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Some links in this article are affiliate links. We may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we find useful to our readersWondering how some people have perfectly bleacher hair always. When all the cosmetic enhancements are soaring with price tags. Well, it’s easy; just learn how to bleach hair at home and stay your stylish and glamorous best always. Bleaching hair at home is simple, quick and efficient as much as the expensive salon styled hair colors.
People having darker hair shade naturally often yearn for blonde look or that sassy look which can carry of some wonderful hair colors. Bleached hair is not only lighter but also brighter than your natural hair color. This makes a powerful addition to your beauty and makeup.
What is Hair Bleach:
Bleaching hair is nothing but lightening their natural colors, and it can be done by using oxidizing agents like hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Bleaching oxidizes our natural hair shade that is it solely strips the color from our hair. It is just as much needed hair upliftment you were craving. But it needs a lot of precaution and care.
How Bleaching Your Hair Works:

Bleaching removes natural hair color through oxidation. Bleaching agents disrupt the hair’s cuticle layer to make it more permeable, which allows hydrogen peroxide the key component of hair bleach; to penetrate the shaft of the hair. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the hair pigment, stripping away the melanin, and also the color of hair. Single bleaching can lighten our hair by almost 8 shades.
What Do I Need To Bleach My Hair:
Bleaching your hair can be damaging too, as there are ample side effects. It leaves the hair brittle, more tangles than before and more dry. So be careful when bleaching your hair. Don’t overdo and don’t miss any important step.
1. Preparing for Bleaching The Hair:
Keep your hair well moisturized and conditioned so that the bleaching process does not damage the hair texture. Keep them properly oiled and don’t let them loose in sunlight or pollution.
2. Products And Tools Needed For Hair Bleaching:

Bleaching kits may not be sufficient as not all the hair volumes and length are matched. So it is better to have your products and tools ready beforehand. The items needed for bleaching your hair include:
- Bleach powder: It comes in a tub or packets. Buy a tub if you are planning to bleach your hair more than once
- Creme developer: This is the peroxide liquid that activates the bleach. Use a 20-30 volume developer if your hair is naturally blonde, but if you have darker hair then use 40 volume developer. But try to contain it as it is very damaging to our hair
- Toner: To go platinum you need an effective toner. This toner will take the yellow color out of the hair. Some toners make hair white while some give a silvery effect. Using a toner helps in neutralizing the brassiness from the colors applied.
- Red gold corrector: Red gold corrector is added to bleach powder to increase its effectiveness so you don’t have to bleach twice. Buy two tubes of corrector if you have long hair.
- Neutral protein filler: Neutral protein filler helps in replenishing the proteins which were stripped from hair during the bleaching process
- Shampoo made especially for bleached hair
- A tint brush for applying the above products in the hair. A bowl for mixing these products and a plastic wrap
- Gloves for your hands and an old towel
- Coconut oil and a shower cap: Adding coconut oil will minimize the damage done to your hair by using bleach.
How To Bleach Hair At Home Safely:

To bleach hair at home safely proceed with first getting all the supplies intact. Then wear an old tee and cover your neck using an old towel. Spread out all the products and tools and get set to have the perfect blonde shades you craved for.
Step 1: Apply Coconut Oil:
Applying coconut oil nourishes and hydrate the hair strands. It also prevents excess damage from using bleach. Just apply cold pressed coconut oil a night before bleaching. This will not interfere with bleaching results rather it will keep up the hair quality.
Step 2: Mix The Bleaching Powder And Cream Developer:
Mix bleaching powder and cream developer in a ratio as for every one part of bleaching powder add two parts of a cream developer. Ensure no lumps and the mixture is made into a consistent paste.
Step 3: Section Your Hair And Apply The Bleach Using Brush:
Wear gloves and section your hair to apply bleach. Make thin sections of hair to ensure complete coverage. The more even is the coverage the better effects it will have.
Apply the color first to the hair tips as they take longest time to dry. For bleaching entire head, put bleach first at hair tips and wait for 20 minutes then apply to the roots. This will ensure even application and not darker tips and lighter roots.
Step 4: Cover Using Shower Cap:
After applying the bleach cover with shower cap and wait for no more than 30 minutes. Keep checking in between too for your preferred hair shades. Don’t worry if your hair is turning orange. As it is normal for dark hair to turn orange when lightened. Don’t wait any longer than 30 minutes
Step 5: Shower With Shampoo And Deep Conditioner:
Use a mild shampoo and wash your hair thoroughly, apply a hydrating conditioner and let it air dry.
Step 6: Apply Toner On Your Hair:
Once your hair has lifted enough color its time to apply toner. Like bleach for every part of toner, you put add 2 parts of developer. Keep it on for 30-45 minutes for orange tones to lift from hair. At this step you can apply heat from blow dryer to speed up the process.
Step 7: Rinse The Toner From The Hair And Condition:
After 40 minutes rinse off the hair with shampoo and conditioner. Your hair are ready in the shades you wished for. This is your answer to how to bleach your hair at home.
How to Bleach Your Hair At Home Naturally:

