How to Grow Out Nails Fast and Strong


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Grow out nails fast

Having big nails and getting nail art of your choice seems to be a great match for every women. We all desire long and strong nails. But somehow we end up finding our nails either not growing too well or chipped and broken. Everyone dreams to know the magical mantra for how to make your nails grow longer and stronger. Worry not we bring here a compilation on growing long nails.

It is annoying when we are trying to grow out our nails and you keep finding yourself with a filer to trim the imperfections on nails. Nails reflect our health and hygiene and thus it is important to keep them strong and shiny. Many times our poor lifestyle causes them to get brittle and break easily.

Reasons Why Your Nails Are Not Growing

While most of the reasons are due to improper care and hygiene but there are some more medical reasons which must be consulted with your dermatologist soon. Growing long nails is not just for style but health aspects too. Some reasons which affect nail strength are:

1. Biting the Nails

Nailbiting is a common cause of improper and asymmetric nails. No matter how much you keep them clean and nourished when you bite them you cause them ample harm

2. Improper Diet:

A diet with vitamins and minerals absent causes nails to become brittle and unhealthy. Eating the right food helps to make nails longer and stronger

3. Avoid Nail Polish Remover:

As the nail polish remover carried harsh chemicals which are making the nail brittle. High acetone contents in nail paint remover dries your nails and make them prone to breakage

4. Changing Nail Color Every Day:

Frequent nail colors make the nails brittle and dull Naturally pink nails become yellow and dry when we change nail color ever every day

5. Not Moisturizing the Nails

Keeping them away from moisturizers causes them to become dry and eventually break out. We must maintain nail health by cleaning and moisturizing them regularly

6. Too Much Time in the Water:

Washing and cleaning utensils or clothes makes the nails soaked in water for too long this causes nails to become brittle and chip off easily.

7. Improper Filing:

Using the nail filer in a wrong way causes the nail to get damaged and eventually not grow normally

8. Infection on Nails:

Injuries and bacterial or viral infection also fungi causes the nails to break easily

9. Hormonal Imbalance:

Some medicines or even naturally triggered hormonal imbalances cause the nails to become weak and break out.

How to Make Your Nails Grow Faster and Stronger

Home remedies to grow your nails fast

There are ample home remedies which not only make your nails grow faster and stronger but also improve nail nourishment. These home remedies include:

1. Coconut Oil


Coconut oil is a magic potion for all skin and hair ailments on the body. Being a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-oxidizing and soothing serum. The nutrients in coconut oil are richly bestowed with necessary vitamins and minerals. It also strengthens our nail cuticles which help in nail growth and makes the nails stronger.

How To Use

  1. Apply coconut oil on nails at night and massage gently.
  2. Soak nails in a warm mixture of coconut oil, rose water and honey twice a week

2. Lemon


Lemon has rich antiseptic properties and its healing powers make it a great anti-microbial. Lemon is rich in citric acid, has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. It also helps in exfoliation and cleansing. Preventing infections and also healing the skin around nails. Being a natural bleaching agent it helps in lightening the yellow and dull nails too

How To Use

Method 1:

  1. You can massage plain lemon juice onto your nails Keep it doing for a minimum of 10 minutes.
  2. Later, wash your hands with lukewarm water.
  3. Now, when you are done with drying your hands then apply homemade moisturizer on your hands.

Method 2:

  1. You can also mix 1 tablespoon of lime juice with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
  2. Now, heat this mixture for a while and once it comes at a bearable temperature then soak your nails in this solution for 10 to 15 minutes.

HerGamut Tip:

Make sure that there is no bruise, cut, or burn on your nails otherwise, any of these methods will sting on your skin.

3. Tomatoes for Nail Growth


Tomatoes are known to possess compounds like biotin and lycopene. These compounds are capable of thickening of your nails as well as in the growth of your nails. Vitamin A and Vitamin C add to the nutritious value of tomatoes.

How To use

  1. Mix tomato juice and rosemary essential oil in equal proportions.
  2. Soak your nails in this solution for about a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. This solution will help to keep your nails hydrated for a longer period of time and is also capable of enhancing the color of your nails.

4. Olive oil:


Moisture is one of the major factors in the growth of your nails. If you keep your nails hydrated then you have a better chance of speeding up the process of your nail growth.

Olive oil deeply moisturizes your nails and keeps them nourished. It penetrates deeply into the skin and provides nail care. The oil contains Vitamin E which helps in proper blood circulation and also helps in repairing your damaged nails.

How To Use

  1. Massage your hands, especially your nails with warm olive oil for about 5 to 10 minutes. Leave the oil to soak into your skin overnight.
  2. Or you can just dip your nails in warm olive oil and leave it for a minimum of half an hour.

Try to follow either of these methods once or twice in a day.

5. Orange Juice for Nail Growth


Like, lemon juice, orange juice also helps in the growth of your nails. It contains Vitamin C which makes orange juice a booster for nail growth. It is capable of stimulating collagen production in your body which in turn helps your nails to become stronger with the time. The major factor behind the growth of your nails is folic acid.

