10 Inspirational Books Every Woman Must Read


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women inspirational books
ImageSource: www.jooinn.com

We all know what great outlet books are. Not just that they are also the most remarkable window to the outside world. When somebody read a book, it has the capacity to change their entire perception. A book can transform how you view the world, it can change the way you view yourself.

And inspirational books, especially by female author are more than just a writer advising you, it an author relishing their life stories and deciding it to share with you. Something so intimate, yet empowering- this is what brings women closer. To know that we are together in this struggle. To overcome the struggles of this life to achieve something we were originally meant to. To own it, like a boss girl.

This is what it means to be a woman and to do things that help other women.To watch them grow, and to be there while they do it. Here are the 11 most inspiring books that every woman must read:

1. Girl Boss

Girl Boss
ImageSource: www.levo.com

Feeling lost and purposeless at the beginning of a new chapter is pretty normal, and this what Sophia Amoruso tells us. She is defiant, rebellious and extremely enterprising. Which is what led to the creation of her clothing empire “Nasty Gals Vintage”. for every 20-something this is the ultimate guide as Sophia helps you course through these tumultuous years.

“The energy you’ll expend focusing on someone else’s life is better spent working on your own. Just be your own idol”

As a highly successful entrepreneur, Amoruso gives you pure golden advice that helps you understand that you are not alone. Her style of writing is direct, extremely real and fun. She clearly is an example about how it is not about where you went to school or your popularity. If you have a strong work ethic and keep working hard, you will succeed.

2. A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns
ImageSource: www.amazon.com

Probably one of the most inspirational books ever. This is tale of fiction base in Afghanistan that entails the story of two women Laila And Mariam and how fate challenges them at every turn. The book covers multiple generations to shine a light on the way women were treated, an dhow freedom to them was a mere word. But despite this, they has the audacity to hope, love and dream. Despite being beaten down numerous times, its the strength of this very core that the author Khaled Hosseini has tapped into, and beautiful so. The book moves you, its inspires you and is undeniably one of the best women centric works ever published.

The opening lines of the book are from a poem on Kabul, written by Saib Tabrizi:

“Every street of Kabul is enthralling to the eye Through the bazaars, caravans of Egypt pass One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roofs And the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls”

3. Bossy Pants

Bossy pants
ImageSource: www.amazon.com

We are all aware of how awesome Tina Fey actually is. She has already established herself as a great actor and a comedian. Here in this books she talks about her like whilst carefully observing the situations that molded all complemented with humorous anecdotes and accounts that will surely make you turn one page after another. She points out instances of sexism and discriminated that shaped her psyche and helped her stay resolute regarding her career moves. She talks about success and the things only women have to go through in a manner that is gentle yet hitting. It is a good read with an adequate amount of saltiness that makes it hard to keep down.

“Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.”

4. I know Why The Caged Bird Sings

I know Why The Caged Bird Sings
ImageSource: www.mandegar.info

The autobiography of Maya Angelou will move you to the point of tears. It is a book that exhibits how the strength of character and love for literature can actually help someone overcome trauma and racism. The book is piercingly effective and can jerk the reader off their high horse as they confront may’s struggles through her writings. She transforms form a scared, fragile woman suffering with an inferiority complex to a highly dignified, acclaimed writer who can stand in the face of prejudice and beat it to achieve heights of success. She explores in depth the concepts of identity, rape, racism, and literacy. She also writes in an explicit way about the way women’s lives persist in a male-dominated society. Angelou isn’t the most celebrated female writer for nothing. Her unabashed honesty and sheer brilliance is truly inspiring in every sense.

“Anything that works against you can also work for you once you understand the Principle of Reverse.”

5. Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office
ImageSource: www.tmolefe.blogspot.com

Lois P Frankel explores the psychology behind why some women are more successful that the others. She discovers how rampant misogyny and sexism at a place needs to be death with head on and not passively, that the workplace is not somewhere you decide to be nice. She thoroughly analyses and exhibits what can go wrong or right, and what has been happening. Dr Frankel brings out some unique and recurring behaviors that women generally have, and which prevent them from flourishing or attaining success in their careers. Dr Frankel’s insight-fully and a meticulously researched book will help women eliminate these habits that prove to be career blocks or obstacles in organizational growth in companies.