How can you bleach your hair at home safely, well, there are ample methods. These are natural, safe and not causing any damage to hair. The best way to bleach hair is by going for home methods which don’t pose any concern to hair growth and nourishment.
10 Steps to Naturally Bleach Hair At Home Safely Include:

1. Honey And Vinegar:
Honey is a good lightening agent in addition to its amazing humectant properties. It not only bleaches your hair but also nourishes it too. Be it dry, oily or normal hair; the natural pH balancing properties of honey suits all hair and scalp types. Vinegar is a naturally occurring alkaline. Which anti-oxidizes and removes the natural hair color.
- Mix 2 cups vinegar and 1 cup organic honey
- Add 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil to smoothen the solution
- Add one grounded cinnamon and cardamom
Apply this paste on your hair using a brush. And cover it with a shower cap. Leave it overnight. The traces of hydrogen peroxide in honey will act as lightening agents and cinnamon and cardamom mixed with olive oil boost up the hair lightening process.
2. Chamomile Tea:
Chamomile tea is a milk hair lightening agent. It naturally lightens color pigments in our hair.
Brew a pot of chamomile tea for around 45 minutes. The tea has to be very strong so allow it to boil and stand. Now add this chamomile tea in conditioner and leave it for 15 minutes. After regular shampoo, apply this chamomile tea conditioner to your hair. Chamomile tea works slowly so the results will show up only after 3 weeks.
3. Henna Powder:
Henna is a natural hair coloring and bleaching agent. It has been used as a hair coloring agent for centuries and it also promotes hair nourishment and hydration. Mix one part water in 3 parts of henna powder. Then leave it to soak for 1 hour. Now using hairbrush apply all over your hair length. Now cover with a shower cap and leave it for 4-5 hours for the best hair lightening color. Now rinse the hair and do not shampoo immediately. The color comes when the hair is left to air dry naturally.
4. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is a natural hair lightening and hair bleaching agent. It also leaves a nice aroma to our hair. Just mix two tablespoon cinnamon powder to hair conditioner. After shampoo apply this conditioner and leave for 10 minutes. Now rinse with lukewarm water.
5. Rhubarb:
Rhubarb works great and it is a great choice for summers. Just add half cup chopped rhubarb and 2 cups water in a pan and allow it to boil for 15 minutes. Now let it cool down and strain the liquid. Using a spray bottle and apply all over your hair. Leave for 15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water
6. Lemon:
Lemon has rich antibacterial, antiseptic and healing properties in addition to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The fresh tangy fragrance makes the bleaching process soothing and relaxing too
Mix two parts lemon juice mixed with one part water to your hair. Then go for sunbath 3-4 hours. This gives acidic contents of hair a chance to react under sunlight and cause lightening. This is the easiest hair bleaching method at home, as results are seen as early as a week. Use good hydrating conditioner after this as lemon may make the hair dry.
7. Baking Soda:
Baking soda is wonderful for stripping your hair off the chemical buildup. It can also be used as a lightening agent as well. This method is a little slow but it prevents harmful chemicals from hair so it is beneficial over time. Just apply baking soda mixed with water on your hair and leave for 15 minutes. Now wash with lukewarm water. Repeat once a week
8. Use Marigold Flowers:
Boil one cup water, 1 cup apple cider vinegar, and some dried marigold flowers. Allow it to cool down and strain it. Put it in a spray bottle and apply it all over the hair. Let it air dry and wash with lukewarm water after an hour.
9. Beet Root:
Boil beetroot and distilled water for 15 minutes. Now blend it form a paste. Apply this on your hair using a brush. Now let it stand for 20 minutes. Wash it with lukewarm water.
10. Apple Cider Vinegar:
Apply apple cider vinegar and head out in sun for 2 hours. Then wash it with lukewarm water
How Long Does It Take To Bleach Hair At Home:
Bleaching hair at home is a slow process but it does add a lot of nutrition and nourishment to hair. It may take a few weeks to a few months but the results would be for long. The bleaching process takes around 5-6 hours from start to end. But it may be reduced with practice
Do you have to wash your hair after bleaching it:
