How Well Do You Know Your Partner? 104 Engaging Questions!


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How Well Do You Know Your Partner 104 Engaging Questions

Do you want to give your cuddles and snuggles a little rest and talk a little more today?

Would some interesting couple questions with a cozy set up, and good food bring it on to get you answering some of the fun relationship questions which will help How Well Do You Know Your Partner and even that would either surprise or shock your partner with your answers?

This is a spontaneous and fun activity that your partner and you can be a part of. The answers would prove how much you know those weird, detailed, and cute habits of your partner.

From relishing an ice cream in the same bowl to sharing a roof together, it must have been a’ happy-hiccups’ journey. Be a fun sport and along with your partner answer some of the interesting how well do you know your partner questions.

Read : 30 Freaky Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend – Transition From Mild To Wild!

104 Best Questions To Know How Well You Know Your Partner

104 Best Questions To Know How Well You Know Your Partner

From knowing each others nature, habits, strengths, flaws, likes, dislikes, families, friends and life goals, let’s see how many of these relationship and how well do you know your partner questions can the two of you answer.

Time for fun and a good love quiz test. You win or lose, it doesn’t matter. At the end of it you must have fun together and learn about things you have not been aware of.

These questions would seem engaging for those couples who have known each other well so far.

Let’s begin!

  1. Where is your partner from?
  2. Where did he/she complete schooling, college, and masters from?
  3. What does he/she dream of?
  4. How close is your partner to his/her parents?
  5. When was the first time your partner got financially independent?
  6. What is his/her craziest childhood memory?
  7. What from the past haunts your partner till today?
  8. Does your partner love the sunsign reading? What’s his/her sunsign? Are his/her traits like what is mentioned in the sunsign?
  9. How many siblings does your partner have? Whom is he most close to and why?
  10. Was your partner a shy or naughty kid?
  11. Who from the family has your partner gone on?
  12. What was your darling’s favorite subject?
  13. Which subject was your partner scared of?
  14. Who is his/her role model?
  15. What was he/she good at in school? Sports, art or music?
  16. Is your partner an introvert, ambivert, or an extrovert?
  17. What were his/her weird thoughts and imagination in childhood?
  18. Does he/she mingle well with everyone in the family?
  19. Is he more to himself or likes being around people?
  20. What does your partner fear the most?
  21. Or What is he/she insecure about?
  22. What are your partner’s favorite color, movie, TV show, and cuisine?
  23. And What is your partner’s biggest wish?
  24. What can set your partner’s mood on fire?
  25. Also, know What upsets him/her soon?
  26. What is your partner’s kind of place to hang out?
  27. Thinks What does he/she love and hate about you?
  28. What are the names of places your partner wants to see?
  29. Also, What does your partner aspire to be in the future?
  30. What is that one thing that your partner can forget the whole world for?
  31. We all have minor OCD. What is your partner perfect and conscious about?
  32. How mentally strong is your partner?
  33. What is your partner best at? Cooking, cleaning, cuddling, motivating or something else?
  34. Does your partner like pets. If yes, then what does your partner like. If No, state the reason
  35. What drives your partner crazy?
  36. What is the one thing your partner has a zero tolerance to?
  37. Which is that one negative quality in your partner that he/she won’t accept?
  38. Is your partner a deep thinker or a chilled out person?
  39. Would your partner prefer reading a book or watching porn?
  40. Is your partner money-oriented or career-oriented?
  41. Describe your partner in three adjectives
  42. Is your partner expressive or does he/she suppress feelings?
  43. Is your partner impulsive or patient?
  44. How does your partner deal with stress? Does he/she workout? or prefers having a drink?
  45. Is your partner a foodie? If yes, is the person a fussy eater? Or eats everything?
  46. Who are all your partner’s friends in crime?
  47. Does your partner show love and affection for friends or hides it?
  48. What at work disappoints your partner?
  49. Is your partner hardworking or smart-working?
  50. Would your partner like sipping beer at a party or love lying down on the rooftop to watch the stars at night?
  51. Is your partner a sportsperson or a movie person?
  52. And Is your partner diet conscious?
  53. Is your partner a cocktail or mocktail person?
  54. If your partner gets time during the day, would he/she take a nap or clean the wardrobe?
  55. How organized is your partner?
  56. Is your partner more of a creative or intelligent person?
