25 Good Intimate Questions To Ask A Guy- Time To Test!


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Every couple in the beginning of a relationship are blindly drawn by each other, neither of them knows the other enough to decide if they can be together, its always the dating phase that takes over at the start.

It is indeed a comforting thought of taking your bond to the next level if your wavelength matches with the guy you are dating.

If not the next level, it is fair enough if you wish to get close the guy and know him just the way he is (his personality, thoughts and actions).

Any girl in a new relationship would want to do this and the only means to find out is by asking a guy intimate questions so that his answers will give you an idea as to what to do next.

Are you hesitant to ask intimate questions? Don’t be!

Even if those are the little details you want to know, just ask to get better clarity. It is basic to seek clarity. An open conversation will give you hints on how emotionally, mentally and physically can the two of you be intimate with each other (this intimacy means compatibility, emotional attachment and physical attraction).

Read this article and make a note of all the intimate questions to ask your boyfriend if you want to know if the two of you can go deeper or not.

Intimate Questions To Ask Your Guy – Shoot Them All!


Initially, getting to know each other bit by bit is an awesome experience. Fights, patching up and deeply discovering each other is as good as learning a new subject.

All through the time you spent until now and to know if you can make it together for the rest of your journey, here are a few intimate questions you should definitely ask your guy.

1. What Was Your First Impression For Me?

It’s said that first impressions are lasting. If not lasting, it forms the basis of what a person feels about you, agree?

Since he is your guy, it is obvious you will want to know what pulled him close to you. Was it your attitude or because you look attractive.

Asking this question can give you an idea as to how your boyfriend looks at people. Does he look at intelligence, beauty, attitude or does he read people too much?

2. How Did You Feel When We Went Out The First Time?

Going out with your special man for the first time is delightful. It takes you back to the way you looked at each other, what you guys had worn and the situation back then. Right?

Although you know it yourself as to how it went, it would still matter to know what are your partner’s thoughts on this. It gives immense satisfaction.

3. What Kind of a Relationship Do you Like?

We are all filled with wishes in our hearts, a few of us might want a long-lasting relationship while the rest of us might be fond of dating different people. So, you must ask him this intimate question of what kind of a relationship does he like to have.

Asking him this will give you an idea as to what are his views about commitment. If he says that he likes casual dating, you cannot judge him to be a disloyal person, he maybe likes to know different people and then make a choice.

4. What Do You wish to Do on a Date?

The way we think shows in our personality. If you want to know one aspect of your boyfriend’s personality, it is good to find out about everything he would love to do on a date.

Don’t leave any scope to understand his interests, for all you know, you might get a hint of how is he going to be for the rest of your dates together.

On the other hand, he might reveal a funny or wild side of his. Pay attention to what he answers you back to this question.

5. Have You Had a Past? Why Didn’t it Work Out With The Two of You?

Everyone has a past, whether good or bad. Denying it is of no use. Since we are made in a way to be attracted, we all fall for a person and it is not necessary that it works out with all.

That being said, if things are working out for the two of you, in the long run, it doesn’t mean you use this against your guy. It is just to keep things transparent and probably understand what your partner didn’t like or suffered with in the past.

Further Reading: Signs Your Boyfriend is a Jerk

6. What Makes You Want Me?

For women, it is always interesting to know the reason for a man to be attracted to her. In some way or the other, women are obsessed with themselves in a positive way, it sort of boosts one confidence too. So, we all want to hear good things about ourselves.

Besides, knowing exactly why he wants you will give you 80% clarity as to how committed he will be in the relationship. This is a good question to test him.

Further Reading: Tips to Have a Good Relationship With Your Boyfriend

7. Do You Think We Can Go a Long way Together?

In a relationship, we all want surety to whether our partner will stay by or not. This is one question every girl will want to ask the guy she is madly in love with.

Listen to how well he answers this question, observe his body language, notice if he is giving you firm eye contact and see if he is expressing gestures like holding your hand or touching your arm.

Although, we can never predict what would happen in a few years from now. Yet, for the time being, we all urge to know.

Further Reading: How to Be A Mature Woman in a Relationship

8. According to You What will Keep us Together?

While this isn’t an extremely important question to ask, it would still be great to know if your partner trusts your companionship or not. You will know what your partner feels about the two of you.

9. Do you Believe in Love?

Knowing it from him if he believes in love or not will give you an understanding of whether he is has a practical or emotional approach to life. If he believes in love and the way he describes it will give you an idea of how much would he care and respect the relationship.

10. What Do You Dislike About Me?

Just as you are open to listening to the qualities he loves in you, it is equally your responsibility to know what he doesn’t like about you so that you can work on them if you think it is a challenging quality that can come in the way of your beautiful relationship.

11. How Would You Like Me to Be for You?

This is a good question to test if your man is going to ask too much of you from the relationship or is he happy to accept you just the way you are.

If a man asks you to change for his selfish reasons, you shouldn’t ever think of spending the rest of your life with him. If he tells you to just be who you are and tell you to change things that could do you good personally, that’s the kind of man you should be with.

