On Make Up Application

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There are different kind of lights used based on the purpose of the make up application. Get to know the different kind of lights and their effects on your face.

What influences lighting on makeup

  • You need good mirrors
  • You need good bulbs
  • You need the right angle

List of good lighted mirrors

  • Jerdon Tri-Fold Two sided LED mirror
  • Richen Deweisn Trifold mirror
  • Kedsum 10x magnifying LED Lighted to make up a mirror

1. The Effects of Yellow Lights

The yellow lights are also known as artificial lights and these are pre-dominantly useful for professionals whose profession is to face the camera, these lights primarily focus on three aspects.

  • Makes an existing shade look more subtle

(For instance: would make a dark orange shade sober down to a peach shade)

  • All red shaded makeup look bolder

(For instance, blood red may look like cherry red)

  • All the gold shades seem subtle

2. The Effects of White Lighting

White lighting is like a mirror to all your make up application. The nature of this white light is to reveal the best and the worst effects of the makeup on your face. This light will give you an accuracy of how your foundation looks on your face and how much less or how much more foundation you would need on your face.

An Inference to Lighting :

Get aware of what is the conclusion to lighting for makeup and be sensible to be able to determine, what, when and how on all that you need to know while applying to make up

  • If you want your make up to show its true shade without the influence of artificial lights, you must go for natural lights

Therefore, if you want the true shades of your make up to be visible and a mistake-free make up application then you can use natural lights. Use artificial lights when it is a day time occasion.

The Ideal Lighting For Make Up Application

The Ideal Lighting

You have invested so many dollars in looking apt in your makeup and you cannot afford to just let it go in vain, by any means ignoring lighting should not go off your mind and here are some tips that will help you make a decision that is awesome lighting for makeup application.

Right lighting for makeup certainly would remind you about physics, it is all about analyzing the world of reflection and color effects.

While applying make up the temperature also matters, because if it is warm and you begin to sweat then it can spoil the foundation on your face by making your skin oily.

If the temperature is cold, your products could even freeze out and they would not be able to blend in well with your skin. The right temperature to apply this makeup is about 75 degrees, it is the accurate room temperature.

The best of all the lights is applying your make up in the natural light by standing somewhere close to your window in a way that sun rays are falling on your face.

If you haven’t found the right place close to the sunlight to apply your make up go for the daylight bulbs, which is approximately around 75-100 watts.

Focusing on the right angle is a key factor when you go to apply to makeup. The lighting could be either above your head or below your chin that gives that clarity on your face.

Vanity Lighting :

If you want to go for a lavish option then you can opt for vanity lighting. The manner in which the bulbs are set up and the lights are put across is what makes the vanity lighting perfect. You would have to fix your bulbs all around the mirror and they are arranged one beside the other.

Ensure to take a bulb that has a CRI (Color rendering index ) of 90 or greater and a Calvin temperature of 5500 as this gives you the proper daylight set up. It is totally your choice to use these bulbs or florescent bulbs. These bulbs make your application seem 100 times better, as they emit real light on your face. One of the best bulbs to go for is bluemax bulbs for vanity lighting. What’s interesting is that vanity lighting is awesome for your wardrobe clothing as well.

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After Effects Of Using The Right Lighting

1. Everything falls in place when you nail it right

When you do your make up under a light that is more or less like the natural light like that of sunlight, you would look on-point and you would not be able to catch on any flaw in your face and that’s when you nail it in having the perfect makeup done

2. Nothing is strenuous

When you do your make up in a hurry or under a dim light because you have to hurry up or the patience in you is at its lowest, you are ought to mess it up and look bizzare. Contrarily, if you just take those few seconds to stand under the right lighting then you would not feel the strain of not being able to see how you have done your make up. Despite of being in a hurry you won’t be straining your eyes too much.

3. You are Content End of the Day

When you haven’t strained your eyes, when you exactly know the kind of makeup you did, when you are aware of what is it that did not go right and you get all the benefit of correcting it. At the end of the day, you are content with the way you look.

To conclude with, makeup is at its best when the lighting is at its best. The choice of picking the type of lighting is solely yours. Be it LED, Flour scent or Natural light. Try them all and see what suits you the best.

Lighting for makeup application plays a key role!