“There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

6. Why Not Me

Why not Me
ImageSource: www.penguinrandomhouse.com

Mindy Kaling has to be one of the most hilarious and intelligent women in the entertainment industry. Each of her essays are both funny and inspiring. She talks about her growth as an actor, writer, producer in Hollywood and what it means to course through adulthood. Each part is full of insight and highly intelligent an will have you devouring the book in no time. She emphasizes on the strength women have and how important female friendships are. It is positive, sweet and yet hard hitting. She has used her unique personality to make a point, and it is truly relevant. Every successful woman can relate to her stories and each of us can look upto her for her demeanour and attitude towards life to teach us a thing or two about life.

“People talk about confidence without ever bringing up hard work…but I don’t understand how you could have self-confidence if you don’t do the work. I have never, ever, ever, met a highly confident person and successful person who is not what a movie would call a ‘workaholic.’ Because confidence is like respect; you have to earn it.”

7. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead

Lean In
ImageSource: www.bustle.com

This though provoking and revolutionary book by Sheryl Sandberg is what women today need to read in order to grow and reap the benefits of their hard work.it is meticulous and extremely sharp, almost as poignant as a revolution and started from a TED talk Sandberg had given way back in 2010. She talks about the stigmas that are associated with women in power, and how we can effectively fight them. It imparts practical knowledge and lessons she has learnt from her own experiences and infuses confidence in women as they march off to unknown lands in pursuit of success. The book is also backed by hard data where sand berg urges women to not give up, and to have the necessary grit and determination to be able to excel and lean forward in work. The key is to embrace the challenges and fight head on.

“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.”

8. How to be a Woman

How to be a Woman
ImageSource: www.npr.org

If there is one piece of literature a woman should read in today’s world to clear her head from all the garbage and misogyny that she has been fed, it is Caitlin Moran’s British bestseller called “How to be a Woman”. It is a memoir where Caitlin recalls her earliest experience and her views on feminism, it is so cutting edge that is it impossible to not sit up and take notice. She carefully deconstructs the gender inequality discussion through extremely witty and humorous passages that provoke further conversation.this is a book that is meant to circulated among your girl friends.

“But, of course, you might be asking yourself, ‘Am I a feminist? I might not be. I don’t know! I still don’t know what it is! I’m too knackered and confused to work it out. That curtain pole really still isn’t up! I don’t have time to work out if I am a women’s libber! There seems to be a lot to it. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?’

I understand.

So here is the quick way of working out if you’re a feminist. Put your hand in your pants.

a) Do you have a vagina? and
b) Do you want to be in charge of it?

If you said ‘yes’ to both, then congratulations! You’re a feminist.”

9. The Happiness Project

The Happiness Project
ImageSource: www.microcosmpublishing.com

Gretchen Rubin knows what is truly important and through this book, she guides all of us towards real contentment. The irony of life is that even when you do get what you want, you seem tow ant something more. This is for everyone, but the feel good way in which Gretchen explores the simple pleasures of life instead of getting caught in the rat race of this tumultuous world, it is truly astounding. She helps you find a way, amidst the chaos, she motivates you to succeed in life, whilst convincing you to be the happiest you can be. It is not about turning blind eye to life’s tricky situations, but persevering through it without being victimized. The highly optimistic note of this book makes it a must read for all 20 something girls trying to find their way through life.

“When I find myself focusing overmuch on the anticipated future happiness of arriving at a certain goal, I remind myself to ‘Enjoy now’. If I can enjoy the present, I don’t need to count on the happiness that is (or isn’t) waiting for me in the future.”

10. You are a Badass

You are a Badass
ImageSource: www.chasinthecoast.files.wordpress.com

Bestselling author and world-traveling success coach Jen Sincere through this book gives the truly valuable advice of how to course through life without getting busted. There re hilarious stories and sage advice that helps us in actualizing our goals and living the best life possible so that we do not crumble under the weight of life’s troubles. It is poignant sharp and well articulated in small chapters to have a better impact. The novel helps you in Identifying and changing the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that are letting one down and preventing them from living their best life. This novel is aimed to make you realize the value of your goals and ambitions and how you can achieve them, it is an extremely helpful guide that will help you understand the importance of perseverance and determination.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

For every woman aspiring
ImageSource: www.flashbak.com

For every woman aspiring to live her best life it is pivotal that she understands the importance of having a sound mind that has a positive outlook and the grit to face life without being bogged down and this is only possible if she can strengthen her mind and keep moving forward against all odds. And there is no better way of doing so other than books and women who have succeeded themselves. So read these inspiring books and let yourself become the woman of your dreams.