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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersOne of the most common excuses that people like to give when faced with the need to exercise is that they don’t have the suitable equipment to get them done. Irrespective of the situation, there are a few leg exercises at home that don’t necessarily require any kind of equipment to get them done.
Leg exercises are quite effective in getting rid of the chubby thighs and the fat around the abdomen and the hip region. If you have been trying to lose them, now is the time to act on it and work those extra pounds out.
In this article, we are going to be sharing some of the most amazing ways in which one can easily shed off those extra pounds with the no equipment leg exercises.
Best Leg Workouts at Home
The wide range of leg workouts can often confuse you to the point that you won’t know which one to opt for and which one to avoid. If you are in a dilemma as well, I do have some amazing thigh workout regimes to share around with you.
1-Bodyweight Squats

The body weight squat is one of the easiest leg exercises at home. This is a freestyle lower body strengthening exercise that can easily be done without the usage of any equipment. This is responsible for impacting all the major muscles of the legs, thereby helping tone them down.
How to do?
- Stand straight with your feet around shoulder feet apart from each other
- Slightly hinge in the forward direction at your hips and perform the stature of a squat
- Make sure to bend the knees till they are parallel to the ground
- Put a bit of pressure on the heels and get back to the original position
- Repeat this 5-10 times for one complete set
- Helps build muscle strength
- Stimulates growth
- Helps strengthen the legs and tendons in the legs
2-Plié Squat Calf Raises

The Plié Squat Calf Raises is yet another amazing set of thigh workout that you can easily conduct in the comfort of your own home. The exercise is predominantly very effective in impacting not just the thighs, legs and the abdominal region of the body.
How to do?
- Stand with your feet more than just the shoulder width apart
- Keep your toes turned out and ensure to keep the palms either in front of your chest or on your hips
- Squat down till you have your thighs parallel to the ground
- While you are performing the squat, lift your heels off the ground and hold it for 2 seconds
- Once done, lower the heels back
- Repeat this entire process multiple times again
- It impacts the inner thighs and glutes
- Strengthens the core muscle strength
3-Reverse Lunges with Knee Lift

If you have been seeking good exercises to tone thighs, the reverse lunges with knee lift are the absolute best way to achieve that. This is quite amazing in toning out the thighs and the hip region. This is not always everyone’s favourite part of the workout regime but it quite effective in boosting one’s overall health to a great extent.
How to do?
- Stand upright with your shoulder-width apart from each other
- Start with your left foot and step backwards with it ensuring to make the landing on the ball of your foot
- While doing so, make two perpendiculars simultaneously with both the legs
- Push through with the right heel to come back to the standing position and while you are doing that, thrust your left foot up to your chest
- Repeat the entire process with the other leg as well
- Improves the overall strength and endurance
- Boosts flexibility of the muscles
- Keeps the muscles well conditioned to perform other tasks efficiently
4-High Knee Toe Taps

The High Knee Toe Taps is quite beneficial for getting rid of the bulky deposition of fats around the thigh region. If you are tired of witnessing them altogether, this is one of the best leg workouts for women to tone down the thighs and the hips and buttocks region.
How to do?
- Stand facing a high bench or even a chair if that is what you have
- Jump and tap the left foot on the bench or chair and alternate that with right foot
- Keep doing this consistently for 2-3 minutes
- Take a breather and repeat the whole set once again
- Tones thighs and buttock region
- Stretches out the muscle properly
5-Squat Jumps

The Squat Jumps doesn’t just impact the overall lower half of the abdomen but also does impact the overall upper abdominal region because of the second half of the exercise where you are jumping up in the air.
How to do?
- Keep your feet at least hip width apart from each other
- Hinge forward and sit back into the position of a squat making sure your knees are bent and the thighs are parallel to the ground
- Jump up into the air, aligning your entire body into a straight line, ensuring to keep the back erect all along
- Land back on the ground and form a squat and come back to the original position following that
- Repeat this for 1-2 minutes
- Tones the muscles in the thighs, hips etc
- Stretches the muscles of the body
6-Single-leg Calf Rises

The Single-leg calf rise is one of the best leg workouts if you are focusing on your glutes and the limb portion of the body. It is believed to be quite effective in toning down the balance and improving posture if that is something you are struggling with.
How to do?
- Stand straight on the ground, keeping the feet around hip-width apart
- Lift your left knee to the hip level ensuring to keep the toes pointed downwards
- Keep your hands on the hips or even behind the head, whatever helps keep you completely stable
- Ensure to keep the core strength intact and lift your right heel as far as possible, balancing your weight on the balls of the right foot
- Hold this position for three seconds and return to the normal position
- Repeat this process with the alternate limb
- Improves overall balance
- Strengthens the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
- Improves the ankle stability
7-Curstsy Lunges

The curtsy lunges is yet another amazing one of the effective leg exercises at home that you can do to tone down your butt. They are quite effective for the glutes and helps in improving the flexibility of those muscles on consistent practice of them.
How to do?
- Stand erect with your back straightened out and your chest puffed out
- Start with the right leg and stretch it out in the backwards in a diagonal direction
- Simultaneously, bend your knees to lower them into a lunge
- Put pressure on your right heel to stand back up and then return the right leg back to the original position
- Works on toning the butt and hip muscles
- Impacts the glute medius
- Strengthens the abductors and adductors
8-Pistol Squats

