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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersIt is wearisome to see danglings on your neck. Are you in search of a genuine solution? Step aside from being bothered and believe in the positive steps you can take towards getting rid of the loose skin on your neck.
It is disappointing to see how the neck skin gets loose when you are young. You will still manage to digest it if it gets loose as a sign of aging. However, it is unacceptable and awkward to see firmness in your skin in the other areas of your body except for your neck. Well, stop worrying and start working on it.
This article will help you understand what are the causes of loose neck skin and all that you need to know about preventing and tightening the neck skin. Help yourself by implementing tips.
Read: 13 Natural Home Remedies for Neck Wrinkles – Bye-Bye to Fine Lines
What Causes Loose Neck Skin – Dig Into The Problem!
A deep study of the root cause of problems would help you get a better perspective on how to go about solving it. That said, you need to know why does your neck’s skin loosen to know what to do next. Take a look at the causes!
Cause No 1 – Ill Effects Of The Ultraviolet Rays
Everyone’s skin has plus and minus points, possibly your skin might not take the touch of sun rays on your skin easy and it might end up being a cause for sagging skin on your neck.
This happens because the skin cells lose their capacity to sustain the sun rays and this eventually impacts the elasticity of your skin.
Thus, being excessively exposed to the sun rays is one of the cause for loose neck skin.
Cause No 2 – Aging Comes By
At one point our body ages and no matter what you do the aging signs show up. It is a similar case with loose neck skin and by and large happens to every woman who is old.
The reason is simple, as you age you lose on moisture and elasticity on your skin. The two of them are essential to keep your skin firm.
Thus, losing out on moisture and elasticity on your skin is going to loosen the skin on your neck.
Cause No 3 – Reduced Collagen
Collagen is a key component that caters to several shield-like tasks for your skin. It helps renew skin cells, builds on the moisture and elasticity and ends up keeping your skin healthy.
Having said, for some reason if there is a dip in the levels of collagen in your skin it is sure to make your neck’s skin saggy. Isn’t it?
Therefore, less collagen is not a good sign for your skin.
Cause No 4 – Drastic Weight Loss
Take an example of a balloon to understand why weight loss leads to your skin getting loose on the neck.
When you blow a balloon and slowly loosen it, won’t it lose out on air? Same is with the skin.
When you lose weight it is not easy for your skin to get firm quick for it loses out on essential fibers.
Thus, weight loss is one of the major causes of loose skin on your neck.
Cause No 5 – Destructive Habits
One such habit that can be a problem area for the loose skin on your neck is excessive smoking. Smoking is a cause for sagging skin because it has Nicotine and this ingredient would disrupt the moisture in your skin through your blood vessels.
Now you know what causes loose neck skin. Age is one factor you cannot take in control, all you can do is cover the sagging skin. However, for the other causes, you have reliable solutions.
[Read: How Smoking Affects Your Skin]
How To Prevent Loose Neck Skin
More or less the ways to prevent loose skin on your neck is by keeping away from what causes it. The prevention measures apply to what to do if your skin gets saggy in general.
Here is what you need to take care of
No 1 – Use A Sunscreen On Your Neck
Whether you consider it important or not, before you step out you need to apply a portion of sunscreen on your neck too. If you neglect your neck you are bound to face the consequences of sagging skin.
No 2 – Take Care Of Aging Signs
Take care of your skin before you get old. For all you know you might not have to be troubled with too many wrinkles and sagging skin when you get there. Keep yourself moisturized, protect your skin from sun rays and keep away from smoking. Work on these little things, whether it works out or not you will be satisfied with your efforts.
No 3 – Practice Collagen Boosting Habits
As collagen contributes in taking care of your skin’s moisture and elasticity. You could get done with half your job of preventing the neck’s skin to loosen by adopting to habits that would gear up the collagen in your skin.
- Eat healthily
- Collagen boosting creams are effective
- Quit Smoking
- Constantly hydrating your skin is useful
- Pampering your skin with a good massage is effective
No 4 – Exercises The Loose Skin
Exercise is a one-stop destination to all your body-related concerns. Having said, you will need to practice exercises that will tighten the skin on your neck. Take a look at the video below
Constructive Ways To Tighten Loose Neck Skin
As you have seen the ways to prevent loose neck. Furthermore, study about everything you need to practice to tighten the skin on your neck. Throw away your worry and work on the tips below
Tip No 1 – Action Time For Your Neck

While you have already understood that exercises will effectively tighten the loose skin on your neck. Make sure to spend ten minutes on your neck every day if you think it deserves the attention. Only when you practice every day will you notice a change after a few weeks. For better results keep practicing.
You basically need to focus on movements and stretches that will bring in a significant change in your neck’s skin. Take a look at the video below to learn a few exercises on how to make your neck’s skin firm and good. If you are expecting neck exercises help you lose weight on your neck then they don’t!
Tip No 2 – Mollycoddle Your Neck With A Great Massage