How To Use

Method 1:

  1. Extract juice from fresh orange. Now, soak your nails in this fresh orange juice.
  2. Let your nails be inside this solution for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes
  3. After which you can wash your hands with lukewarm water.
  4. Once you are done drying your hands, then use a homemade moisturizer to keep your hands hydrated for longer hours.

Try to follow this every day to get the effective visible results from this method.

Method 2:

Orange peel is rich in vitamin C and has some wonderful vitamins and minerals.

  1. Just make a paste with orange peel powder and honey.
  2. Apply all over the nails and keep for 20 minutes. Repeat twice a day.

6. Eggshells:


Yes, you read it right, eggshells are rich in calcium, protein, iron and folic acid. These nutrients are needed for nail growth and strength.

How To Use

  1. Just crush the eggshells and add pecans, almond and flax seeds to make a powder.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of this powder in two teaspoons of warm milk and make a paste.

Apply on nails every day for longer and stronger nail growth.

7. Garlic:


Garlic is a richly therapeutic herb infused with health and wellness benefits. Its anti-microbial properties protect nails from infection, also stimulating blood circulation thus bringing about nail nourishment.

How To Use

  • Just grate the garlic and mix with honey and apply on your nails for 15 minutes
  • You can also cut a slice of garlic and rub against your nails for similar benefits

8. Hand Massage with Castor Oil:


Castor oil is rich anti-inflammatory and helps in grooming the skin by penetrating deeper into it. Massaging helps in improved blood circulation, thus improving new cell formation. When you massage nails are sure to push the cuticles gently back for more nail strength and growth

9. Petroleum Jelly:


Vaseline petroleum jelly is specially beneficial for nail growth. Just rub it over the nails and keep overnight or soak in warm vaseline mixed with coconut oil

10. Baby oil:


Baby oil is rich in minerals which help in disinfecting and nourishing the nails. Apply baby oil before bedtime helps in providing circulation and thus improved cell growth

[Read More: Beauty Benefits of Baby Oil]

11. Honey and Aloe Vera:


Both honey and aloe vera are rich in moisturizing skin. They have some amazing skin-soothing and nail grooming properties.

Just combine the two and apply over the nails and keep them for 15 minutes.

12. Water


Dehydration plays an important role in the growth of your nails. So, it is a very important part of your daily routine to keep your body hydrated. To avoid the condition of dehydration, try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. It will help to strengthen your nails and will also keep your cuticles healthy.

13. Banana


Banana is not only used as an energy booster because of its high potassium content, but it also possesses minerals like zinc and silica which are very important for the growth of your nails. Both of these minerals along with the Vitamin B6 will assure you for having healthy nails.

How To Use

  1. Try including a banana in your breakfast.
  2. You can also rub the peel of banana over your nails to get the desired result from this natural ingredient

14. Tea Tree Oil


Tea tree oil has great regeneration properties. For damaged nails use tea tree oil for repair and strength. It also has antiseptic properties. Thus, it removes nail fungus.

How To Use

  1. Put a few drops of tea tree oil in a bowl of warm water
  2. Soak your fingers and toes for a few minutes every day.

15. Flax Seeds


Flax seeds naturally strengthen your nails and also add vital minerals to them. Just rub some flax seeds on your nails before going to bed every night. Then wash your hands clean the next morning.

16. Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar not only is rich in nutrients, but had anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which keeps the nails free from germs. Take apple cider vinegar water in equal proportions in a bowl. Now soak your hands and feet in it for a few minutes. Now wash it clean.

More Tips To Keep Nails Healthy and Strong

  1. Be careful when using tools as they can chip off nails fast
  2. Don’t forget weekly manicure at home to enrich the nails
  3. Never forget the base and top coats when applying nail paint
  4. Clean your nails properly every day: Whenever you wash your hands, be sure to clean your nails also separately. Nails may carry germs and microbes causing infections and illness. Thus below steps must be followed at least twice a day
  5. Moisturize your nails regularly: It is very necessary to keep your finger and toe nails properly nourished and moisturized. Use enriching and homemade natural creams or petroleum jelly at least 3 to 5 times a day. Water and soap can dry out the natural oils from nails. They need to be replenished using creams and lotions
  6. Remove the dead cells or cuticles carefully: The thin layer of skin that forms on the roots of the nails are dead skin or cuticles. They must be removed regularly for healthy nail growth. There are special 2 part fork shaped instruments for removing cuticles. Also, skewer tips can be used, but be careful as too much pressure to cuticles may cause bleeding and other damage to nails and skin around

The above compilation on how to grow out nails fast and strong, is to help you prevent chipping off nails and help them grow long and strong. Be sure to do a patch test before proceeding with any of the home remedies. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing from you!

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Minu Manisha Babel: An MBA by chance, a trainer by passion, a psychologist by interest and a voracious reader by parentage. I enjoy traveling, public speaking, exploring and writing on topics relevant to our well-being and happiness. As a women and a firm believer in the sanctity of being a women, i yearn to contribute my bit through this endeavor. Enjoy reading and sharing!