How to Get Over a Crush Easily


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How to get over a crush easily

Having a crush and then separating with him can be painful and disheartening. Someone whom you shared yourself and now you are no longer in the same relationship as you were. It is the toughest thing for a girl, to overcome the pain and wallow from grief. The hardest part is to realize that you or your crush no longer feel the same the way you once used to. Most crushes end up bitter and it takes a lot of time and energy to put yourself together and bring back the normal status in your life. Maybe it was him who stopped liking and loving you, and you still have the same feeling but you can’t force him to stay in the relationship when he no longer feels the same.

[Read: How to tell if a guy likes you]

Some ways to get over your crush easily and quickly:

While nothing can be completely healing but these tricks are sure to change your mind and help you overcome the grief and sorrow. The most important part is breaking up on a rather positive note which is not so in most cases. When you separate at bitter terms it gets tougher to forget and move on. Some steps to help in getting over a crush who was not worthy of your love and care include:

your crush easily and quickly

1- The first important step is to accept and realize he is no longer a part of you or your life:

Emotional venting out is equally important for you now. Take charge of yourself and learn the hard fact that he is no longer with you. It takes a while but realization is the key to beginning a normal and happy life afresh. Adjust your mindset in a way that your strong feelings for that person or your crush don’t come in the way. Let the intense feelings go away and stop holding on to them dearly. You can do this by the following:

  • Talk to your friend and share it all with her/ him. This helps in making you feel light and relaxed
  • Write down on a paper if you cant share with friends and open your heart out without any hitch
  • Staying alone and wallowing for a few days is fine but don’t confine yourself at home for long

first important step

2- Its time to forget the anger and bitterness you parted with:

The more you think about how bitter it was, and the more your are angry with him the difficult it gets to move on. You don’t need to have any emotions for that crush who did not respect your pure love and care. Always remember you need to respect your own feelings and move on rather than keeping the harsh terms you parted with, in your heart and mind. Acknowledge pain and share it with friends

Specially if you come in contact with your crush don’t show him how angry you are and how bitter it went. Be indifferent to it and see how powerful and relaxing it is

[Read: Signs of a healthy relationship]

anger and bitterness

3- Go for a relaxing bubble bath followed by mudding or spa:

It is never a wrong time to go for parlor and therapeutic massage treatments soon after you break-up with your crush. Pamper and groom yourself for a relaxing and unwinding treatment. Bubble bath with aromatic gels and spa amid the cool and peaceful mantras is not just relaxing but also mood changing. What you need the most at this time to move on and get over your crush.

[Read: Reasons why I love you so much]

4- Make a list of bad habits and weaknesses of your crush:

This is the time to think how lucky you are that he left you. His bad habits must be remembered and memorized to reiterate how staying with him could have caused more damage than being away from him.

Make a list of bad habits

5- Get a makeover:

A breakup haircut or hair color and nail art is always welcomed to get off your wallow period. Make wallowing fun and interesting, so that there is no space for feeling upset and crying out. A wardrobe makeover can be boosting and encouraging and bringing your self-confidence back on track.

6- Organize and trash everything that is his or reminds of him:

Organize your home and specially trash the pieces of him left at your home. Do not keep anything that reminds you of him. Keep your new organization idea fun filled and quick fix.

Organize and trash

7- Go for rigorous exercises and yoga:

Meditation, yoga, and exercises relax and sooth the mind, body and soul. Go for a routine of this three everyday and enjoy working out. Always remember you deserve way better than this and you have it in store for yours. Let the right time come and you will have it all with you

8- Meet new people and make friends:

Now that you no more have to worry about just one person its time to go out and about. Meet new people and make friends for life has many more opportunities and options for you.

9- Pick your hobbies, for now, is the time to paint, read and dance:

Best time to groom any of your hobby is right now, as you are in a vulnerable phase. Hobbies can be your best and trusted pal and you can find newer passion alive with them. Read a new book, watch a new movies, write some blogs, paint an art piece and dance your heart out.

10- Be honest with yourself and don’t take it personal:

Everyone has their choices and there is nothing you can do to make anyone love you or like you. If the person has moved on, try and be honest with yourself. Feel the pain and cry out once, but don’t stick with this for long. Once you accept your feelings and the reality it gets easier to get over.

Be honest with yourself

11- Stop thinking about him even when alone:

You need to be headstrong and stop thinking about him now. Its tough to control your thoughts but if you try and distract yourself into something more exciting and intriguing, it will be easier and simpler

12- Don’t hope for him to come back:

You don’t want sympathy but a relation which is two sided and feels lovely for you. Don’t hope for him to come back, its destiny and move on. If you continue thinking about how he will come back to you; then you are living a pretentious life

13- Keep away from him or places that remind of your good times together:

Try to stay away from him as much possible, and avoid places that remind of him. Avoid eating at places where you dated once, skip the cafe’ or bar where you would hangout and steer clear of the things that remind you of him

14- Seek help and support:

It’s easy when you have someone you trust to fall back upon. Ask for their help and discuss with them. You will feel light and this is not embarrassing at all. As we all have our share of heartaches and unfortunate incidents.

Seek help and support

15- Start finding new crush:

Now that he has gone, consider it a god sent chance to begin looking for another crush. And the learning from past bitter experience will make you capable enough not to make the same mistake.

Some more easy ways to forget the pain and get over your crush:

  1. Eat your favorite cuisine at favorite restaurant
  2. Go for shopping as its a therapy
  3. Spend time with grandparents
  4. Walk your dog more and more
  5. Go partying
  6. Go on a camping trip with your close pals
  7. Vacation time it is

It is difficult to get over a crush but if you stay strong and follow the above you not just feel better but also safeguard your own respect. No one can force love to anyone or liking for anyone if someone doesn’t feel the way you do then it’s their loss. Just be strong and move on for life has ample more roses laid out for you. He isn’t the be all and end all, just give some time and see how wonderful life gets to post this trauma.

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Minu Manisha