10 Fun Inner Thigh Exercises at Home To Strengthen and Tone Your Legs


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To have toned and pretty legs it is important to work on shedding the fats formed in the inner thighs as equally as you work on toning the outer thighs. The purpose of working out on your thighs is to give it a good shape internally and externally.

Are you yearning to have toned and well-formed thighs? No doubt you must be keen on having them to look on point in mini skirts and shorts, isn’t it? Well – who doesn’t dream of having shaped thighs? All you need is some fun and intense movement on your thighs just by staying home.

Read this article to learn about all the fat burning thigh exercises and their benefits to feel confident and great about your thighs.

10 Best Inner Thigh Exercises At Home

Try these workouts at home to get rid of fat in the inner thigh. Besides, learn their benefits and when to avoid practising these exercises. Take a look!

Exercise No 1 – Ballet Raise – Extend Your Legs Up!



  • It aids weight loss
  • Sheds the fat in your inner thighs
  • A strengthening workout
  • It is one form of an energizing cardio workout
  • It helps in making your body flexible


  • Step 1: Stand straight and join your feet together
  • Step 2: Slowly lift both your hands and right leg to your sides. Ensure to keep your shoulders and back straight
  • Step 3: Gently bring your right leg down and cross it behind your left leg and slightly bending your left leg’s knee.
  • Step 4: Repeat the same procedure for your left leg as well.

How often to do this exercise

  • You can practice this exercise three times a week and repeat it 5 times on either legs.


  • Avoid doing this exercise if you have a leg injury.
  • Stretch to your capacity, avoid straining yourself.

Exercise No 2 – Jumping Jacks – Expand Your Thighs



  • It strengthens the legs
  • It makes your shoulders firm
  • It is a good form of cardio workout


  • This is a good exercise to lose fat in the inner thigh

Step 1: Stand straight with your feet together and hands close to your body.
Step 2: Lift your hands up, stretch your legs and slightly jump above the ground.

How Often to Do This Exercise

  • You can jump at least ten to twenty-five times and practice this exercise four times a week.


  • While jumping spread your leg only as much as you can. Avoid straining your legs too much.

Also Read: 15 Leg Exercises For Women

Exercise No 3 – Thrust And Squeeze Your Inner Thighs



  • It is good for your lower back and leg muscles
  • It strengthens your ankles, knees and pelvis area
  • It adds shape and strength to your glutes


  • Step 1: Roll a mat on the floor and lie down straight on your back.
  • Step 2: Slightly move your legs apart, fold your knees and place your palms on the ground.
  • Step 3: Gently push your lower body up and form a bridge.
  • Step 4: Stay in this posture for about a minute and slowly bring your body down when you want to relax.

How often to do this exercise

  • You can do this exercise three times a week.


  • Avoid doing this exercise if you have a neck injury.
  • Don’t apply pressure on your neck while lifting your body up. You must try and balance your weight on your shoulders.

Exercise No 4 – Clam For Your Inner Thighs



  • It strengthens your lower back
  • Burns fats in your inner thighs
  • Improves the flexibility in your legs
  • Stabilizes your pelvic region
  • Strengthens the glutes


  • Step 1: Roll a mat on the floor, lie down on your back, turn to the right, place your right hand on the floor in a way that the part of your hand from your elbows to your arm is touching the ground.
  • Step 2: Let your right leg rest on the left leg and let your right hand rest on your waist. Tie a resistance band so that you can stretch your thigh effectively.
  • Step 3: Join your heels and toes, stay in the same position with your hands and legs, lift your right leg up and bring it down on the left leg.

How often to do this exercise

Look straight and stretch your thighs on either side 20 times each. You can practice this exercise to burn the fat in your inner thighs 2 times a week.


Avoid practising the clamming exercise when you have your periods. This is a good inner thigh exercise for women.

Exercise No 5 – Side Lunges



  • This exercise is good to strengthen the gluts and quadriceps
  • This workout helps with shaping your inner thighs
  • Your legs get stronger and you attain flexibility


This workout is effective to get rid of the fat in your inner thigh

  • Step 1: Place your right hand on the left and clasp your palms together, stand straight with your feet slightly apart.
  • Step 2: Stretch your right leg outwards and fold your left knee by slightly bending down.
  • Step 3: Stay on your left with your shoulders and back kept straight.
  • Step 4: Lift yourself up and repeat the same procedure of stretching your left leg as well.

How Often To Do This Exercise

You can practise this exercise ten times on either side and you can do it two times a week.


Avoid practising this exercise if you have a knee injury and stretch only as much as you can.

