12 Important Things In A Relationship That Strengthens The Bond


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Things in Relationship that strengthens bond

The relation between the two determines how strong your bond with the other person is. Do you think being caring and loving towards each other is just enough? No, there is more than just being caring or loving. Of Course, those are important things and it makes you feel delighted but being open to each other, communicating, etc are the most important things if you want to build a bond.

An effort is something which other people appreciate and it feels right to do and show effort for that person who matters to you the most, doesn’t it? Indeed, it is. If you want to know more and help yourself to strengthen your relationship with your partner then you are at the right place because today will list down what are the most important things for a successful relationship.

12 Things That are Important in a Relationship

1. On trust

Trust is the crux of any relationship, if this particular thing is lacking in a relationship then it is time to first build it as without it your bond is not healthy. With time trust is built and a relationship of trust is the strongest one. Do you know why trust is important? Because when you can trust your partner blindly is when there would be no involvement of a third person needed because you two are enough to solve any problems. There won’t be doubts between the two and that is how a strong relationship is built ‘on trust’.

2. Having Respect for One Another

Having respect for one another

Respecting each other is not just mean by words, it includes everything respecting each other’s boundaries, choices, likings, thoughts, dislikes, etc. Even respecting the silence can mean so much at that moment. Respect is gained, yes it is but because of the love you can respect one another and it helps your relationship to blossom.

The bond which you two share, respect is like a petal of a flower, without which the flower would not bloom in a relationship. Yes you both would have differences and that is okay but one cannot disrespect just because the other person’s choices differ, remember what you give is what you get back.

3. Loyalty


Being loyal to each other is the essence of the relationship. Loyalty is a commitment to your partner, with respect, trust, love, care, loyalty is an important thing. Being loyal to each other helps to maintain the relationship and it would not break even if the slightest challenge arises between the two of you because it is built on the foundation of trust and loyalty to each other.

Most of the relationships fail because they aren’t loyal to each other and that also shatters your trust. When you are loyal to your partner don’t you feel at peace too and you also have pride, hey being proud of yourself isn’t bad at all. But remember your loyalty should not depend on other people’s loyalty, if he or she is not loyal to you, you deserve better and should not lessen your worth.

4. Happiness


Your happiness is your responsibility, I have seen people have a mindset that they can be happy if their partner fulfills all their wishes. No that is wrong, and you may never find true happiness that way. Your responsibility is to share the happiness with your partner so that it can be multiplied. When you are happy and joyous you bring positive vibes into your relationship and within yourself. Of course, no relationship is a bed of roses all the time and if it is then something is fishy there 😛

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5. Little things make a big difference

Little things make a big difference

Little things imprint bigger happiness on your partner’s heart. Small acts of kindness like always checking on them and their family, understanding when they cannot remove time for you so you plan a surprise visit for them, holding hands while crossing the road, protecting them, kissing on their forehead, making them feel comfortable when your friends are around these small things matters and they make a bigger difference. Bigger things of course bring a lot of excitement and happiness but it’s the small things that make our heart glitter, it is a cute gesture.

6. Humor


Being serious and only good can be boring, you need the humor to lighten up a bit. It is rightly said that laughter is the best medicine, and applies in a relationship as well. If you and your person can find a reason to laugh in any difficult times then you two can make it impossible, possible too. Being childish together serves a great purpose, it brings you and your partner close to each other. Maybe you can laugh and just make out later to spice it up (wink)

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7. Independence


Being in a relationship does not mean you cannot be yourself or you do not have your personal life. Everyone has their self privacy and it should be nurtured by one another. The right person will never violate your privacy and freedom in fact they will bring the best in you always. It should not just be one way, a relationship is about to give and take. Sometimes a person needs space rather than being with someone or expressing it and as a partner, you need to understand them.

Independence also means that you can inform them about your decision or discuss it with them but do what your heart says, other people should not be making decisions for you. That can become detrimental for you both.

8. Communication


Communication is vital in a relationship, if you cannot communicate by any mode of communication then your relationship needs some improvements. You need to be able to communicate with your partner openly because thoughts do not have voices and one cannot and will not understand unless said, we humans tend to assume things and keep which gets us nowhere as assumptions aren’t facts. It is golden if you can communicate about anything to your partner that is the level of comfort one needs to have in a relationship.

When you are not able to express to your partner there is usually fear or uncomfortableness which at a certain point in a relationship should fade. If you love your partner, want to fight with them, or express any feeling just go and communicate and please do not let your ego win.

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9. Safety

When you hear people say that sometimes love is not enough it is true. Safety is of utmost importance not just for your present but for your future too. If you cannot feel safe with your partner then you are in the wrong association. At times in the name of love, a person tends to be abusive and insecure about every little thing and that is a red flag in a relationship. No one deserves to be with an abusive person or fear them and live with them. It is not worth it if your safety is at stake under the name of love.

10. Being friends

Being friends

Having a real friendship with your partner is love, and not many have it. Being friends first lets you be open about anything as the other person is listening to you probably not as a partner but as your best friend, and sometimes you need a friend much more than a partner in them.

When you decide to be friends you can be as crazy as a ‘Friends’ series character together. It also helps to connect with your partner on a deeper level. You can understand them and their emotions from a friend’s perspective and that is golden. Go to a pub or shop together and just be madly in love with each other that will build your friendship along with your relationship

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11. Honesty

Trust and honesty go hand in hand, because when you are honest and loyal to your partner that is when trust is built. Lies only serve short-term happiness and they keep getting built. If you want to have transparency in your relationship you need to be honest with your partner.

They say the truth hurts but comforting with a lie breaks the other person, unintentionally at times you may endeavor such a situation but you can always come clean. If you love your partner and he loves you back he can forgive you and you can have a good start. A relationship is all about being honest and no matter what not breaking the trust.

12. Forgiveness

When you learn to forgive you learn to be happy. We all are humans and humans do make mistakes, no one is perfect by all means. That is why you learn to forgive your partner when they confess about their mistake or when they make a mistake. Sometimes it can be unintentional and sometimes it may not, you must see the sincerity of the person.

Of course, cheating is wrong but then you make a decision either to give them a chance or leave them but at a certain point, you will have to forgive. Not because you want to but because you can move forward in life without disturbing your peace and nothing is worth being unpeaceful ☺


You see if only love would be enough to maintain a relationship it would have been altogether a different ball game. With love, there comes trust, loyalty, safety, honesty, forgiveness, etc to build a strong bond together. Being in a relationship is fun and it can be molded the way you want your relationship to be so enjoy being together and have the best of time, give all the love your partner deserves and be crazy. Hope this article has helped you to understand more about relationships. Thank you for reading.