The Pistol squat is one of those leg workouts at home that not many people can master off the go. They are practically tough for someone to do because it does require a proper coordination and balance as well.
How to do?
- Stand erect with the feet together
- Start with your left leg and lift it a few inches, extending it out in the front. Make sure to keep the foot flexed throughout the process
- Alongside, bend the right knee, hinge forward at the hips and sit back into the position of squat. Simultaneously, extend your arms out to maintain balance and posture
- If possible, bend your knee to 90 degrees. It is quite hard to achieve that, so, if you can’t master it in the get go, try as much as possible
- Put pressure on the right heel, straighten the limb and return back to the original position
- Repeat the same with the other leg as well
- Improves coordination
- Improves balance
- Boosts leg strength
- Improves muscle flexibility
9-Inner Thigh Leg Raises

If you have been seeking good and effective no equipment leg exercises to strengthen your inner thighs, glutes and the accessory parts of the body, these leg exercises are actually a very effective option to look into.
How to do?
- Lie on one side of your body and ensure to keep the legs stacked on top of the other
- You can either rest your body on the floor or even opt to balance it with the support of the forearm
- The leg which is on the top, cross your top leg over the bottom leg bending it at the knee region
- The posture should be like that the foot should be in front of the bottom knee
- Life the bottom leg in the air towards the ceiling in a very slow and controlled movement
- Once that’s done for a few minutes or so, return back to the original position
- Repeat the same process on the other side as well
- Improves the stability of the knees and hip joints
- Strengthens the inner thigh
- Trims down the inner thighs as well
10-Foot over Toe
The foot over toe is yet another amazing exercise that is beneficial to strengthen the overall leg strength without any issue. While doing this, as easy it might look, it can end up making you cry. The stretch is quite painful for someone who is doing it for the very first time.
How to do?
- Sit with your back to a wall for support and to keep yourself upright
- Spread out your limbs in front of you and the hands by your side
- Lift your entire leg one at a time the maximum that you can. Make sure that the leg is completely straight and not bending at any point
- Do this with alternate legs for 2-3 minutes for one set
- Repeat after a minute break in between
- Stretches the thigh and calf muscles
- Tones the inner thighs
- Makes the limb muscles stronger
11-Yoga Squats

Much like any other form of squat, even the yoga squats are quite beneficial in getting rid of the unwanted fat around the thighs and the rest of the limbs. Not just that. They are also quite beneficial in boosting the overall flexibility of the thigh muscles.
How to do?
- Stand erect with your feet shoulder-width apart
- Flex your hips and come down to a squat position
- While you are squatting, form the “Namaste” with your palms and squat
- Hold that position for 2 seconds and revert to the original standing position once done
- Repeat this for a few times
- Have beneficial impacts on shaping and toning the hips and buttocks
- Impacts the glutes
- Strengthens the thigh and calf muscles
12-Pause Squat

Pause squat is anything but enjoyable, especially for the ones who are doing it for the very first time. The pause squat, just as the name suggests, is when you hold your squat position for a count of 5-10 instead of just letting it go right off the bat. This is what makes it a tough one to do and quite painful as well.
How to do?
- Sit down to the position of a normal squat
- Once there, push your knees apart and squat down even lower as much as you can
- Hold that position for the count of 5-10
- Return back to the original position
- Repeat this process all over again
- Improves leg strength
- Takes the stress off of the knee
- Boosts the sudden reflex action
13-Single-leg Glute Brides

Just as mentioned in the name of the exercise itself, the single-leg glute brides is very effective in getting rid of the high points of the legs and knees. It is an amazing exercise to tone down the unwanted thigh fat and the calf muscles.
How to do?
- Lie down over a yoga mat with the knees bend and the feet planted flat on the ground
- Start with your right leg and straighten it out so that both the thighs are parallel to each other
- Make sure that your toe is pointing towards the ceiling
- Put pressure on the heels of your feet and lift your hips up all the while ensuring to squeeze the glutes
- Pause the posture for a second or two and then lower yourself back down
- Repeat with the other leg as well
- Tones the glutes effectively
- Impacts the overall core strength
- Impacts the activities of the hip flexors, quads and obliques
14-Inverted Inner Thigh Opener
The inverted inner thigh opener is one of those leg exercises at home which makes your legs toned. It is quite beneficial in stretching the muscles and improving their flexibility.
How to do?
- Lie on your back and bring your knees up to ensure that you have your feet planted on the ground
- Make sure your thighs are in contact
- Start with the right leg and extend it up towards the ceiling
- Once that’s done, lower the right leg to the right side as much as you can ensuring that your hips and waist are still in the original position
- Bring the right leg back to the original position
- Repeat the same thing with the other leg
- Stretches the muscles around the crotch and the inner thighs
- Improves flexibility of the muscles
Finding good leg exercises at home is not rocket science. There are a number of similar workout regimes that one can engage themselves with. If you are on the lookout for easy yet effective ways to tone and stretch the muscles around the lower part of your body, the leg workouts for women are possibly the best option to look into.