How to Remove Moles From Face at Home


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how to remove moles

Moles on face are the pigmented and accumulated cells, which appear dark and discolored. They are mostly present in upper and lower layers of skin. They are a kind of skin lesions and may make the face look ugly. So we have you covered with “how to remove moles from face at home”, highlighting some home remedies on how to removes moles from face naturally at home. To enrich and your beauty with a safe skin care option, these are some wonderful ways get rid of moles.

Moles may be coarse or smooth, their texture is different on different skin types. They may also be raised or deep rooted within the skin. They also have different colors and some have hair growing from them too. Moles may be present due to too much melanocyte on skin, which secretes melanin which in turn gives our skin its color. Moles look bad and hinder our beauty. Sometimes they may even be cancerous, so it is better to get rid of them naturally. Mole removal surgeries must not be your first resort, try some home remedies to remove moles naturally.

How to Remove Moles From Face Naturally:

1- Castor Oil and baking soda:

Castor Oil and baking soda

Castor oil is known to be the safest remedy for getting rid of moles, warts and skin tags. Castor is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-viral, also anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It also offers healing properties for the skin They may not offer the quickest solution, but they do not leave scars behind. On the other hand baking soda is a great exfoliating agent which helps in removing dead skin. It also balances the pH level of our skin and deep cleanses it for preventing any toxicity. Both combined have marvelous effect on mole removal and skin nourishment


– Mix castor oil and baking soda to make a paste.
– Now apply this paste on the surface of the mole
– Leave this on the mole for overnight
– In the morning use a wet cotton ball to rub it gently
– This must be done for a few weeks to get best results.

[Read: Essential oils for face beauty and skin care]

2- Iodine:


Iodine helps in skin radiance and nourishment. It is a good hydrating agent which keeps the moisture intact within our skin. It not only accelerates the skin healing, but also prevents many deformities too. It also tends to trigger cell death, which is why it is used in treating moles on face. Even a 5% solution of tincture iodine available over the counter can do the trick.


– Wash the mole with lukewarm water and let it dry
– Take a piece of cotton ball and rub it well
– Now apply a Q-tip dipped in iodine to the mole directly
– Let it dry on its own, do not wash it away
– Repeat 3-5 times for getting quick results

3- Garlic:


Garlic is the most preferred choice by everyone, but due to its pungent smell not everyone can utilize it well. Garlic is rich in Allicin, an enzyme which has anti-fungal, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties. It also has anti-aging and skin hydrating properties which is why it is called the magical resolution for all skin ailments. Sulphur present in garlic helps in reducing inflammations. When applied on the moles garlic can break down the pigments which cause moles. They can also lighten the dark pigmentation on mole immediately. It is the most efficient and quickest method to get rid of moles.


– Mash a garlic clove and form a paste
– First apply a drop of coconut oil on the mole as garlic can cause skin burns if applied directly
– Apply the garlic paste to cover the moles completely and put a gauze over it
– Now leave it for overnight and wash it the following morning with lukewarm water
– Repeat for 5-7 days to get rid of moles immediately.

4- Honey:


Honey is a natural sweetener. It is rich in monosaccharides, fructose and glucose containing 75% sugar. It has a rich anti-bacterial and has antiseptic properties too, in addition to its soothing and calming effects on the skin.


– Mix honey and flaxseed oil in equal proportions
– Now apply this paste on the mole and leave it to dry
– Keep it on for 4-5 hours and wash it with lukewarm water
– Repeat 3-5 times a day

5- Banana Peels:

Banana Peels

Banana peels are rich in potassium and manganese. It also has lots of other enzymes which help in reducing the size of the mole. It can be used as a natural scrub and can help in clearing the skin too.


– Take a banana peel and put it on the mole
– Now gently rub it as if exfoliating for deep cleaning.
– Now leave this banana peel on the mole and put a bandaid on it
– Keep it over night
– Now wash the next morning with lukewarm water
– Repeat 5-7 nights for great results

6- Pineapple:


Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and antiseptic properties. The high levels of citrus in pineapple make the mole dissolve and disappear. Pineapple also has bromelain which has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties.


– Just cut a piece of pineapple and put on the mole
– Gently rub it for 15 minutes
– Now wash with lukewarm water
– Repeat 5-7 times a day for great results

7- Apple cider vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar

As the magic potion for all skin and body ailments Apple cider vinegar or ACV( is most utilized solution for home remedies. ACV prevents blisters and blemishes on skin. It is also a rich anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-microbial. It maintains the pH level of the skin and promotes healing. It is a strong natural acid, which helps in dissolving the moles without causing harm to the skin, if used properly. Do a patch test before proceeding with this


– Dip a cotton ball in ACV and gently rub on the mole
– Now put a gauze to tie it around the mole
– Keep it on for overnight
– Remove and wash with lukewarm water, the following morning
– Repeat every night until it goes off completely

8- Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera

As a natural anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and healing agent aloe vera is skin soother and nourisher. It also offers a painless treatment for moles thus making it great for vulnerable areas around eyes. It also shields our skin from sun rays and provides strength and repairs it too.


– Wash the mole clean and let it dry
– Now cut the aloe vera plant and put the fresh aloe vera gel on the mole
– Put medical gauze and leave the area tied for 4 hours
– Now wash it with lukewarm water
– Repeat everyday until your get desired results

9- Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a wonderful oil with no side effects and pain. It is an anti-bacterial thus prevents any secondary infections arising from the treatment. It also soothes dry flaking skin.


– Wash the mole and let it dry
– Use Q-tip to apply tea tree oil on mole
– Now leave it for until it dries on its own
– Repeat 3-4 times a day for great results

The above compilation on How to remove moles from face at home, is based on learnings and experiences overtime. There are ample researches and scientific backings which have made these home remedies to remove mole from face, extremely popular. Be sure to patch test before opting for any method. And check with your health scare provider and dermatologist for more insights.

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Minu Manisha