20 All-Important Rules of Texting Him That You Must Know


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20 All-Important Rules of Texting Him That You Must Know

Does texting have some rules? As we are more into online interactions these days, even texting has got rules. Your message conveys your thoughts and feelings, it makes a difference and it leaves an impression. Attachments with people are important so texting is.

Learning the texting rules I can save your time, bond and yourself too. And texting with your best friend isn’t the same with a guy of your interest. If you are feeling the way your texting with a guy must be corrected then check these rules.

You have certain rules which save you from heartbreak or taming a conflict while texting. A few rules of texting are important for a girl’s safety too. And if you are texting with a man of your interest then you may learn the tips to express it in a nicest way from here. Check out these important rules before typing your message to the man.

What Are the Rules of Texting Him?

1. You need not keep him waiting too much

You need not keep him waiting too much

Keeping him waiting to text back is not the trick that works as people think. Don’t go with this intention as it is not good in any way. If you want him to show interest in him then don’t be too quick with replies or don’t keep him longing for your text. Both of these extremes can create a distance between you and him. And if you don’t want to text that person then you know how to stay away.

2. Text him according to his efforts

Text him according to his efforts

If you have a crush or attraction for him then be a little particular about your texting. Don’t be too clingy via texts or don’t keep chasing him to reply. Just text him based on his efforts but not as you wish.

Giving attention is okay but not getting at all can hurt you and it becomes a matter of self-respect. So, have some self-control and don’t always make an effort let the person make it sometimes.

3. There is no rule “texting first”

There is no rule texting first

Texting is not a rule but it’s just a requirement. We told previously about the importance of mutual efforts so if you are finding that the person who is always texting is you then see if the person does too. If he is only expecting you to text then take a pause or maybe you need to give him time to realize that even texting first matters.

If you want him to text first then wait, check and then see how it works. If he has no interest then never mind as giving it a break is healthier than keep thinking about it.

4. Don’t become too conscious about what you are texting

Dont become too conscious about what you are texting

Do you text and go back to check if you just typed? You are worried if you talked senses, about your grammatical mistakes and what not. But this is an absolute energy loss for you.

I stress that you want to send a perfect text that says you want to but over-thinking can worsen the way you text instead of improving it. So, don’t overthink or over analyze what the opposite person is thinking about your text. Instead wait for the reply and continue the conversation with a cool mind. Keep it simple for him to understand and for you both to have a nicest conversation.

5. Choose emojis to express your feelings

Choose emojis to express your feelings

When you want to express your feelings to the man of your dreams, you may backspace the text and type. It is a common thing as you have the fear of reaction. So, take the help of emojis instead of fighting with words.

Emojis can express getter sometimes. You can effortlessly tell what exactly means or express your heart out. When you are not confident about texting him then this rule works the best.

6. Check your tone of texting

Check your tone of texting

When you text, see that your tone is calm and not creating a confusing emotion or thoughts. See if your tone sounds good, confident and clear otherwise change the words you have picked.

You may even think what’s the tone in texting? For example, you are reading a message from an opposite person which is their virtual intention or view. The way they write is the way you read it to yourself and understand it. So, it is the same when you send a text. And the tone of a text is important when it is to leave an impression or convey a message.

A vague tone can make a person lose interest, a passionate tone can stir up desire, a harsh tone can hurt someone. So, tone is your intention which is crafted with words when it comes to texting.

7. Texting all day is not needed

Texting all day is not needed

If you think texting him all can get you both closer than it is not. Being available 24/7 is never a good thing for couples or for even one side interest. Too much presence can face your importance in someone’s life. But just not replying is bad too as it is just an unhealthy trick to grab someone’s attention.

What’s a healthy way to text him is- do it when there is anything important to share or when you really want to discuss something or to tell how much you miss him. These exchanges of feelings are precious as there is not too much.

8. Know when to end the conversation

Know when to end the conversation

If you are happy talking for hours via messages then it’s great. But if the conversation is dying then don’t force it to make it alive again rather end it. Forcing the conversation to continue can make it unnatural and create an awkward silence.

Trying to talk when there is nothing to discuss can create boredom so you have to end the chat and take a break from it. Instead, you can be indulged in some other productive or fun activity. Of course, even silence seems secure, comfortable sometimes but not always. And I feel you must give a break to anything to know the value, preciousness again. That is how it is listed as one of the rules for texting him.

9. Never keep a relationship only through texting

Never keep a relationship only through texting

If you are texting to your man then keep it short and simple. Make sure that you guys are discussing important things in person but not via chatting. It is a basic rule of texting irrespective of gender. But it applies even more when a couple want to discuss crucial things.

Texting can create assumptions and it may lead to confusions or conflicts. So, not preferring texting and choosing to talk in person is the best way. If you want to immediately discuss things then do it over call.

10. Pick easy discussions via texting

Pick easy discussions via texting

When you want to discuss anything with him then keep it simple and only lick easy topics. If there is any complicated matter that is important to talk about then plan for a meeting in person. Chatting can delay or even more complicated your discussion than the matter itself is.

Direct discussion is a healthy way to share and express complicated things between couples or even friends. It’s a rule of texting with a guy too!

