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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersIn a relationship that is not working out it is better to call it off peacefully. Do you think it makes sense? Yes, it is absolutely easy to put it across that you want to break up but you yourself would have broken apart in taking the decision. Nevertheless, certain tough decisions are better taken than staying stuck to regrets. That said, it is not simple when it is not a mutual decision and it is one sided.
Relationships do not come with a guarantee period. To dig deep and understand what went wrong, it is always a two way street and somewhere or the other both the parties in the relationship go wrong somewhere. However, if you want to breakup with your boyfriend you would be having strong reasons and would have looked at alternatives to stay instead of parting ways, isn’t it? Even then, if it is not working out then peacefully parting ways is the right thing to do.
This article focuses on helping all the women gather strength and sensibly stick to certain ways to break up with your boyfriend. If you think things are incorrigible. Stay strong and be sure of your decision!
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Polite Ways To Breakup With Your Boyfriend – Do It The Right Way!

A relationship cannot do it there is no happiness, peace and the will to stay or try to make the relationship work. If you have failed in all your efforts as a girlfriend or you do not feel like you can go a long way with your boyfriend, you should move on even if it feels like the toughest move to make because you are certainly aware of the damage it will do to both of your life later on.
While it is no joke to tell your boyfriend that you do not want to be with him, here are ways to help you through this situation
1 – Tell Him In Person That You Want To Breakup

Sometimes the easiest way to get away from a person or situation is by using messages as a means to communicate what you feel like because you do not want to face the person especially when you know it is going to hurt.
Do not choose the easy way out, even if you are afraid, meet your boyfriend and tell him in person that you cannot be with him and it is better to part ways. Do not be harsh while you say this. Be as considerate and sympathetic as possible. As it is not a mutual breakup you cannot expect him to have a normal reaction. Thus, be prepared but tell it to him in person and not over a message or call.
The risk involved in breaking up over the phone is that you would not know what’s in your boyfriends mind, he might be assuming that you are joking or he might have hopes that you would get back to him. Do not leave him in dilemma, he does not deserve that. Have the guts to openly say what you want. Communication is certainly the key to all solutions.
2 – Be Conscious About When And Where You Breakup
What if someone broke out a painful news to you at the wrong time and place? How would it feel? Shattering, isn’t it? Therefore, be wise and look at the right time and place to tell him that you want to break up.
If he is going through a rough patch already or he is happy at a place you need to give it sometime and break it out to him. Do not abruptly tell him that you are breaking up with him when he himself is not sorted in his mind. Be considerate and do not let him go through added depression and pain.
Read : Sure Signs of Falling Out of Love
3 – Be Vocal About How You Feel

Well, you are the best person to know what are your reasons for breaking up, if it is because you have fallen out of love and feel for someone else, you are unhappy, you feel disrespected or you feel that both of your priorities do not align. You would know all of it.
You have to put across everything just as it is and that too in a soft way, be real about what lead you to take this decision of breaking up.
One thing you have to be aware of, if at all you are happy with someone else which is why you do not want to be with him then it is better not to abruptly tell him that so that you give him time to cope up as well as be sure of whether you want to see someone else or not. These are sensitive things and they are better of dealt with a lot of thought.
4 – Hear Him Out As Well

Just giving your decision is rude and that’s never how it works. You have to be courteous enough and know what is it that he has been troubled with from your end, then you can have a healthy discussion and be open to take criticism and his side of inner feelings too.
That said, explain to him that the two of you are just going to ruin it for each other and to further avoid complications the right thing to do would be keeping away from the relationship than hanging on a string that would just break someday.
He might not be convinced with what you say. However, you would have to explain it to him that if he wants the two of you to be happy and good, parting ways would be one of the best options.
5 – Explain How Moving On Can Help

One cannot easily adjust to the idea of moving on when in love. Initially even when you thought of moving on, were you okay and easy about it? even you would have not wanted to just move away from a man you love with all your heart. Is it not? The same will be with him, you would need to give him time to process it. Here are few ideas on how to explain to him that moving on is the right thing to do
- Tell him to think of it in the long run
- Tell him that it will be tough now but it is going to be okay in time
- Ask him if he really sees the two of you a happy couple in the future
- Make him understand that you do not feel comfortable and hence you want to move on
You would not get a surety if he is convinced but you will at least know that he has heard you and there is a hope that someday he will understand and agree with you.
6 – Empathize With Him

Being empathetic would not completely help but that is the least you can do at that point. Give him a hug and tell him you understand what he is going through and give him that moral support. It is strange that it is you who wants to break up and you are being empathetic too but you are just being considerate about the good time you guys spent together.
7 – Do Not Let His Emotions Affect Your Decision

It so happens that we feel bad for the person we love and end up changing our decision. See to it that you do not get affected by what he feels. Stay firm on your decision. Let him know that you are sure of the decision even if he wants to give the relationship a chance. There would come a point when you might just want to change your decision and try to work it out. However, do not let that happen.
8 – Take The Hard Feelings From His End

You cannot expect a person to be normal when you give them a harsh truth to digest. Bear in mind that you will not react even if he has the worst reaction. Let him be himself and let out everything he feels. Do not interrupt or start to argue. By keeping your calm you would be kind enough in understanding that he needs his space to be okay.
9 – Do Not Play The Blame Game

You are breaking up because you have a problem with the opposite person. However, do your best to forgive him for the mistakes he has committed and make peace with it from within.
Be honest as to why you are breaking up but that does not mean that you start to blame him. It is a negative way of putting an end to a relationship. If he wants to blame you, that is his choice, you don’t do it.
The reason is at the end of the day you should not feel the guilt of speaking bad. You would always have the satisfaction that you ended everything in peace.
10 – Say The Right Things When You Want To Break Up

The way you express yourself is an art. In this scenario, when you have to be honest with your boyfriend that you want to break up with him you have to be truthful as well as say what is necessary in the right way. Thus, take a look at the right sentences to put forth that you want to break up
Sentences To Portray Your Honest Feeling
“ It is better if we break up instead of having hard feelings for each other”
“ I give this a lot of thought but I am not happy or peaceful in this relationship”
“ I tried to work on us but I think I have fallen out of love”
“ I do not see the two of us meant to blend in together in the long run”
Sentences To Portray Your Side Of The Story
“ I am unable to manage myself being in this relationship and I do not think I am the right fit for you”
“ I have understood over time that our relationship has got stale with the way we have both taken it for granted. Thus, it is good if the two of us go our individual ways”
“ I am unable to be myself in this relationship and this is not healthy for me and not healthy for the two of us in the long run”
These sentences will help in saying what you want to say as well as be refined in the way you say it.
To sum it all up, break up is a sad affair or may be it is a way out from a toxic relationship. In time you will get to know if the decision of breaking up with your boyfriend was a right one or not. Either ways, you should not regret about anything, everything is just a learning even if it is a wrong decision you made.
It would be great if you can still be friends with your ex if the reasons for breaking up spoilt things. If you think keeping away is good then do that. Do what you think works a way for the two of you. Let the bad phase pass, move on and be happy!