How to Tell if a Guy Likes You


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how to tell if a guy likes you

Being in a relationship or even friendship calls for immense speculation. A lot of times we end up wondering is it just friendship, or the guy likes me. An emotional roller coaster, relationships are more about connecting and communicating. But it does not happen in the beginning.

There are absolute signs which prompt towards liking and more than friendship. But these can be misleading too. It is always better not to rush in a friendship and never ignore these signs in a relationship. Let destiny take its course while you enjoy each others company and spend quality time finding your levels for connecting and disconnect.

Whenever he comes near, you feel weak in the knees and butterflies in the stomach. You may feel the same emotion being reciprocated, but there is no way you can be assured. And asking him or his friends may end up getting you embarrassed or made fun of. So lets us know here, how to tell if a guy likes you.

Top 15 signs that he likes you:

These 15 signs may not be a 100% accurate always, but they are a sure sign for you to understand what level of relationship you are at. Be sure not to show it out just yet. Follow the flow and go one at a time.

1- He plans more and more meetings or dates:

A sure way to find if the guy really likes you is that he makes all the efforts to be with you, spend as much alone time as possible. When he calls every time to book the dates or take you out alone, take this as a sign that he loves to spend time with you and he enjoys your company

2- He protects you:

Beware there is just a thin line between protecting and possessive like a fanatic. Keep a check on what protection does the show. Caring about you, dropping you off at home and waiting till you shut the door, keeping you away from crowd and holding your hand while walking are sure signs that he likes you and cares for you

3- He gets worried when you don’t reply:

He must not be crazy and call million times if you don’t respond, that’s not liking but over-possessiveness. You may want to shut this out of your life. But when he makes it a point to know why you missed a call and checks whether you are fine. This surely is a healthy sign he likes you

4- He is asking about you:

He keeps asking about you all the time. To your friends and common friends mostly, he keeps asking, and he wants to know more about you.

5- He remembers all the special days:

Be it when you first met, how and where you first talked, when you went out alone and birthdays, special occasions everything is on his tips. This is the most treasured part any women would fall for. As most guys don’t remember much of these. And when they do, they absolutely mean more than friendship.

6- He gives a lot of time:

He is never in a hurry when with you. He gives you a lot of time and wants to prolong the meeting more and more. No amount of time spent with you is enough for him. He invests a lot of time, energy, feeling and love you and this is a sure sign he likes you

7- He stays connected always:

Be it calls, texts or emails; he makes it a point to stay connected with you. He loves to know about you and share his own day’s activities with you all the time

8- He never seems to get bored:

No matter how much you talk or what amount of time you have been with him, he stays interested and never gets bored. Keep him as good listeners are too hard to find.

9- He picks you and drops you off on a date:

He makes it a point to pick you up and drop you off while going out. For a movie or a date, even if this calls for driving an extra mile, he does it with all the happiness.

10- He always tried to hold your hands or hug you:

hold your hands or hug you

Holding hands while on a date or a walk and hugging every time he greets or says goodbye. Never misses a chance to touch you and keeps you away from everyone else. This sure is a sign that he likes you

11- He pays attention to everything you say or do:

everything you say or do

He never uses his mobile phone when with you. He always pays attention to whatever you have to say. And remembers it all too

12- Makes you smile:

He always tried to bring a smile on your face be it with his jokes or making fun. Just wants you to be happy and smiling. This is a sure sign he likes you and will try to keep you happy always

13- He gives compliments to you all the time:

Complementing everything you wear or do; is a sure sign he likes you. Everything you say, do or wear makes him like you and get attracted towards you a bit more

14- He is positively stalking and jealous of others near you:

He may try to be wherever you are. Finding out from common friends about your whereabouts and reaching there in time. Not letting any other guy get close to you and showing little jealousy are all cute and part of mutual admiration. But do check if he is a possessive guy. As they may have strong emotions which can’t be changed anytime later

15- He wants the conversation to continue:

Talking as much as possible and wanting to continue the conversation forever, are sure signs that he likes you. He may be the first one always to initiate a conversation, and he would try to make you feel special always. This is a sure sign that he is falling for you

How to tell if a shy guy likes you:

shy guy likes you

A shy guy likes you or not is definitely tricky. Since he would contain most of his feelings and emotions to himself, but we have a few pointers which can be helpful.

A- Shy guy looks at you when you are looking away, and immediately changes focus when eye contact happens. He tried to sneak as many opportunities to look at you as possible

B- He tries to open up more and more with each meeting. This definitely is a sure sign that the shy guy likes you. He may not be talking or opening up with others at all, but with you, he tries to be as much vocal as he can

C- He texts more and more. He may be open to texting and emailing in length. Maybe he cant interact much due to his shyness, but he keeps communication on with long texts all the time

D- He remembers little things about you very well. All the details you may or may not have shared about yourself are on his fingertips. This is a sure sign that he likes you.

How to tell if a guy likes you; body language:

body language

How to tell if a guy really likes you with his body language can be simple but needs a lot of observation. Allow few instances to check them and do not jump on the first such sign. They must be repeating it all the time to ensure he likes you totally

He maintains eye contact and keeps smiling when talking to you. He may find more and more ways to look at you all the time. When guys flinch on every accidental touch with you, means they are not yet sure about you. And the guys who are happy and find ways to touch, hold hands and hug you are really into you.

He keeps raising his eyebrows and shows positive facial expressions. This shows he likes you and also praises you. He has a deep interest in whatever you have to say. He also keeps his mobile and other distractions away and never turns back on you. This certainly means he likes you a lot.

A 100 point quiz on how to tell if a guy likes you:

point quiz

For every “hell yes” allow yourself 10 points, for “sometimes” point 5 to yourself and 0 for all other cases. Then add up and see if you are in 80-100 points, he sure likes you. In 55-75 points, you may still need some more time to check on this. Anything lower than 50 means has frenzied you, get over or get along with friends list.

  1. He stands near you all the time
  2. He touches his hair while talking to you most of the time
  3. He notices you all the time
  4. He maintains eye contact
  5. He hugs you every time you meet and when you say goodbye
  6. He never uses mobile phone when you are around
  7. He is the one who initiates a conversation
  8. He calls to book meetings and dates
  9. He never forgets your important days
  10. He is protective and shows it positively

The above compilation on How to tell if a guy likes you is based on readings and experiences over time. While there is a very thin line between liking as a friend and like more than a friend. But these above 15 signs can be a guide to help you analyze your relationship. Do not jump to conclusions and take one step at a time. But never miss a guy who loves and cares for you; wants to make you happy and always listens to what you have to say first.

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Minu Manisha