For example, if anger spoils the peace in your relationship, it makes sense to work on it. If he asks you to lose weight or go for skin therapy for better skin, it is best to keep away from that man.

12. Do You See the Two of us Together in a Marriage?

You never know if your partner is as committed to you as you are. Could be that the two of you are on the same page.

However, if he is not looking for marriage and you have already started to build castles in the air, its time for you to hold yourself and get things right. Don’t be upset if things don’t go your way! Maybe your time is yet to come by.

13. Did You Mislead your Partner? If Yes, What is The Reason?

It is rare that a person would openly admit their mistakes, especially when it is something like cheating on their partner. If he says no, then good. If he says yes, then it is something you should be worried about.

Listen to his reason for cheating and before judging him, try to understand what would have made him take that step. If you wish to, you can discuss it with him.

If you still want to let it go and move forward, you can at your risk. For all you know, he might be a loyal boyfriend or end up cheating you as well.

14. What Do You Want to Know About Me?

When you give him a chance to ask you questions, it will make him happy and important too. There are guys who don’t feel heard, don’t be that woman. Get to understand what he wants to know from you. Just as you have questions in your mind, he has them too.

15. What’s Your Worst Sin?

You will ask him this real deep question to build closeness with him. Provided you don’t get hyper and overreact to it.

Listen to what he says, keep in mind none of us are perfect and you must have committed a sin as well. Don’t pretend to be Ms.perfect and be too quick with making your judgement. The deeper you get to know him without a quick judgement, better will be the mental intimacy between the two of you.

16. What Generally Turns You On?

Initially, it is necessary to be approachable with the guy to get to the intimacy side of questioning. You will get genuine answers once the awkwardness between the two of you ceases to exist. While asking him what turns him on, you can give him examples so that you can get a precise answer to your question.

For example, you can ask him if attitude or dressing turns him on and why? This need not be an indication for you to change. But, if the guy is truly special for you, then you will know what to do next.

17. How Has Your Sex Life Been in The Past?

You don’t necessarily have to dig into details like whom did you have sex with and what were the flaws in that person.

Remember! This is about you and him. Asking him his experience will help you understand the kind of physical desires he has and whether it matches or doesn’t, you will be able to gauge your compatibility in bed.

18. How Often Do You Like Getting Intimate?

This is a casual question you can ask a guy to know how enthusiastic he is. Although desires and needs don’t have a fixed time period you will still know how often does he like getting physical.

19. Tell Me Everything You Love About Intimacy

It is good to ask your man about his interests with regards to intimacy. Is it loads of kisses or feeling each other? What does he enjoy the most?

There could be so many other things he is crazy about. You can as well share your interests after he is done answering. This open conversation will help the two of you understand each other’s expectations or otherwise likes and dislikes.

20. Do you Consider Blow Jobs Important To Feel Physically Satisfied?

Most men are on cloud 9 with a blow job. While not all women are comfortable and open to oral sex. You should know what the guy likes and let him know if you are not comfortable about oral sex. As important it is to consider fulfilling his expectations it is necessary to put across your expectations too.

21. What in My Appearance Attracts You?

For a relationship to go a long way, every aspect needs fair attention. If you think an emotional bonding is enough for it to sustain, then you haven’t got it right. Physical intimacy, emotional attachment and a matching wavelength can make things work well.

Thus, you should groom yourself well(don’t have to overdo it, just be presentable) and get to know what does he think is the most attractive in you.

22. While Making Love, What is it That You Cannot Compromise on?

Talking of physical connection, we have expectations. You should know how to prioritize your expectations and know of things that your partner needs while getting physical.

For example, if being hygienic is extremely important for you to have sex and you cannot compromise on that. Similarly, your partner will have something he cannot compromise on.

23. What are Your Ideas on Making Our Sex Life Happening?

Sex is a union of two bodies and this factor can strengthen a relationship. If you don’t want your man cheating on you or getting drifted away after a while, which can happen from your end as well. It is good to know how the two of you together can make sex life happening. Perhaps, trying every sex position and indulging in foreplay for long. Discuss it all!

24. What Actions Disappoint You The Most?

All of us have 0 tolerance for certain actions in life. You might not like someone being two-faced or you cannot stand anyone cheating. Likewise, go deep and understand what is it that disappoints him the most? See to it that you avoid doing things that can upset him.

25. How Do You Manage Stress and Disturbed Emotions?

Stress and disturbed emotions are a part and parcel of life. We can’t manage to keep our mind balanced all the time, agree?

Get to know how he manages stress and emotions. You need to keep a track of this so that you are sure of whether or not you can adjust with this man in the long run.

Once you ask intimate questions to the guy you want to get committed to, it lessens your baggage of doubts and questions. Listening to the guy and living with him are two different things. By asking questions it will not complete the puzzle of a relationship. However, it at least gives you clues of whether to get into it or not.

Don’t judge or cut the guy while he is talking. Let him finish, reflect upon everything that he answers to you. Put yourself in his shoes and see how would you react to the same situation and relook at traits you have always looked forward to seeing in your guy. Take your time and then come to a decision.