11. No text, then put away your phone

No text then put away your phone

This is the most painful thing that many of us wouldn’t want to face from our loved one. Checking the phone or a reply from a dear person but not receiving any can give you ache. So, what you can do about it is- normalize not receiving the messages from the person. Realize that you can’t force love and friendship or any bond for that matter.

It’s fine to message and reply when you get a message but not chase someone for attention. And it is all okay to be alone or check on your other activities. Be occupied, pay attention to the people around you and let things go as is. Know that there is a lot besides the person you are waiting for.

12. Know your own intention of texting

Know your own intention of texting

When you are texting a guy, you must acknowledge your own intention to let the outcome be as expected. For example, you made a new friend online or had to have a conversation with a but on some purpose. Later it leads to casual conversation which is natural but what’s your intention of feeling the chat alive?

If it is only to be friends then let it be that way and check what kind of messages or treatment you are setting from the other side. If it is unwanted then make it clear for him as a rule of texting.

13. Remain positive all time

Remain positive all time

When you are testing with your partner or with a man of your dreams then remain positive. Venting out your frustration or anger can be delayed for later but see that you are positive while testing.

If the previous conversation wasn’t that great then talk less via texts until you guys meet in person and sort it out. When you are already stirred up with anger, you don’t get the real time of the person or don’t make sense from the end. Ultimately remaining positive can save your bond.

14. Ask him only thoughtful questions

Ask him only thoughtful questions

When you have concerns while texting him, asking questions has more weightage rather than just listening to someone. Be it showing empathy, consoling, sharing the grief or finding a solution, you must ask thoughtful questions. Knowing his condition in detail can help him better from your end.

Also, when you have certain questions about your relationship even then you must be sensible with your questions. Vaguely asking something can trigger anger and create confusion. So, pick the questions that can make your conversation positive, helpful and pleasing with good questions.

15. Sometimes let him chase you

Sometimes let him chase you

When you think, you are ignored let him come back or keep him waiting for some time. Your absence teaches the lesson of your value to people in your life. So, let him miss you for some time and don’t turn up immediately and I don’t advise you to keep him waiting for too long either.

Once he realizes his mistake then you must reunite for some lovely time together. So, it is a rule to text him when you need some attention. However, you lose interest when not replying at all or simply make an excuse instead of an effort every time. And if he is not interested in you yet texting then you will know it too.

16. If you are feeling odd then stop texting

If you are feeling odd then stop texting

This is a rule of texting him when you make new male friends. You may have pure intentions of friendship but can’t expect them same from someone unless you are clear about their mind. So, when you meet a new friend online then don’t ignore the uneasiness you feel with him. You may even feel unsafe, strange when texting him so just refrain from doing it. And you can even block the person if he is worsening his words and reflecting his intentions in an unexpected way. Every girl must learn this rule of texting with a guy for her safety online.

17. Keep him informed when you are away

Keep him informed when you are away

If you mostly communicate with your partner via texting then it is good to keep him informed when you are occupied. The sudden absence of the partner in a long-distance relationship can be unpleasant. So, if you value his feelings then let him know upfront and you can even expect the same from him. This mutual understanding can be a healthy habit for happy couples. So, I consider it as a rule of texting him and for him to her as well.

18. Have meaningful expectations

Have meaningful expectations

When you have certain expectations from him while testing, see that it is meaningful and practical. Expecting to message during office hours or while with his friends and family is unfair. And him expecting you to do so is the same. So, both of you should have mutual understanding to keep your relationship healthy and happy via texting.

Many couples in long distance relationships tend to have unrealistic and unfair expectations about testing. Such expectations can make your partner feel suffocated, restricted and it turns into a toxic relationship. We already explained what’s happens if you are too available for a person and why it is important to have a break from someone. So, remember it and draw the borders which can save your valuable relationship.

19. Think before sending s text away

Think before sending s text away

Are you not sure about the consequences of uttering something? But remember that words are sharper than the sword so you have to be careful with what you are saying. Thanks to technology, at least we can escape by texting.

Now what you have to learn here is texting him after knowing if it’s right to say that way or not. Take a breath, think of what to say and then send it away. Firstly, don’t text in the urge of saying something, don’t text him when you are busy or don’t text him with a perplexed mind as it can go wrong mismatching your intentions.

20. Never be sarcastic while texting

Never be sarcastic while texting

Did you ever explain to a guy what you actually meant? It also could be a bitter experience for you with him. You didn’t mean to hurt him or target his emotions but it made him feel so.

So, did you see the root cause for this mess?

If you want to add some humor to your conversation with him then be careful with the words you pick. Being sarcastic to make someone laugh is different from hurting them with sarcasm. But sometimes both of these sounds similar which can hurt others feelings. And if you have a good rapport with the person then it doesn’t matter as he would be sportive. Otherwise, it can take it the wrong way that can be hurting or backfire to hurt you.

So, when you are talking to a new guy or with a guy who is not so close to you then keep the sarcasm off until you get to know him better.

Wrapping it up: If you want to win his heart through texting or make his day then you must know the important rules. Texting has become an important part of communication in this modern and busy world. We connect through messages and call more than direct contact. So, you must also know the safety rules of texting him, rules of sending meaningful, witty messages to a guy. We have briefed the reasons and ways to message him rightly which can be helpful to you.