When you apply effective oils and gently massage your neck clockwise and anticlockwise it helps with getting rid of the loose skin on your neck. When you massage your neck, the danglings on your neck don’t remain that way anymore because the collagen is boosted and there is an improvement in the blood circulation which is good with regard to keeping your neck firm.
Olive oil is the best for a good massage on your skin. Take a look at few of the massaging techniques to tighten the skin on your neck. If you want to do a massage all by yourself the below-mentioned techniques in the video will help.
Tip No 3 – Pay Attention To The Right Diet
What you eat matters more than you think it does, eating the right food not just helps with giving you external strength but it rejuvenates your skin with the right nutrients as well.
The vitamins and minerals would help with maintaining the glow on your skin, tighten the loose skin, keep the skin of your neck smooth concealing fine lines if any. You should make sure to eat enough fruits, vegetables, and meat to keep your skin healthy and firm.
Tip No 4 – Drink Enough Water
What you give yourself internally will show on your skin externally. The one source that is a support system for anything and everything related to good health is water. That said, if you want to get rid of dangling skin on the neck, just drink enough water. You should ideally be drinking around 4 litres water every day.
Here is what you need to know about the good in drinking enough water
- It clears acne and pimples on your face.
- It makes you look fresh and young even when you grow old.
- Fine lines don’t form easily on your skin.
- Boosts elasticity by improving the production of collagen on your skin.
- It helps your skin fight against dehydration.
This tip is the most simple, you just have to keep a track of how much water you drink and see to it that you follow discipline in the amount of water you drink.
Tip No 5 – A Super Effective Neck Cream
By now you must be aware that one of the reasons you would have lost elasticity in the skin on your neck is because of lack of moisture. You should use a neck moisturizer, it will help with getting over all the loose skin on your neck. Take a look at the link below if you want to consider buying one of the best neck moisturizers to heal your skin
Creams will help with adding back moisture as well as tightening your skin.
Tip No 6 – Homemade Masks To Tighten Skin
There are several home remedies that should be mixed well and used on your neck. It helps with gaining back firmness on your neck. One of the best masks would be honey and egg. It will help you get rid of all the loose skin on your neck. Likewise, there are several home remedies that have a solution to your problem of loose skin on the neck.
If you want to see results you have to apply the masks at least thrice a week for 6 months. Then you will notice the change in your skin. If products are not convincing enough, home remedies are always useful.
Tip No 7 – Find Substitutes To Smoking
If you do not want Nicotine to spoil your skin you need to quit smoking. Initially, it is not a doddle to totally cut off on smoking. However, begin with reducing it and then move on to quit. You would have to do this for your skin.
It is always good to look for alternatives if you want to get over a habit. Take a look at what could help
- Try chewing a sugarless gum whenever you find the need to smoke
- Start to focus on exercising regularly
- Practice a hobby and become good at it
- Rely on relaxation techniques to forget smoking
- Go for counseling sessions if you feel it is impossible to quit
Do your best to quit smoking if you want to maintain your skin’s health. It all starts with doing the right things.
Tip No 8 – Use A Hydrating Vegetable
The best vegetable to keep you hydrated is cucumber and at a point when the skin on your neck is hanging, it needs to have enough moisture. The presence of antioxidants and Vitamin C adds power to make your skin firm.
Every morning before you go for a shower, grate one cucumber and apply it on your neck. Leave it for about 20 minutes and then wash it with Luke-warm water. This should help with combating dangling skin. Wait for a few months to notice the difference.
Tip No 9 – Be Aware Of Your Weight
As you are aware that tremendously losing weight can make your skin loose. Always make sure to exercise on tightening your skin whenever you feel you have lost weight at one shot. When you take care of immediately, it will solve all your concerns.
While this tip might not seem to have a direct link to making the neck’s skin firm, in reality, it does. Thus, maintain stability with your weight, if you are losing or putting on too much weight, don’t let it affect your skin.
Tip No 10 – Cosmetic Creams Are Good
You should use cosmetic creams if you feel the neck on your skin is hanging way too much. These creams have essential nutrients that help with lightening your skin, making it firm and making it wrinkle-free.
It is amazing to use cosmetic creams because it not just makes your skin firm but also makes your neck look beautiful. This will help when you have to wear a low neck dress. A glowing neck always looks pretty.
How To Hide The Loose Skin On Your Neck
If you want an instant solution to hiding the loose skin on your neck you should take a look at the tips below
No 1 – Use Nexsey
Nexsey is a tape used to wrap around the skin on your neck to hide all the loose skin. It is an instant way to cover the loose skin if you cannot wait too long to tighten the skin on your neck.
No 2 – Nefertiti Neck Lift
You can try this method of injection that helps with making the loose skin firm after a few minutes. However, this is not going to last forever, it would stay for a few months. It is not always recommended to take the risk. You should get guidance from a skin specialist and only then try this method.
No 3 – Cover Your Neck With A Scarf

The best way to cover the hanging skin on your neck is to wrap a pretty scarf around your neck. This is a good way of covering the neck. You won’t feel awkward either.
No 4 – High Neck Dresses

You must wear clothes that can cover your neck portion well. That said, you should consider Polo ant Turtle necks, these are excellent options if you want to temporarily cover your neck.
No 5 – Try A Makeup Trick

Makeup conceals everything that you think is ugly. It does not give you a permanent solution but conceals it all for the moment. You should try applying a bright foundation cream or primer on your neck. This will surely make your neck shine and hide the hanging skin.
In conclusion, now you have several solutions to take care of the skin on your neck and make it firm.
Whenever you think you are losing out on firmness on your neck at an early age, you need to introspect and see if there is something going wrong with your habits and if yes, then correct it by resorting to the right practices.
Making the neck’s skin firm cannot be guaranteed unless you try different methods for a while. Move out of disappointment and get rid of the loose neck skin.
Tight Skin Is Feels Good!