How To Make Mascara At Home Using Natural Ingredients


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how to make mascara at home

Mascara is the most important cosmetic for those well-crafted eyelashes. Store brought mascara is harmful for eyes and thus we bring you the process for how to make mascara at home using natural ingredients. Eye makeup forms an integral part of facial make-up and giving perfect shape and outline for the radiant face. Since cosmetics are not completely governed by FDA norms, there are a lot of harsh chemicals in products available outside.

There have been cases where outside mascara is found to have cancer-causing particles. Therefore, it is of the utmost concern to use natural and healthy mascara. Homemade natural mascara is inexpensive and non-toxic. It is very easy to make and moreover easy to store. How to make mascara at home using natural ingredients in the below ways:

How To Make Mascara At Home

1Natural homemade mascara using Black mineral powder

Also, using vegetable glycerin, Aloe Vera and lavender oil. Black Mineral Powder or black charcoal too and it can make good textured mascara.


  • 4 oz Bentonite Clay: for hardening the mascara so that it does not smudge.
  • 4 oz Black Mineral Powder for the black texture
  • 2 drops Vegetable glycerin to make it soft and adhere to eye lashes
  • 4 oz Aloe Vera for its textured smoothness
  • 5 drops Lavender oil for fragrance


  • Mix all ingredients in a small bowl
  • Add more gel to make it smooth
  • By using a dropper or medicine injection put it in a small mascara jar
  • Pat it gently to make it settled
  • Refrigerate for 2 hours
  • Now use it with a mascara brush

2Natural homemade mascara using Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a very healthy and beneficial oil. Coconut oil based mascara is more smooth and soft , also it enriches and adds glow to eyes. Its helps in growing eye lashed too


  • 8 oz coconut oil
  • 2 oz beeswax pallet
  • 8 oz Aloe Vera gel
  • 1-2 capsules of activated charcoal for black color and cocoa powder for brown color mascara


  • Add coconut oil, Aloe Vera gel and beeswax to a pan and heat it on low till it melts completely
  • Cut open the activated charcoal capsule and pour in the mixture in pan. Stir and put off the burner when mixed completely
  • Now Using a dropper or medicine injection pour in Mascara Jar
  • Keep it in a cool dry place for a few hours to settle

3Homemade mascara using Shea Butter & Vitamin E

Shea butter is an incredible moisturizer and great nourishment for the skin. Vitamin E nourishes and repairs skin. Shea butter and vitamin E for skin and eyes are a great combination


  • 4 oz Shea butter
  • 4 oz coconut oil
  • 3 oz beeswax
  • 8 oz jojoba oil
  • 2 capsules of activated charcoal
  • 2 drops Vitamin E oil


  • In a pan add Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Beeswax and Jojoba oil
  • Heat on low flame till they all melt
  • Now remove from burner
  • Cut open the charcoal capsules and add to the mixture
  • Now stir and finally add Vitamin E capsule, by pouring its ingredients into the mixture
  • Now using a dropper or medicine injection pour it into mascara jar
  • Let it settle for a few hours and then use

Benefits of Using Homemade Mascara over Products:


  • Natural homemade ingredients make the mascara healthy and nourishing
  • Natural homemade Mascara is free from strong harmful chemicals
  • Natural homemade mascara gives an earthy luster to the eyelashes
  • Using natural homemade mascara overtime makes the eye lashes rich and healthy
  • Natural homemade mascara is easy to apply and even easier to remove
  • Natural homemade mascara not only adds better shape, but nourishes the eyelids around too
  • Natural homemade mascara smudges less and it is very easy to clean it with a wet wipe
  • Natural homemade mascara has some extremely healthy ingredients which prevent the artificial mascara’s carcinogenic ingredients.

How to Apply Natural Homemade Mascara

homemade mascara

1. First, apply foundation over the face and liner on the eyes

2. Now open the mascara jar and dub the brush on side inside the jar to remove excess from it

mascara wands

3. Now in front of a mirror use sides of the mirror to rest your elbow of the arm having mascara brush

mascara brush

4. Now with firm hands place the mascara wands of the brush to the roots of your eyelashes

5. Now gently pull the brush to the ends of the eyelashes.

pull the brush

6. Apply all over the eyelashes on top and bottom eyelids

7. Now the most important part, the Touch Up of the mascara to remove excess mascara off the eyelashes

8. Now hold the mascara wand vertically, and with the tips of the brush, move the same as combing the eyelashes

mascara wand vertically

9. Now remove the excess Mascara or the one that has smudged on the eyes, by using Q-tips dipped in natural homemade mascara remover.

radiant eyes

10- The perfectly radiant eyes rich with natural homemade mascara are here


  • Do not use the ingredients your skin may be allergic to.
  • The above compilation on how to make mascara at home using natural homemade ingredients is a comprehensive compilation of the experiences shared by people.
  • Check with your dermatologist for most suitable ingredients for you
  • Enjoy the many benefits of natural homemade mascara.