9 Fantastic Ways To Fix Your Broken Make Up – Fix It Now!


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Broken Make Up

It feels like a disaster when you need your makeup the most and you see it break or damage, have you ever been there and known how that feels? Painful for all the girls who love makeup, isn’t it?

You would be flabbergasted to know that fragile things like your lipstick and compact powder can be fixed with the help of certain chemicals as well as ingredients that you would usually have with you at home. Do not let your heart break if your make up is broken, it can be fixed!

This article focuses on giving all the broken hearted girls tips on how to fix their make up and heart through fantastic ideas, follow them all and see how it works for you!

9 Ways to Fix Your Broken Make Up – Find Your Way!

Src: craftingagreenworld.com

There is always a probability that your make up would break at some point, the longevity of makeup is all on how you use it, are you harsh with using it ? or are is it that you use it every day that increases the probability for it to break and get spoilt.

Stay at ease as here are some of the tips to fix your broken makeup!

No 1 – Clamp-All Your Powder Products With Vodka

Alcohol has that vigour to fix all your broken makeup and make it all fine and fixed. The nature of alcohol is to be able to solidify powder like substances that are split.

Did you ever know? What makes you high is actually a mender to your ally (makeup) Well! You are having the right drink then. It does so much good to you, makes you feel nice as well as mends your broken make up. It sustains the consistency of your product and makes it remain the same as how it was. Here is what you need to mend your make up with alcohol.

Collect the Following

  • A tiny glass of vodka
  • Paper rolls
  • Needle

What Should You Do?

Stop feeling sad and see how it gets fixed, here is what you should do :

  1. Take a needle and push in all the extra powder that is around your compact box.
  2. Pour a few drops of alcohol around the compact powder and wait for few seconds. You will see how vodka brings all the compact together. Use your fingers, press the compact powder and bring all the broken pieces closer.
  3. After waiting for few seconds you will pour some more vodka on the compact powder and wait for about 15 minutes to let it dry completely, then use a butter knife to bring all the compact powder together.
  4. Now make the compact firm with the help of a tissue paper. What you have to do is take a piece of tissue paper, fold it into two, place the tissue on the compact powder and press it to make it flat and completely firm.

Now your compact is all together and fixed just like how it would have been before it broke.

Also Read: How To Make Your Makeup Last All Day

No 2 – Sieve The Compact Powder To Fix It

If you do do not like getting drunk and alcohol is something you cannot stand then you have better ways to deal with it and here is one of them.

Collect the Following

  • Place a sheet on the table – to save your table from getting dirty
  • Spoon
  • Plastic bag or a tea bag – To fill in the compact powder
  • Sieve
  • Plastic bowl

What Should You Do?

Src: wikihow.com

This non-alcoholic method is also going to fix your broken make up. Here is what you should do :

  1. Lay a sheet on the table to prevent your table from getting dirty.
  2. Remove all the compact powder from the box and put it into the plastic cover or tea bag.
  3. Take a spoon and start to mash the compact powder that is in the cover.
  4. Once you have mashed the compact powder with a spoon, take another bowl to sieve the mashed compact powder in order to store it and use it when needed.

No 3 – Remold The Broken Lipstick

You are in a hurry sometimes or you just did not realize how hard you went on applying lipstick that it ultimately breaks. Now if it is your favorite shade you would not want to let it go just like that or for that matter if you spent too much on the lipstick you would certainly feel the pinch to let the lipstick remain broken. Right? No worries! Look into these ways to fix a broken lipstick

Collect the Following

  • Lipstick Mold
  • Tooth Pick
  • Cigarette lighter or a matchbox
  • Paper roll

What Should You Do?

When your lipstick breaks in the center

  • Take a paper roll to make both the broken pieces smooth
  • Once you have smoothened the ends, take a lighter and melt the ends of the both the pieces.
  • Since it is hot both the broken pieces will easily stick to each other. Now, gently press both the pieces.

When your Lipstick Breaks from the Bottom

  1. Take a toothpick and scrape out all the lipstick
  2. Turn the lipstick upside down by placing the upper part of the lipstick in the lower part
  3. Use a paper roll and gently dap the slightly broken part that is at the top now so that the whole lipstick is in the right shape now

When the lipstick melts or is cracking

If you think your lipstick is melting or cracking, you have to remake it and a lipstick mold is the best tool to get back your lipstick to normal.

