How To Get Rid Of Frizzy Hair? Soften Your Hair!


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Frizzy hair is a constant war between every woman’s wish for settled and smooth hair vs hair going haywire and looking like a nest. Are you experiencing it and want to get rid of it immediately?

Well, it is quite annoying to deal with that frizz after shampooing and conditioning your hair well.

Despite trying, to see the same scene of frizzy hair will not help you figure out whether it is the excess moisture or lack of moisture that’s the culprit behind all the frizz.

Keep your confusion and thoughts aside and read this article to get your questions answered on what makes the hair frizzy and look through the ways to get rid of frizzy hair.

What Causes Frizzy Hair?


If it is always about dealing with frizzy hair, it is natural to end up losing interest in your hair. Therefore, here is what you need to know about what causes frizzy hair. Take a look!

No 1 – Insufficient Moisture

Did you know? Frizzy hair is directly linked to dry hair? Yes, only when your hair is dry it ends up getting frizzy.

Just as your skin needs moisture to stay supple and healthy. Similarly, your hair needs enough moisture to stay neat, settled and strong.

When your hair lacks moisture your hair cuticle gets rough and your hair strands begin to swell up causing all the frizzy hair that you dislike.

No 2 – Excess Moisture

When your hair is over-moisturized, that sticky texture affects your cuticles and makes your hairstrands frizzy.

Frizzy hair pulls down the elasticity in your hair and when your hair is wet the sign that you will notice is that of failing to see your hair come back to its usual form when stretched on either ends.

No 3 – Taking A Hair Wash With Hot Water

Just as the weather temperature affects our skin, same is with the temperature of water on the hair as well.

When you resort to washing your hair with steaming hot water it directly makes your hair frizzy and dry as the natural oils get washed away too.

Natural oils keep your hair healthy. It acts as a barrier protecting your hair from pollution and all the harsh chemicals, when this barrier is disturbed, it gets tough for your hair to remain healthy.

No 4 – Fidgeting With Your Hair

All of us touch our hair, over-touching and continuously fidgeting with it can make it frizzy. This might seem to be a small reason, however, it isn’t as small as it seems.

Perhaps the dirt on your fingers gets mixed with the natural oils in your hair and spoils the texture making it frizzy.

Therefore, over touching the hair when it is wet or set with a curler or straightener can make your hair frizzy.

No 5 – Washing Your Hair Everyday

Taking care of the hygiene in your hair is essential. However, it is not recommended or advised to wash your hair every day.

The moment you begin to excessively wash your hair, it starts to get dry and all the natural oils escape from your hair.

No 6 – Rough Towels Spoil The Hair

Majority of us don’t pay attention to the type of towels we use on our hair.

It is one of the factors to look into. Using a rough towel after you wash your hair simply makes your hair dry or frizzy.

Basically, it is the friction that ends up making your hair frizzy.

No 7 – Clinging Too Much To Styling Tools

Every woman needs styling tools as one of the essentials to make the hair look gorgeous .

Having said, overusing styling tools like blow dryers, curlers or flat irons can disturb the natural texture of your hair and mess with the elasticity causing it to become frizzy.

No 8 – DE-Tangling Wet Hair

It is impossible for the hair to remain de-tangled naturally and since that’s an impossible wish, it is a bad practice to try and de-tangle your hair right after you washed your hair.

For two reasons it is not recommended, it spoils the natural texture of your hair and it weakens the elasticity in your hair.

No 9 – Using The Wrong Product On Your Hair

The natural texture of your hair tends to deteriorate when you use the wrong product at times.

For instance, if you use a product having ingredients such as sulfates, dethanolamine, ammonium and a few other chemicals, it will end up spoiling texture of your hair.

For instance, a particular shampoo, conditioner or styling product must be incapable of taking care of the elasticity in your hair and makes it frizzy.

No 10 – Letting Dead Hair Grow

Dead hair refers to split ends and damaged hair. When split ends and damaged hair is not chopped off, it ends up causing the hair to get frizzy.

