How To Care For Sweaters To Keep Them Looking like New For Long


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how to care for sweaters
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Sweaters are supposedly the most wonderful winter styling outfits for women. Their grace and elegance can never fade and no matter how many you have, the cravings keep increasing. For they make you look so shaped and perfect even when its snow all over. Sweaters need immense care to make them look worthy for long. They are largely made of fibers and need extra care, so here we have everything you need to know on how to care for sweaters and make them look stunning all the time.

A new sweater gets on smooth, hugs you at right places and has no spike or stray fiber coming off. But with continuous use it starts getting worn out if you don’t take proper care of your sweaters. Dry cleaning is a great way to keep them stay as is for long, but they may cost a fortune and in 3-4 sessions it may get over the price of the sweater itself. We have some wonderful ways to keep sweaters new for long, without having to spend heavily.

How to keep your sweater looking new for long:

While you need to put a little effort but thats not even much as compared to the brand new look it will have on the sweater. You can use it for years in same wonderful condition. Some ways to keep sweaters new are:

1- Fold your sweaters after every use:

Fold your sweaters after every use
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Don’t hang them because it may distort the shape of the sweater. Fold them nicely and don’t stretch them, just a gentle fold and its fine for saving.

2- Wear a cotton shirt under sweater:

Wearing a cotton shirt under the sweater will soak all the sweat and body oils, thus keeping the sweater fresh. If body oils penetrate the fibers of sweater, it may damage them. Also this will help in keeping the sweater smell fresh for long.

3- De-pilling your sweaters regularly:

De-pilling your sweaters regularly
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Remove pills to keep them looking nice and clean. Pilling is caused by rubbing during wear and is more prominent around your elbows, armpits and on sleeves. They make the sweater look dirty and worn out. A de-piller can be used or a brush rubbed gently can help in getting the pills off your sweater.

4- Remove deodorant or body spray stains:

Remove deodorant or body spray stains
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You may get deodorant stains inside your sweater and these must be removed quickly or they may leave a permanent mark. Gently put some water and scrub it carefully with a wash cloth or the sweater itself. Do it gently until the stain dissolves.

5- Remove lint and hair too:


Remove lint and hair too
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Use baby tooth brush or lint remover for getting rid of these dirty things on sweater. Even hair gets trapped in these brushes with a gentle rubbing. Making your sweater look nice and clean.

6- Mend the sweater soon:

Mend the sweater soon
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For any damage like broken button or small hole, repair the sweater quickly. As a small hole can get bigger if left like that. Thus making this even more difficult to repair later. Dont dismiss a great sweater for minor fault, just repair it in time.

7- Don’t just wear only one sweater:

Don’t just wear only one sweater
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Wearing just one sweater all the time can damage that favorite sweater. Repeat a set of sweaters and give break to your beloved pick. Wearing long can de-shape your sweater quickly. Pick others from your winter outfits.

8- Wash sweaters by hand:

Wash sweaters by hand
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Machine wash is never recommended as the sweater fibers may lose their shape and look. Use a gentle soap and wash by your hands. Do not squeeze them badly, or their shape will be stretched. Use lukewarm water and mix soap in water, now dip your sweater and gently rub it. Always wash the sweater inside out to present bobbling. Wringing can also occur if you dont wash properly which will de-shape the sweater.For color and embroidery use cold water to wash the sweater.

9- Use gentle washing liquid and fabric softener:

Use gentle washing liquid
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Always use the gentle liquids on knitted wear. Always wash like colors together and never put other heavy fabrics to be washed along with delicate sweaters as it can damage the wool of the sweaters. Use a fabric conditioner like downy for keeping the fabrics soft. They also keep the knits lubricated and thus not getting too fuzzy. Use mesh laundry bags for extra protection.

10- For drying the sweater:

For drying the sweater
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For synthetic fibers you can use hangers but otherwise never dry a sweater on hanger It may stretch and de-shape your winter wonder. Lay out the sweater flat on a towel or a ventilated surface. Flip the sweater and keep changing the towel beneath. Use space under heating duct to dry the sweater. Do not drape it on towel bar when wet. And after drying fold them up and never hang on hangers.

11- Cashmere and other delicate sweaters care:

Cashmere and other delicate
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For delicate sweaters like cashmere use gentle liquid like woolite or lux flakes.

Never wring them, and roll in a large towel to remove excess moisture off them. Leave them flat to dry. Cashmere, lambswool, angora and mohair are all delicate fabrics which are prone to pilling.

12- Summer storage of sweaters:

Summer storage of sweaters
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Dont use moth balls rather use cedar ball, cedar sawdust or herbal sachets with dry bay leaves. Keep wardrobe clean and fold the sweaters to save them for summers. Dust out and vacuum at the end of every season to prevent any dust or pills on sweater.

13- Wash the sweaters you have to put away for summers:

Wash the sweaters
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Always wash those sweaters you have to put away for summers, as storing with dust or germs may damage other sweaters too.

14- Store sweaters dry:

Store sweaters dry
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Even if you are storing the sweaters for a few days or weeks, always store dry sweaters. Damp or moist sweaters will cause mildews or molds and there are impossible to get rid of. Also if they are there on one sweater they will spread further thus damaging them all.

15- Wear sweater carefully:

Wear sweater carefully
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Never pull on the sleeves or stretch the sweaters. It will de-shape your sweaters and this cant be re-done easily. Never let the sweater rub against a surface constantly, push sleeves up when working on a mouse. Else it will wear out the fibers on the sweater. Use purses gently, and never let the strap of the purse rub against the sweater. As this motion with pick the weave and damage the sweater. Velcro or other rough surfaces must never come in contact with your sweater. Else they may cause disastrous effects.

Remember these basic points on How to care for sweaters to make your rich and lavish sweaters stay wonderful for long. Be sure to wash and dry properly and never keep the sweater on a hanger

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