12 Ways To Raise Your Daughter To Be A Confident Girl – Make Her Bold!


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Sowing the seeds of confidence from a tender age is the best thing to do if you are a mother of a baby girl. If you want to see your daughter grow up to be an independent, strong and a self-made beautiful woman, now is the time to train your child. Isn’t it a moment of pride when you see your little baby growing up to be a successful woman?

Every parent would want the best for their children and being a mother of a daughter is heavenly because you are the mother of an angel.

Every mother would want to see the reflection of her confidence in her daughter and would want to build in the courage in her daughter to be happy and good in her own self. In the times that are drastically improving today, for a girl to be confident is more of a necessity rather than a part of her nature.

In this article, you will learn how to raise a confident girl and be called a proud mother of a lucky daughter. Ride through this article to get to know about the tips to raise a confident girl.

What Is The Need For A Girl To Be Confident


You would just not know how but every step you take in your upbringing will have a life long impact on your confident girl and if it all goes good then she would be good enough to raise another confident girl.

Bring up your delicate doll in a way that she knows how to carry herself the best way with her head high, sustain herself through struggles with a hope that she is capable of feeling and doing better and give her the space to see the world from her eyes as well.

She has to learn and understand that she has to take off in her own flight and you would not be around her all the time. Most importantly, what happens in the inside just stays with her and she has to learn how to be happy and contended with her own self because no one else can help her with anything unless she does not feel confident from the inside.

Here is why it is important for you to know about the need to raise a confident girl.

  1. It is important for your daughter to feel confident because only if she is confident will she be able to feel relaxed and know how to make someone else who is not confident enough to feel relaxed.
  2. Your daughter’s confidence can help in uplifting someone who is seeking for confidence too and it is important that we all are of help to each other.
  3. When your daughter becomes a confident person she understands how much to let any criticism affect her. She will learn to be more open to take feedback and work on it as an opportunity instead of pulling her down.
  4. Stronger the confidence stronger is the personality. Only if your daughter is confident she will be able to build an identity of her own and yes it is important that everyone has an identity of their own. Instead?
  5. Raising up your daughter with confidence will nurture and bring her up in such a manner that she is the reason to spread positiveness to all rather than being noticed for her negatives. It is okay if she is noticed for her flaws too but her positive quality of being confident should have an upper hand
  6. Making your daughter confident will give her the courage and surety of who she is and what are her beliefs. It is important for her to learn to take a stand for herself, isn’t it?
  7. Only if your daughter is taught to emphasis on being confident will she know how worthy she is. Confidence shows a person his true worth. Similarly, your daughter should know what she is worth before a man tells her that.

Excellent Tips To Raise Up A Confident Girl – Be A Good Mom!


As a mother, you would know the best on how to go about bringing up your daughter. However, there are certain tips that could be helpful to you on polishing the confidence aspect in her life.

This path of bringing up your girl child will come with its set of difficulties, which is why you are her mother to break through them and patiently teach her to be a confident girl in life. Here are some of those tips. Take a look!

Tip No 1 – Let Your Reflection Do The Talking


It is as simple as your child learning and inculcating what she sees in you. It all starts from home. The first place where your daughter will pick something up is from you or others in the family.

Makes sure that your daughter is being taught to be positive and confident in life. Show her instances where you are confident so that she takes it from you.

“Set example to your children, in speech and in conduct” – Lailah Gifty Akita

Let her be a good version of your reflection where she knows how to exhibit herself as a confident girl.

Tip No 2 – Set Her Free


From the beginning of her childhood at some situations where she can take the liberty of taking her own decisions, just leave it to her. When you start giving her the space to learn and choose for herself, that will make her feel happy for being given that space.

You as a mother will have to understand where to draw that line based on how old she is. Step by step taking little decisions builds a sense of confidence in the child and when she grows up she is a complete confident girl. Take this method seriously, it does work out.

Tip No 3 – What She Hears Is What She Becomes


That’s right! What your child keeps hearing is what will register in her mind and she would start to follow it one day.

Having said, tell her nice things by talking about how important it is to be confident, what wonders can being confident do, give her tips on how to go about believing herself, teach her not to fail failure but just try until she is on the last string of hope, let her know how important it is for her to believe in herself.

Every day and at every phase of her life keep giving her the motivation of being confident and hearing you constantly. One day when all your motivation makes sense to her she will be able to tolerate to everything you have been teaching her and that hearing will help her walk towards strengthening her confidence.

