12 Helpful Ways To Take Care During Menopause – Don’t Stress Out!


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Care During Menopause
ImageSource: www.healthywomen.org

A roller-coaster journey is on for a woman right from when she enters her teens until she gets wrinkled. Having said, it’s obvious that the creator has tried on all the complicated experiments with women which is why the transformation is always on.

Be it teenage mood swings, be it hormones, be it pre periods, post periods, during her sexual experience, pregnancy, post delivery, the last and the most troublesome phase for a woman is her menopause. It is that time when a natural process comes to a full stop mode.

This article is written considering the pain a woman goes through with menopause and some tips on easing this painful problem with workable solutions so that it is easy for a woman to fly through this time frame.

What to Do to Have A Less-Troublesome Menopause – Check It Out!

ImageSource: www.markstengler.com

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a time period where a woman stops getting her periods because she is growing old. Ideally, anytime from the age of 45-51 a woman can slip into menopause. With everything changing in the world today, a woman can be in the menopause stage much before 45 as well.

What Happens During Menopause ?

During Menopause a woman’s estrogen levels come down and if the estrogen levels come down the ovaries in a woman’s body are affected with a risk of getting various sleep disorders, a woman experiences dryness in her vagina, faces problems in remembering things etc.

During menopause not necessary that you would go through extreme complications. By any chance if you go through health complications, here is what you can do to take extra care during menopause.

1. Do it all right

Do it all right
ImageSource: www.verywellfit.com

A woman must exercise and eat well during menopause. By exercising a woman would feel refreshed and feel like all her stress is out burs ted and when one does not feel stressed it is easier to cope up with problems. Eating on time, eating the right food and having a control over food that is necessary can probably not cause a woman to suffer too much during menopause.

Apart form this, you are saved from putting on weight and reduces the risk of getting attacked by diseases.

2. Adopt to Calming Yourself Down

Adopt to calming
ImageSource: www.kiwireport.com

To calm yourself down and gain control over your mind and body, the only way to do it is to be be positive that you are willing to help yourself feel better, by practising breathing exercises and ensuring to giving yourself a certain amount of time to meditate.

3. Invest in me time

Invest in me time
ImageSource: www.pngtree.com

Generally, a woman is always pre-occupied with something running through her priority list and in the bargain a woman forgets that she has a life of her own too. Especially during menopause a woman must not forget that she has to give herself some me time out of her routine and usual responsibilities by staying engaged with pursuing a hobby or learning something new that interests her.

By doing this what happens is a woman is getting that space to stay involved in something productive that is a stress buster.

4. Stay Within Your People

ImageSource: www.psychologytoday.com

What usually happens is with our schedules keeping us on toes with barely any time to interact, a woman can take care during pregnancy by initiating to be around her family and close friends and ensure spending time with them because when you are within your people you feel so happy that you may completely forget the situation you are in and you would have no room for feeling low.

5. Take Adequate Rest

Take Adequate Rest

Aim for resting during the day, it may be for half an hour or an hour.But resting during menopause is essential if you want to take care of yourself.

6. Catch up on Good Sleep

Catch up on good sleep
ImageSource: www.healthyliving.azcentral.com

During menopause because of your body witnessing hot flushes, anxiety and discomfort. Your body certainly needs a way to deal with these issues and one of the most effective ways is by getting a good night sleep. One must not stay up late or even if a person is staying up late one must compensate that by sleeping well. It is a must to catch up on at least 7 hours of sleep.

7. Pamper Yourself

Pamper Yourself
ImageSource: www.publicdomainpictures.net

In order to sleep well and feel fresh and hygienic, take a bath twice a day. Before you go to bed, have a bath with warm water. Having bath with warm water helps your body stay relaxed and you feel all the more clean and when you have pampered yourself, sleep cannot stop itself from clinging to you.

8. Keep your surroundings cool

Keep your surroundings cool
ImageSource: www.iha.com

The way our body temperature feels in a particular surrounding matters the most. It would be a great idea if you give your home the ventilation it needs during the day and during the noon by keeping the temperature of your room cool throughout. When the temperature is all set in your room you won’t feel sick if you have hot flashes.

9. Focus on Your Clothing

Focus on your clothing

When we wear comfortable clothes we feel good. Likewise, during menopause wear clothes that are soft and can absorb the moisture in your body when you go to bed so that your sleep is not disturbed and you will not feel sick once you wake up because you would have already slept well at night.

10. An Orgasm Can Help

Although, the urge to have sex drops down during menopause, there might be times when you would want to have sex and whenever you feel that way before hitting the bed, you must go for it because having an orgasm is one of the ways of sleeping well which is a good sign of self care during menopause.

11. Cut Out Certain Habits

Cut out certain habits
ImageSource: www.staticflickr.com

For those of you who would have been used to having alcohol or smoking. Now is the time you cut down on your alcohol intake because it is really bad for your body during menopause.It is said that a person who drinks alcohol during menopause is prone to get attacked by cancer.

12. Pay Heed to Your Diet

Pay heed to your diet

During Menopause due to the changes in hormones, you can tend to put on weight, lose weight or your bones can get weak, it is your duty to eat the right food that can take care of your bones and save you from becoming a victim of many diseases.

Ways to Motivate Yourself During Menopause

1. Patience is a virtue

As it is a part of every woman’s life once she crosses her 40’s that she goes through menopause. It is tough for everyone to go through this pain. But you have to be patient as it is a phase that will anyhow pass by. If you fail to be patient the menopause phase can get tougher each day.

2. Get Occupied

Since there are tons of possibilities to get depressed during menopause, you must make sure to keep yourself busy until you go to bed without straining yourself so that you do not have the time to feel low or sad or let unwanted thoughts wander in your mind.

3. Tell Yourself You are Fine

Half of our problems come due to how we think, you would not get to know that your behaviour is getting crank during menopause. When you get to know you are getting cranky, stop thinking that you are not fine and feel all the more sick. Just tell yourself that you are leading a normal life with some ups and down here and there. Do let your mind know that you are feeling sick.

4. Look upon an Inspiration

When we feel at our lowest, one of the ways to deal with this struggle is by looking upto an inspiration. To do that, read books of great people on how they dealt with their problems, watch videos that are giving out an inspiring message.

5. Slightly Push Yourself

During Menopause it can be difficult for you to get up and push yourself to get up to exercise or eat the right diet. You may not feel like doing anything. The only way to deal with this is by setting reachable goals to push your limits. For instance, set a target for yourself to wake up at a particular time in the morning, exercise for a particular time period and so on. Little by little when you set goals after a certain time period you automatically get accustomed to following them.

Dear Ladies, don’t let menopause bog you down, instead go ahead and face it by taking all the measures of eating the right food, having adequate water, exercising and saying bye bye to all the hurdles that come your way during menopause.

Every woman must take care of her ownself during menopause by accepting it is a part of nature. Cross your fingers and do all that it takes for self-care during menopause, to let this phase pass by smoothly.