  1. Heat up the lipstick and melt it down completely
  2. Pour the melted lipstick into the lipstick mold and freeze it well

Read 16 Ravishing Lipstick Shades For Fair Skin

No 4 – Hydrate The Mascara

Src: amazon.in

When you wanted to highlight your eyelashes and opened your mascara bottle, what if you see it dry? feels sad right? Why bother when you can hydrate it back with the help of eye drops?

You just need eye drops. What you would have to do is buy a good quality eye drops.

Buy it here: Amazon Link

What Should You Do?

  • Open the mascarra bottle and add at least 5 drops of eye drops
  • Close the lid and shake this mixture upside down
  • Open it after few seconds and you will find your mascarra hydrated

No 5 – Bring back Eye Shadow To Life

At times the eye shadow dries up and you find it all cracked, isn’t it? You have to bring it back to life and smoothen it.

You just need a packing tape

Buy it here:

Amazon Link

What Should You Do?

Place a piece of the tape on the eye shadow, slightly press it and then pull it out. After you do this, your eye shadow will get smoothened and you will be able to use it easily.

No 6 – Moisten The Eye Shadow Cream

Src: 3ina.com

Your eye shadow cream is naturally moist but if you reside in a place that is warm. Chances are, you will see your eye shadow cream get dry and you do not have to worry much because there is a way to moisten it back.

You just need a few drops of olive oil.

What Should You Do?

Src: shopify.com

Take a few drops of olive oil and add it to the eye shadow cream. Use your finger and mix the oil and cream, after a few hours you will find your eye shadow cream moistened back.

No 7 – Astringent To Fix Broken Compact Powder

Src: amazon.com

If you are not comfortable with the idea of using alcohol then you can as well take a few drops of astringent to fix your broken make up. You can say, astringent is a substitute to alcohol as it has alcoholic properties in it.

Collect the Following

  • 1 bowl
  • Astringent(Witch Hazel)
  • 1 Spoon
  • 1 toothpick

What Should You Do?

Src: enspirebeauty.com
  1. Empty all the compact powder in another bowl just the way it is and clean the compact powder box as you are going to add back compact powder when it is all set to get right.
  2. Use a toothpick and finely powder the compact powder as much as you can.
  3. Now you will need the astringent, do not pour the astringent into this bowl immediately, slowly pour the astringent and as you are pouring it into the bowl keep mixing it with a spoon.
  4. Stir this mixture well, if you think the compact powder is still too thick you can add some more astringent and make it a well-formed paste. See to it that the paste is completely mixed well without any lumps.
  5. Transfer this paste into a compact powder box and leave it for about a day to dry up so that you can use it the next time.

Read: Top Tips on Setting Powder for Makeup Effectiveness

No 8 – Fix Broken Make Up Powder With Rose Water

Src: apollopharmacy.in

Water is a natural hydrating agent and you can use water to moisturize and fix back all the broken compact powder.

Collect the Following

  • Bottle of rosewater
  • Plastic cover
  • Spoon

What Should You Do?

Src: makelifelovely.com
  1. Spray few drops of rose water on the broken compact powder.
  2. Wait for the rose water to solidify the compact powder and then use your finger and bring the compact powder together.
  3. Take a plastic sheet and cover the compact powder, then press the plastic cover all around. Now, place a heavy object on the plastic cover so that the pressure makes the compact powder solidified, repaired and firm for you to use it. Let this plastic cover be covered for a few minutes.

No 9 – Hydrogen Peroxide To Fix Broken Make Up

Src: stylecraze.com

Hydrogen Peroxide has antiseptical properties and it wonderfully helps in fixing broken make up.

Collect the Following

  • Few drops of hydrogen peroxide
  • Plastic cover
  • Spoon

What should you do?

  1. Spray few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide on the broken compact powder.
  2. Wait for the Hydrogen Peroxide to solidify the compact powder and then use your finger and join the broken pieces of the compact powder together.
  3. Take a plastic sheet and cover the compact powder, then press the plastic cover all around.
  4. Now, place a heavy object on the plastic cover so that the pressure makes the compact powder solidified, repaired and firm for you to use it. Let this plastic cover be covered for a few minutes.

Taking into consideration the different ways of fixing your broken makeup, now you are never going to be disappointed if your make up is all scattered. You have remedies such as rose water, eye drops, hydrogen peroxide, astringent, alcohol etc to repair the cracked and broken makeup to make it smooth and fine for use.

It is interesting to know how an application of one product can have to repel or attracting effects on another product. Just like how broken makeup is fixed when certain products are mixed together.

On a safe side, always be careful with your make up products. Keep them safe and good to avoid any sort of damage.