Just as a small flaw in a product or your negligence can make the hair frizzy, the same happens when you allow all the dead hair stay on your hair for long.

Ways To Prevent And Get Rid Of Frizzy Hair


Now, as you are aware about what causes frizzy hair, it is time to learn the ways to prevent and get rid of frizzy hair. Take a look at the points mentioned below!

No 1 – Work On Solutions For Damaged Hair

Damaged Hair

Try and understand why you have split ends or dead hair in the first place.

Once you know the problem, analyse if the problem is due to the weather, is it a styling product or lack of care that is causing all the trouble.

Start to work on the solution by using home remedies such as honey, egg yolk, chamomile oil on your hair. Additionally, trim all the dead and damaged hair.

No 2 – Brush Your Hair At The Right Time


If you want to avoid your hair from getting frizzy you should remove all the knots in your hair at the right time.

Having said, make sure to de-tangle your hair while you are applying the conditioner or use a brush after your hair has dried 90%.

No 3 – Keep Your Hair Away From Chemicals


If you don’t want to risk the texture of your hair, it would be sensible if you thoroughly check for the ingredients before you buy a shampoo or conditioner.

Avoid using a shampoo or conditioner that has alcohol or sulfate like chemicals. Pick products that are mild on chemicals and are made from natural extracts. This is safe for use.

No 4 – Stop Touching Your Hair Often


Avoid touching your hair every now and then, this is a habit and you can overcome the habit by practising it.

There is nothing wrong with using your fingers while combing your hair. However, don’t touch it more than once after you have set it.

No 5 – Avoid Sticking To Styling Tools Often


Reduce your frequency of using heating tools and products. You need to use them once in a while and that shouldn’t do bad to your hair.

Don’t make it a habit to straighten or curl your hair every week. It is okay to use the styling tools two times a month.

That being said, closely observe how do styling products work on your hair, if you think it is spoiling your natural texture, it is best to immediately stop using it.

No 6 – Regularly Moisturize Your Hair


Moisturizing your hair is as good as taking care of its health. The best tips to keeping your hair moisturized is by oiling and shampooing your hair when needed with the right products.

Additionally, it is necessary to keep yourself hydrated so that there is enough moisture in your hair roots. Further, you can keep up with the moisture by using home remedies.

No 7 – Dry Your Hair With A Soft Towel


When you dry your hair, the kind of fabric you use on your hair plays a key role in either safeguarding your hair or spoiling its texture.

If you don’t want your hair to get frizzy, you must wipe your wet hair with a soft micro-fiber towel.

This fabric doesn’t cause friction or clumping, which is why your hair doesn’t get frizzy. Besides, using a silk pillow case can save your hair from friction.

No 8 – Stop Washing Your Hair Everyday


If you want to keep the natural oils safe in your hair, one of the best way to secure is by avoiding washing your hair every day.

To keep your hair clean, it is more than sufficient to wash your hair two or three times a week.

Anything more than this will dry out the natural oils that acts as a barrier in protecting your hair.

No 9 – Wash Your Hair With Warm Water


The water temperature that you pour on your hair should not exceed room temperature, it makes all the moisture disappear and makes your hair dry, this way it affects the natural pH levels in your scalp as well.

To prevent and get rid of frizzy hair, stick to using luke warm or cold water on your hair.

Your hair will remain soft and its natural oils will stay secure.

No 10 – Condition Your Hair Well


Conditioning your hair after a hair wash is a must. If you cannot condition your hair twice or thrice a week, it won’t matter but ensure to apply a conditioner atleast once a week.

A conditioner helps in controlling the frizz on your hair and the unsettled hair settles down.

Check for essential ingredients before you select a conditioner and only apply it on the ends of your hair.

Final Word

If you keep a check on small habits and follow simple tips you will successfully be able to prevent or get rid of frizzy hair. Additionally, regular and good hair care can as well save your hair from getting frizzy.