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Tip No 4 – Teach Her To See The Positives In Flaws


“Actions speak louder than words” and this is true. Now, everything you perceive and say in front of your daughter has to be in the right spirit. For instance when you talk on topics about appearance and attitude. Even if you do not like something about yourself, have a different way of putting it across to your daughter. Do not say things like, I do not look nice like this, this does not suit me

Instead, turn it around and say I think this would look better on me comparatively. For instance, if you are talking about your hair being wavy and you do not like it, always say that I wish I had thinner hair but it’s okay, it is still not bad the way it is.

This approach of being confident and happy with yourself will be noticed by your daughter and she will as well learn it from you. Always remember to have the most optimistic viewpoint.

Tip No 5 – Boost Her Confidence With Reasonable Compliments


Receiving compliments is not just a method to make someone feel good but it can do so much good with the thought process and self-esteem of a person.

Make sure that you compliment your daughter for the things that she is good at, it could be the way she behaves with others, her charm of making her friends happy her skill of counseling someone who needs the most etc.

Appreciate her for her beauty too, no issues on that. At the same time, drill it in her mind that confidence does not come with just the appearance, it is your attitude and behaviour that makes all the difference.

Tip No 6 – Teach Her To Be Upfront In The Right Way


This could be one of those points that could have a direct impact on your child’s confidence building. It is important that you tell your girl to learn how to express her likes and dislikes openly to whomever without any fear or hesitation.

Work on teaching her to be clear and bold about giving her point of view because this frankness would be a base for her to learn to build on her confidence.

[Also Read: Tips to Raise Teenage Daughter]

Tip No 7 – Substantiate Examples Of Confidence In Great Personalities


The best way for a human to understand or be indifferent shoes and find something good enough to believe in, he/she would understand it only through cited examples. Having mentioned this, give your daughter examples of personalities such as Thomas Edison and Hellen Keller who just had hope and confidence to live past their struggles and be a personality someday.

The be on point it means that you should instill this thought in your daughter’s mind that when great personalities who were surrounded with problems could make it then even she should take inspiration and be confident in life too.

Tip No 8 – If Only Failure Could Stop Us


Always tell this to your daughter that failure and rejections are going to be like tress passers in her journey of life. Motivate her in such a way that she understands that no failure is as strong as taking away the light of confidence from her life.

She may not understand it at the start but you will have to explain to her that no matter how much ever she fails or falls, she has to be confident enough to pick herself up and walk towards her path. Let her know that it is absolutely okay if she fails a hundred times too but it is never okay if she loses on her confidence because of failing.

Teach your daughter to deal with failure as a passing cloud and not let it stop her from being confident in life.

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Tip No 9 – Train Her That It Is Okay To Get ‘No’ For An Answer


Your daughter is just a doll for you and not for the whole world around her. It is your duty to know where to draw a line with that pampering and face the reality as well.

Train your daughter that it is okay to take ‘No’ for an answer, it is not possible that she would be liked by everyone around her and it should not make a difference to her. In fact, teach her to accept it sportively and not think that the flaw in her could be the reason she is not included or let self-doubts sprout in her mind.

Chances of her losing out on her confidence can strike in these scenarios, train her to be strong given any circumstance.

Tip No 10 – Do Not Underestimate Her Potential


As a mother you would always be protective of your little one and may find it tough to stay out of protecting your daughter. If you want her to be an independent and confident girl you will have to let her sometimes struggle on her own to figure out her problems.

Believe in her that if she fails once or twice she will pick it up the third time. Do not spoon-feed her until she really needs your help. Only when you start with these small things she will improve on herself. For all you know, you would have thought that she will not be able to handle a certain task and it turns out that she does it well. So you never know until you let her try.

Tip No 11 – Deep Root Affirmations Of Confidence


Right from a child to an adult, everyone is in search of inspiration, motivation and a positive signal. Teach your child to make the right affirmations for confidence. Some of the affirmations to make your child confident are as follows :

  • I am a positive being and I can out beat all the problems that come my way
  • I am my best source of inspiration
  • Even though I fail a hundred times I will succeed he next time
  • I am okay with everything as it is
  • All I need is within me
  • I have immense faith in myself

Tip No 12 – Make Her Believe That She Can Be As Strong As A Man


As there is no such hard and fast rule that few things are just meant to be done by the men and few things are meant for the women.

Both the genders have equal capabilities. Having said, make your daughter understand to never think any less of herself when compared to a man. Train her to believe in the smallest of the possibility that coexists in the impossibility.

Playing the role of training our daughter to be confident might or might not be an easy task. But, end of the day when you look at your daughter years from now you should be happy that she grew up with the right zeal and confidence to live through her personal as well as professional life.