How to Clean Your Eyelash Extensions – Wipe The Dirt!


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Happiness is having clean eyelash extensions!

It feels like heaven to have extended eyelashes accentuating your beautiful eyes. what if there is a twist in the story and heaven changes to hell because of the stuck up dirt in your eyelash extension? In no time heaven would turn to hell, isn’t it?

Why would the scenario change? is it pollution or dust particles that is the cause for trouble? Well – not exactly! It is due to lack of eyelid hygiene or possibilities of eye infection that leads to problems.

Most of the time, water coming out of your eyes also calls for the need to clean eyelash extensions.

If you have gotten an eyelash extension done or in the near future you plan to get one, you should have an idea about how to clean them, its basic and a part of caring for the extensions. Read through this article to learn some of the easy ways to keep your eye extensions spic and span!

Why Is It Essential To Keep Eyelash Extensions Clean?


It is good to step beyond assumptions and understand the real reasons as to why it is important to keep the eyelash extensions clean.

Give it a read, to get a basic awareness about what happens

1. Blepharitis – The eyes can get watery and infectious if it is affected with a bacterial infection that is caused mainly because of dandruff in the scalp. When this infection makes the eyes water, it goes into the eyelash extensions and is not safe on your eyes.

Thus, keeping the eyelash extensions clean proves to be an effective measure.

2. Dead Skin Cells – Even your eyelids are a part of your skin. Having said, if you don’t use sufficient water on your eyelids, dead skin cells tend to get collected and further makes one feel itchy and an uncomfortable irritation on that part of the skin.

3. Thick Mascara – You should be happy to achieve thick and beautiful eyelashes after sticking the eyelash extensions. If you get greedy and apply the mascara it is a must that you clean your eyelash extensions, otherwise, the dirt remains and it is not good for your eyelids.

4. Oil Reduces The Glue Effect – The reason it is important to keep oil away from eyelashes is only because it reduces effectiveness in glue and this results in eyelash extensions falling out. It is better to keep the eyelash extensions clean and safe.

How to Clean Eyelash Extensions at Home


Keeping away from a few products and following tips can help with keeping the eyelash extensions clean.

You can follow all of these tips at home, they are simple and doable! Here you go!

Tip 1 – Avoid Chemicals From Going Into Eyelash Extensions


You might not even realize if chemicals are getting into your eyelash extensions or not when you are dressing up in a hurry or when you accidentally touch the eyelash extensions.

Tips to keep the chemicals distance apart!

  • Whenever you want to do makeup, use an oil-free or glycol makeup remover

Tip 2 – Give Your Face A Wet Wipe First


If you have eyelash extensions then you cannot do anything you want with your skin. Having said that, don’t take a shower or use water on your face if your skin is loaded with makeup.

For instance, you must have applied a primer or compact powder on your skin. Agreed? If yes, then always give yourself a wet wipe, remove all the makeup and then use water to wash your face.

Note : Always remember! You are must be keen on using oil-free products.

Tip 3 – Use A Lash Foaming Wash


You cannot forget you have eyelash extensions on your natural eyelashes, if you are particular about cleaning your lashes, you need to use a lash wash.

Lash washes would be safer that regular face wash as their ingredients are as such that they would agree with the eyelash extensions.

Just like any other face wash, lash washes help with cleansing the skin around your eyes, removing all the dirt and oil that is surrounded.

Two of the recommended lash washes would be Stacy Lash Foaming face wash and eye lash foaming cleanser.


It is necessary to use cold water when you wash your eyelash extensions because only then you will feel refreshed and these specific products are the safest to use when you have eyelash extensions.

Tip 4 – Dab Your Eyes After A Wash


When it comes to wiping your face you must be wiping it hard at times. You need to be alert when it comes to wiping your eyes, don’t miss out on the fact that you have eyelash extensions now.

Having said, always use a soft towel and dab your eyes gently when you have to wipe it.

There are chances that the eyelash extensions would go haywire because of wetness. However, it is okay to leave your eyelashes as they are and give them a thorough brush later on.

Tip 5 – Be Careful While Brushing


It is a good sign if you are focused on taking care of your eyelashes. However, at the same time you should make sure to be gentle while curling and brushing your eyelashes with a lash wand.

Using a lash wand on your eyelash extensions can be related to how it is necessary to comb your hair. The main idea is to be gentle with lash wands.

Tip 6 – Avoid Contact With Cotton


The eyelash extensions are generally delicate and the fact that they are fixed on your upper lash line all the more calls for one to be careful.

Being too harsh while brushing or washing the eyelash extensions or using oil products, you know is bad for the eyelash extensions. Besides, what’s bad is rubbing cotton pads on the eyelash extension.

The simple reason for it to be damaging to the eyelash extensions is the presence of fiber in the cotton pads. There is no harm with using a cotton pad around the eyes, however, it is a big no to place it on your eyelash extensions.

Tip 7 – Be Safe While Drying Your Eyelashes


The more naturally you dry your eyelash extensions, the better for them. Don’t be harsh with rubbing hard on your eyelashes. Be as gentle as you can.

If you purchase an eyelash extension kit, you will have a special blower for eyelash extensions. You can use that as well. Otherwise, what you can do is, dab a soft towel on the wet eyelashes.

Tip 8 – Never Use A Baby Shampoo

You might be in an impression that baby shampoo is mild and can do good to your eyelash extensions.

However, you should be more careful with using a baby shampoo because it has ingredients such as mineral oil and sulfates.

What do they do to your eyelash extensions? These ingredients simply reduce the effectiveness of the lash glue and it would need your attention often.

Prevention is always better than regretting, right? If you care for the cleanliness for your eyelash extensions then never let a drop of shampoo touch the eyelash extensions.

Tip 9 – Wash Lashes With Micellar Water


Micellar water works wonders in cleansing the excessive dirt stuck in your eyelash extensions. Two reasons that will totally convince you to use micellar water

  • It is oil-free
  • It has cleansing molecules

What more could you ask for in a product that has the ability to wash the fake lashes without causing any damage.

Tip 10 – Apply Right Techniques


Keeping in mind cleanliness of the extensions it is equally important to adopt to right techniques while cleaning them. Look at two of the below mentioned points

Whenever you consider washing your eyelashes, you must use warm water to keep them clean

Choose upward and downward direction when you have thoughts of brushing and combing your eyelash extensions. This is the most safest direction and there is no chance of damaging your eyelash extensions.

All in all, to keep your eyelash extensions clean, you know what to use and what not to use. That being said, if you don’t want blunders while cleaning the eyelash extensions, follow all the tips and see how you do justice to the cleanliness of the eyelash extensions.


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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.