How To Get Rid Of Lines under eyes And Wrinkles Naturally


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get rid of lines under eyes

Under eye lines and wrinkles are a sign of aging. Every women frets over the thought of aging, so we have few tips on how to get rid of lines under eyes and wrinkles naturally. Under eye lines and wrinkles become extremely prominent and jeopardize the beauty and glow on our face. Sometimes women in their early 30s also get lots of under eye lines and wrinkles. Therefore, it is of increasing importance that these lines are treated in most appropriate ways to retain our the beauty and health and reverse the biological cycle with anti-aging and skin care

The skin around eyes, specially below eyes is very vulnerable and soft. Thus a very little damage or carelessness can make it appear prominent. The under eye lines and wrinkles psychologically make you feel older than your age. Some remedies and preventive methods at home can help you replenish your eyes and also make you look younger and radiant.

Causes of under eye lines and wrinkles:

eye lines and wrinkles

  • Smoking
  • Sun exposure
  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Poor diet or deficient in nutrition
  • Dehydration or loss of water from body
  • Illness causing sudden weight changes
  • Unplanned weight loss
  • Poor fitness regime

To Get Rid Of Lines Under Eyes And Wrinkles Naturally follow any of the below steps


Skin under our eyes become dry and start shedding due to lack of moisture. These end up showing under eye lines and wrinkles. Also in these cases dark circles start becoming more prominent. Therefore, in these cases it is very important to bring back the moisture and keep the discoloration and pigmentation at bay. Cucumber is an effective way of treating the same. The detoxifying effects and cooling sensations of cucumber softens the skin and removes wrinkles. To apply cucumber follow any of the below:

  • Put cucumber slices on the eyes
  • Grate coconut and put on eyes
  • Rub cucumber juice on eyes gently

2Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a rich anti-oxidant and aid cell regeneration. The fats in coconut oil help in fighting wrinkles around our eyes and thus prevent lines under eyes. To apply coconut oil follow any of the below:

  • Rub virgin coconut oil around the eyes
  • Put coconut oil thick layer under eyes for overnight

3Ginger and honey

Ginger has powerful medicinal properties, it is a rich anti-oxidant and has healing benefits. Honey is a rich anti-bacterial and full of anti-oxidizing properties. When both ginger and honey combine they make the perfect treatment for under eye lines and wrinkles. To apply them follow the below steps:

  • Grate ginger roots
  • Squeeze them and take the drops of ginger juice
  • Add honey to them
  • Now apply around the eyes with a soft cotton ball
  • Leave for a few minutes
  • Then wash it with cold water

4Rose water and Banana

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties and it is a great cleanser. Banana is richly loaded with vitamin A and E and has repairs damage easily. To use them:

  • Mash banana to form a paste
  • Add rose water and mix it well
  • Apply the paste on eyes and leave for 15 minutes
  • Now wash it with cold water


Avocado are healthy fatty acids and rich in vitamins. They are good anti-oxidants and thus help in curing under eye lines and wrinkles. They are very good for improving skin complexion too. How to use avocado:

  • Cut slice of avocado and put on eyes
  • Or mash avocado and put over the eyes
  • Keep it for 20 minutes
  • Wash with cold water

6Olive Oil and egg whites

Egg whites are known for their skin tightening action. They prevent and help cure the under eye lines and wrinkles quickly. The olive oils have anti-aging anti-oxidants, thus when added to egg whites, it will help to regain the moisture back. How to apply:

  • Beat the egg white till they foam
  • Add few drops of olive oil to them
  • Now with finger tips gently rub it around the eyes
  • Keep doing for 10-12 minutes and leave for a few minutes
  • Now wash it with cold water

7Almond oil

Almond oil, unlike any other, helps to dislodge debris from deep within the skin. It is rich in vitamin A and thus enriches and grooms healthy skin. To apply:

  • Just rub a few drops of almond oil around eyes
  • Leave them overnight
  • Wash your face the next morning


Pineapple by far is the best treatment for acne and fine lines on face. Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C, bromelain (which is an active enzyme) and is an anti-inflammatory agent. It thus treats skin inflammations. Pineapple also has astringent properties which helps in skin exfoliation. How to use:

  • Apply pineapple juice on eyes
  • Leave for 30 minutes
  • Wash with cold water

Precaution: the above compilation how to get rid of lines under eyes and wrinkles naturally, is based on learnings and experiences. Please check your skin allergies and consult your cosmologist for proper guidance based on your skin type

Minu Manisha