How To Make A Guy Fall For You?


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Guy Fall For You

The simplest rule to remember is that there is always something which attracts you towards someone. It might be a physical feature or the gesture or an expression. By any of these highlighted features, you can attract anyone you wish for. It is not the love that creeps into your first, it is your hormones to talking to you in the first place. Know the best ways to make a guy fall for you.

Ways To Make A Guy Fall For You

1Body Language

There are times when your body language makes the other person initiate a conversation. This is something similar to the attraction at first sight. The perfect figure with a combination of feminine tinge will always help you to attract the guy you desire for. Your body language could be a trigger for the initial attraction. So, before you signal what you wish for, start with a slow movement of your body indicating that you are interested in him.

How to show you are interested? Lean forward towards the guy. This is one of the ways to get him. Or you can blink faster to let him know that he has his effects on your hormones.

2Copy Him

Another rule of attraction says you absent-mindedly start liking a person if the person is like you or a reflection of you. It is very to find a person with you can relate to or a person with which you have a plenty to share about your common habits. This works better on first dates. Use the ‘chameleon effect’. The best way to check if you are doing it right, just notice the changes in his posture.

How to copy him? You can sip your drink at the same time as his. If he is habitual to use a sentence or a phrase frequently then include that phrase by the time you speak. Copy his hand placement. Make it look natural, do not overdo it.

3Stay Close To Him

The attraction theory of proximity suggests that if you start liking someone on a first look, then you will probably like that person on the second day. So, keeping him closer you will make him look on your every feature and eventually he will start liking you. And that is how you can make your guy initiate the conversation.

How to stay close? If you people meet frequently then after a casual conversation and just before taking depart, let him know that you are interested in meeting and talking to him again. This will help in deepening the effect of the theory of proximity.

4Be Open

If you could open up to the core like what you actually are then it will help you to make your guy fall for you. He will feel close to you. If you spill out a few of your secrets then this helps in building trust in your budding relationship. Disclosing your true self is a straight road to intimacy.

How to start? Do not spill everything about you in your first interaction. Start slowly to make this process work.

5Adrenaline Rush

If you people could experience an adrenaline rush together, then you have got your best shot of making him fall for you. Excitement gives rise of the seed of attraction. A person who feels arouse just by looking at you then this person is the one who will also react to his adrenaline rush.

How to excite him? Go for a horror movie together. Or opt for a roller coaster ride.

6Cuddle Fan

Cuddling can help your body in the production of dopamine and endorphins. This chemical reaction makes us like the other person. The feeling of attraction can be increased by the help of the chemical oxytocin.

7Your Own Happiness

You will automatically start liking a person if the person is interesting enough to make you feel interested in her. Do those things which excite you or those things which make you feel happy. This will directly affect your relationship with this new guy.

That sums up our list of ways to make a guy fall for you.

Tiru Dehariya