  57. What are your partners beliefs on luck and hard work?
  58. Name two beliefs and principles of your partner’s life?
  59. Mention three things your partner cannot compromise on?
  60. Name the things your partner can never say a no to?
  61. On what aspect of the relationship does your partner pay attention to? Conversations or intimacy?
  62. How do you identify when your partner is in a mood to get naughty and cosy?
  63. What would be the order of priorities for your partner? Money, relationships, career, you, family, friends, happiness
  64. What about his ex does he remember often?
  65. What are the things he expects from you at any cost?
  66. So far, what has been one of this best advise to you?
  67. When does he admire you the most? And even When you give him a sweet surprise or after sex?
  68. When did the two of you hug for the first time?
  69. What was your partner wearing the first time he said a yes or proposed to you?
  70. What did you both speak about when you guys met for the first time?
  71. How long did it take for the two of you to fall in love?
  72. Also How possessive is your partner? How much would you rate him or her on a scale of 1 to 10?
  73. Is your partner secretive or quite vocal?
  74. Is your partner an attention seeker or happy even if left alone?
  75. What about you hurts your partner but he/she never says it?
  76. Does he/she say cheesy things or is always practical?
  77. How often does your partner read your face and understand your feelings?
  78. Who is sensible between the two of you and why do you think so?
  79. Who makes more effort and gives time to the relationship?
  80. What are the things your partner does when he/she is angry with you?
  81. Why do you think he/she chose you among the other men and women out there?
  82. What kind of taunts does your partner give you and why?
  83. When was the last time both of you cried together?
  84. Talk about one moment when the two of you had a great telepathic connection.
  85. On what aspects does your partner become indecisive? On the other hand, when does he/she make the best decisions?
  86. When did the two of you have the biggest fight?
  87. Who among the two of you is more forgiving in the relationship?
  88. According to you, would your partner stand by you forever? What are your views on this?
  89. When was the last time you guys laughed uncontrollable?
  90. Without actually saying it, how does he/she silently make you feel special? Have you ever discussed what you observed?
  91. List out his sweetest gestures while expressing his feelings for you.
  92. What are your partners thoughts about marriage?
  93. How philosophical is your partner?
  94. What is your partner’s source of motivation? Is it a person or something?
  95. When does your partner behave unreasonable and cranky?
  96. What kind of people does your partner like to be associated with?
  97. If your partner had to give up one of his bad habits, what would that be?
  98. How much preference does your partner give to hobbies in life?
  99. What are those two things that can make your partner cry?
  100. How frank is your partner when it comes to saying No for an answer?
  101. What are those things in life that your partner is confident about?
  102. How does your partner solve problems at work or at home?
  103. What is that one trait in you that your partner wishes you never had but never told you, any guesses?
  104. What are those lifestyle habits or foods that don’t suit your partner?

8 Things To Keep In Mind After A Question Answer Session

8 Things To Keep In Mind After A Question Answer Session

After you have this session of the best relationship questions or how well do you know me as a couple. You need to keep a few things in mind

  1.  Don’t hesitate, ask your partner the questions as they are.
  2.  Both of you can answer to these questions one after the other.
  3.  Don’t interrupt or give your opinion until and unless you guys have not finished answering all questions.
  4.  Allocate separate time for discussion.
  5. Don’t be upset if your partner wasn’t as accurate as expected. Remember, it is after all just a fun and engaging game of how well do you know your partner or spouse.
  6.  It is alright if the two of you are poles apart as long as the two of you get along and love each other.
  7. Finally, be sportive and open to answering what you have analyzed about your partner. Likewise, let your partner do the same.
  8.  Once you are done discussing, keep in mind the new things you got to know about your partner. This is one of taking interest and understanding each other.

Read : 25 Good Intimate Questions To Ask A Guy- Time To Test!

Bottom Line

Enjoy this golden period of asking and answering to all the how well do you know your partner’s questions.

For a change, this way you get to spend quality and a longer time with each other.

Are you ready to shoot these questions to your partner?

If you found them interesting, you can share it with all the other couples in your friends list.