How to Make Ripped Jeans at Home Easily


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how to make ripped jeans

Ever wondered how models and fashion freaks wear distressed denims all the time and who actually designs the ripped jeans they wear. Well, ripped denim jeans are an artistic form of tearing the jeans at right places and within right spaces. Ripped jeans is a style which is in popular culture from as long as the 80s and the distress styles have been changing but the trend seems not to fade away yet.

What is ripped jeans:

What is ripped jeans

Ripped jeans are simply distressed denims which are shaped to meet your expectations. Most often we find ripped denims priced way more than the regular denims. Which is ridiculous, as you are paying for the denims and the gaps in denim far more than the denims completely. Rip your jeans at home or buy the expensive ripped jeans, the result is almost same. Just a simple casual step and you can distress your denims at home itself.

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How to make a ripped jeans at home:

ripped jeans at home

Making a ripped jeans at home is a simple and inexpensive way of getting jeans with knee holes. A few tools and you have your favorite DIY frayed jeans which did not poke a hole in your pocket. Steps to rip your jeans at home include:

1- Pick your denims or jeans you wish to distress:

For the first timers, you must pick old jeans which would be nice to distress. Don’t pick jeans which are so old that it does not fit. Beginners may get it incorrect so it’s better to either pick a used jeans or shorts which even if goes wrong does not bother much

2- Gather all supplies:

You will need a few handy items, which are available at home. All of these items must be ready before hand, as you will need them all for the wonderful and distressed look of jeans. You will need the below items:

  • Tweezers for removing the excess threads and making them appear more manufactured distress than created
  • Scissor and knife for cutting the denims
  • Used razor for fraying and scraping
  • Sandpaper and pumice stone for rubbing the jeans and making it distressed
  • Use chalk or pen to mark a line and scale for straight line

Gather all supplies

3- Mark a line with chalk or pen:

Now fix the place where you want the rip. And mark a straight line using scale and chalk or pen. Make a line which is appropriate for the kind of distress you want in your denims. Also for beginners make small line and then proceed with bigger lines as you become confident

4- Now using a cutter or scissor cut the line:

Just cut the line straight and be careful not to cut entire pair just one side on the denim

5- Use tweezers to take the threads out:

Do it carefully and do not cause unnecessary rip, just the length you feel comfortable and like to wear. The vertical blue threads have to be removed for the right shape of the hole. Removing the first few threads is difficult but it gets easy after that.

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6- Fraying the edges:

Fraying is a great rip in denims and they look balanced and yet classy. Use a sandpaper or a pumice stone to distress the denims and follow round rubbing movement for perfect fraying. You can use a razor additionally for scraping the edges off

Fraying the edges

7- Frayed pockets of your distressed denim or hot pants:

Frayed pockets are truly sassy and glamorous. Just rub sandpaper on the pockets until it starts fraying and make it a balanced look

8- Big holes for pro:

For beginners lines and fraying is great but for more professional distress, you need to get big holes and at multiple places in your denim. Make small and big holes near knees and thighs or pick a style you like online and follow the trend and cut holes at the places you see. Just cut the hole, fray with sandpaper and use tweezers to remove extra threads to complete the look

9- Bleached jeans:

You can also bleach the denim from various places and also scrap the edges for a more professionally done look. Thigh, shin, and knee all three places are known to carry distress, so pick your fit accordingly.

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Best ways to ripped jeans:

Best ways to ripped jeans

For a more professional look on DIY ripped jeans, you need to prepare the denim before hand and follow some steps. Some of the best ways to rip jeans include:

  1. Wash the denim multiple times for worn out and faded appeal. This will make the rip look more realistic and rugged than torn apart.
  2. Take trial runs first, say on an old denim before attempting on your favorite new denim.
  3. Wear denim and then mark with chalk, the places you wish to fray
  4. Keep the ripped jeans in sunlight for heating it and then use sandpaper for more dried worn out look
  5. Distressed ripped jeans can also be made by checking out styles available online and worn by models, simply follow their trends of jeans with holes

Where and how to manage a ripped jeans:

Holes in jeans are not the recent trend, but it has been on and off for a few decades now. Knee ripped jeans has suddenly become prominent and trendy and this ripped jeans style is picking more and more popularity now. Some points on how to manage a ripped jeans include:

  1. Do not make the holes larger than your leg quadrant
  2. Symmetric rip on both the legs are more balanced in look than one side big and another side tiny
  3. Shredded denim is a bold look and not for faint hearted
  4. You can also wear distressed denim formally at work with a classic jacket to cover the look
  5. Don’t let the pockets peep out from distress, they may be good for one particular model but a big fashion faux pas

Best dressed celebrities in distressed denim or ripped jeans:

1- Katie Holmes:

For Katie, her style is all about the perfectly balanced denim with rips

Katie holmes

2- Lilly Collins:

Lilly Collins wears this trendy distressed denims with sass and class.

Lilly Collins

3- Jennifer Garner:

Jennifer Garner is casual and yet chic in her ripped jeans

Jennifer Garner

4- Sofia Vergara:

Sofia Vergara is known to flaunt distressed denims most often

Sofia Vergara

5- Selena Gomez:

Selina Gomes meant this ripped jeans look to be straight out of beach and covered the denims below

Selena Gomez

6- Kim Kardashian:

When it’s Kim Kardashian expect oomph and ooh lala

Kim Kardashian

7- Beyonce:

Beyonce looks chic and trendy in her classic distressed denims


8- Miley Cyrus:

Miley Cyrus carries this ripped denim look with ease and comfort

Miley Cyrus


The above compilation on How to make ripped jeans at home easily is to save you from spending too much on distressed denims. As ripped jeans can be made at home quickly. Stay in vogue and pursue the popular trends and fashion in utmost economic and yet sassy ways with our awesome steps on DIY ripped jeans at home.

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Minu Manisha