How To Do A Waterfall Braid Hairstyle In 5 Easy Steps


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Waterfall braid hairstyle is a stunning and pesky way to elaborate on the French style hair art. And for some special occasions like wedding, concert or a day out; water braids are just the most stunning hairdo you can easily put on. From messy bead head to a more organized and stylish waterfall braids, this hair style is a sure charmer. The crown of woven braids as you let your hair down in most controlled ways simply looks stunning and why not for waterfall braids are just the coolest and breeziest summer look for any damsel.

Wondering how to do a waterfall braid hairstyle, well with little practice you will perfect the art and wear stunning hairdo all the time. We have some simple steps on mastering waterfall braids (DIY) on medium to long hair. For short hair the waterfall braids must be done with little hair setting oil to help overdo the silky smooth hair effects

How To Waterfall Braid Your Own Hair:

With temperatures getting bitter cold and bomb cyclone at the East coast, we brought a simple and stunning suggestion to help you work indoor in improving your style and charisma. A waterfall hairstyle step by step tutorial which will add glamour to your style. For making waterfall braid easy ways must be tried initially and then as you become a pro you can pick challenging and quick steps too.

Steps For Waterfall Braid Hairstyle Includes:

1. Preparing Your Hair:

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Since waterfall braid hairstyle requires smooth and clean hair which are without any tangles, it is important to prep them up. Also, there are a few items you would need for making waterfall braids which must be arranged and kept nearby. Not many materials though but a brush, smoothing serum, bobby pins and a comb. Keep all these items handy for we do not want to end up forgetting the bobby pin only to mess up the prepared waterfall braids.

2. Wash And Brush Your Hair Dry:

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Wash your hair and let all the oils go away. Them wipe the hair dry and brush to air dry them. Remove all tangles with a wide toothed comb and then with a fine toothed comb. The hair must be easily separable for making a waterfall braid needs the hair to be easily parted at every step.

3. Now Create A Partly Side Part, To Begin With:

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For the cascading waterfall effect begin with a side parting. Just deep part and flip the hair towards one side. You may play up with depth of parting, and within a few trials you would know which depth suits you more and what cascading effect is seen when parting is deeper.

4. Now Use A Hair Smoothing Serum To Begin:

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Styling hair can get messy if you have free falling hair texture so it is good to begin with application of a smoothing serum for hair. This serum also tames the unruly hair which may interfere with your styling

5. Now Begin Braiding With The Top Of Side Parting:

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  • Take a section of hair on the heavy parted side and begin
  • Divide the hair into 3 sections then cross the back strand on the middle one and then the front strand on the middle one, just like normal braids
  • Now in second braid loop bring an extra section of hair from one side on the middle section and drop the front section of hair down, pull the hair so they lock in
  • Then cross the front strand on the middle strand and again bring another thin section of hair in the middle strand to loop in
  • Drop front strand of hair again and proceed similarly
  • Continue doing so until you reach hair end in a slanting line of cascading hair drop like waterfalls
  • Pin the top of the hair and lay it as is, secure the braid behind your ears with a bobby pin in a way that it does not come out
  • Now apply hair setting spray to let it stay such for long

Waterfall braid short hair steps for DIY:

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For short hair begin with the above steps and reach a point where you have divided the section of hair in three.

  • Now begin making the braids by doing a cross of middle section on side one and taking in the other side to lock it.
  • Then take another section of hair with middle section and cross it with outer one to drop the section down which is near the forehead. Put a bobby pin in case the hair are too short
  • Proceed similarly applying bobby pins in spaces where the hair seems to come out of the lock.
  • You may apply hair setting powder and smoothing serum too, while proceeding with the waterfall braids.
  • Use bobby pins to secure the braid ends and spray the hair setting liquid to keep the hair perfect for long

Points to consider when doing a waterfall braid hairstyle:

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How to instructions to make your waterfall braid hairstyle look stunning include:

  1. Use a good amount of hair serum if you have oily or too dry hair
  2. For hair with dandruff and scabs on scalp issues, avoid parting deeply as they will show white skin flakes which look bad
  3. Use pearls and beads on braids to make them look stunning specially if you are for bridal hairstyles.
  4. Keep the hair clean and washed as otherwise the oils may interfere with hair styling and make it look messy
  5. Apply hair mousse if you have too thin hair strands which will add volume to your hair.

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