Also Read: How to Get Toned Legs

Exercise No 6 – Curtsy Lunges



  • This exercise strengthens your inner thighs and makes it firm
  • It helps in forming a good body posture
  • This workout is good for maintaining stability in your hips


  • Step 1: Stand straight with your feet apart.
  • Step 2: Slightly bend and cross your right leg behind.
  • Step 3: Keep both your knees bent and inhale.
  • Step 4: Exhale when you come back in the first position where your feet are apart.

How Often To Do This Exercise

You can cross both your legs 15 times each. Practice this exercise three times a week.


You should avoid practising this exercise if you have a knee injury.

Exercise No 7 – Goblet Squats



  • It is a good exercise to build your core
  • It improves the strength in your back and spine
  • It teaches you how to balance your weight on the lower body
  • It reduces fats in your inner thighs


  • Step 1: Hold a dumbbell weighing 2.5 kg vertically.
  • Step 2: Slightly spread your feet apart and stand straight.
  • Step 3: Look straight and bend on your knees in the same position.
  • Step 4: Keep your back straight and push your lower body back.
  • Step 5: Stay in this position for a minute and then stand up straight.

How Often To Do This Exercise

You should practise this fat burning thigh exercise two times a week and repeat it ten times.


Avoid practising this exercise if you have an injury in your lower back or knees.

Exercise No 8 – Plank Jacks



  • It improves the way your heart functions
  • Strengthens the muscles in your upper and lower body
  • It helps lose fat in your inner thighs
  • Makes the stability and strength better in your body


  • Step 1: Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your stomach. Join your legs and keep your hands slightly apart.
  • Step 2: Lift your body up and balance yourself on your toes.
  • Step 3: Spread your legs apart, look straight, keep your back and arms straight.
  • Step 4: Bring your legs together and give a push to your pelvis area.
  • Step 5: Now jump while spreading your legs apart.
  • Step 6: Jump back in and push your pelvis up, spread your legs and jump out.

How Often To Do This Exercise

You can jump about 10 times and stay in the planking position for 20 seconds.


  • Make sure to focus on your core to prevent lower back injury.
  • Avoid straining yourself when you are tired.
  • Keep your entire body straight. Don’t your hips.

Related Article: Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

Exercise No 9 – Skater Exercise



  • This exercise strengthens your glutes, calves and quadriceps
  • This exercise will tone your inner thighs
  • It keeps your lower body well engaged


  • Step 1: Stand on the floor with your feet slightly apart.
  • Step 2: Bend on your knees with your back straight and extend your right leg behind your left leg. Let the right leg stay bent. Make sure to swing your hands along.
  • Step 3: Now move towards the right and extend your left leg behind your right leg.
  • Step 4: Keep moving on either side.


How Often To Do This Exercise

You can repeat this movement from left to right 20 times and this exercise can be performed three times a week.


  • Avoid straining your body if you are tired
  • Stretch only as much as you can

Exercise No 10 – Lying Single Leg Circles



  • This exercise is good for the quadriceps and hamstrings
  • It tones your abs and glutes
  • It is an effective exercise to burn the inner-thigh fat


  • Step 1: Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your back. Keep your hands on the mat and join your heels and toes.
  • Step 2: Slowly raise your right leg up pointing the sky, relax your shoulders and circle it clockwise and anti-clockwise. Bring it down.
  • Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with your left leg as well.

How Often To Do This Exercise

You can repeat this process of circling your leg 8-10 times and can perform this exercise three times a week.


  • Avoid giving strain to your pelvis while lifting your leg up. Keep it relaxed.
  • Ensure to circle your legs slowly so that you don’t go off track with your legs.

More Tips To Lose Weight On Inner Thighs

It is quite easy to lose weight on the inner thighs. Apart from exercises, you can follow helpful tips to tone your inner thighs, take a look at what you can do!

  • Stay restricted on your diet, it doesn’t require you to give up on food. However, you need to focus on eating the right food to get rid of fats in your inner thighs. Some of the good foods you should eat are fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish.
  • Eat your meals correctly on time, this helps you stay away from cravings. Cravings would never include healthy food, they would all be a list of junk food.
  • To quench your thirst avoid having soda drinks, they will increase the fats in your thighs. Stick to only healthy juices.
  • Avoid being stationed at one place, do your best to move around, this is necessary to stay away from the excess fats forming at your inner thighs.

Practising these inner-thigh exercises thrice a week will keep your thighs in shape and you will find great joy in fitting into your mini skirts and shorts. Focus on workouts to get rid of inner thigh fat and stay healthy!