Rinsing the hair is important as bleach can cause ample damage to hair. Do not stretch the maximum time permitted by the manufacturer to apply bleach on hair. Shampoo and condition too to remove the damaging effects of bleach. This will keep only that much color to your hair which you have opted for. If you don’t wash the hair color keeps lightening. Deep conditioning for bleached hair is as important as washing hair
How To Repair Bleach Damaged Hair:
Bleaching hair causes a lot of damage to hair. Repairing bleached hair is also simple and needs a little precaution. As bleach doesn’t just break down the components of hairs pigment but also breaks down the fatty acids on the hair shaft. It makes the hair strands dry and weak. It also permanently raises the hair cuticle. This causes loss of moisture from hair. Bleached hair is porous, dry, brittle, weak and prone to breakage and split ends. A 4 rule treatment for bleach damaged hair:
- Avoid harsh shampoos for at least a week and use only gentle conditioners. As regular shampoos strip natural oils off the hair.
- Avoid hair straightening rods and blow dryers. Applying direct heat to hair will further damage the hair.
- Add more essential oil massage and conditioning to your hair care routine.
- Proceed to a deep conditioning session. Deep conditioners have low molecular weight ingredients. which pass through barriers allowing it to penetrate to deeper layers like cuticle or cortex of hair strand. These above tips to repair damaged hair at home are your guide for how to fix fried hair after bleach.
[Read: Best Products For Bleached Hair]
6 Best Treatment For Bleached Hair:
How to fix damaged bleached hair and the ways of damaged hair repair. Home remedies as the best treatment for bleached hair include a lot of nourishing ingredients. There is some natural protein treatment for bleached hair which has amazing and miraculous benefits:
1. Beer Coconut Hair Mask:
Proteins in malt and hops of beer have some amazing hair nourishing and coating properties. Beer also contains maltose and sucrose sugars, which helps to tighten the hair cuticles. This brings back the lost hair shine and luster. Beer provides moisture, makes hair plump and adds life to limp hair. This also strengthens and renews hair vitality
- Pour beer in a bowl and let it become de-carbonated by letting it get off its fizz
- Add coconut oil to beer, though it won’t mix let it float
- Apply this using a spray bottle, all over your hair
- Let it sit for 20 minutes
- Now wash with mild shampoo in cold water
2. Coconut Oil Live Oil Treatment:
Massage the bleach damaged hair with a mixture of extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil. Let this stay for overnight and wash with a mild shampoo. Coconut oil has some miracle benefits and olive oil helps in strengthening and hydrating the hair strands. Both combined help in effective treatment for dry damaged hair
3. Egg Avocado Hair Mask:
Mix avocado and egg whites in a bowl, apply this paste on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo in cold water. Avocado is a power packed fruit with some amazing properties for hair growth and shine. Egg is rich in proteins and help in bringing elasticity and strength to hair.
4. Banana Coconut Oil Hair Mask:
Banana is richly packed with potassium and minerals. Both banana and coconut oil repair and moisturize hair. Just smash a ripe banana and add coconut oil to it. Make a rich paste. Apply from scalp to ends all over your hair. Leave it for half an hour. now shampoo with cold water.
5. Aloe Vera And Coconut Hair Mask:
Aloe vera is a rich natural moisturizer. Mix aloe vera gel and coconut oil. Apply this over your scalp and hair form roots to ends. Let it stay for 45 minutes. Then shampoo with cold water.
6. Honey Banana Yogurt Mask:
Mix honey banana and yogurt to form a smooth paste. Now apply this all over your scalp and hair. Leave for half and hour and shampoo with cold water.
Protein Treatment For Bleached Hair:
Salon protein treatments for bleached hair include temporary filling in the cracks along with the outer layer of hair called the cuticles. Some of these treatments for bleached hair damage include:
- Olaplex: Olaplex is a hair re-bonding treatment (1) to reduce damage on chemically treated hair strands. It relinks the bonds responsible to give your hair strength, shape and elasticity. Olaplex is called the miracle hair treatment or best hair treatment for bleached hair.
- Aphogee 2 step protein treatment: It works temporarily to fill in cracks along with the outer layer of hair called cuticles (2).
- Dudley DRC hair treatment
- Fortifier or nexus emergency polymeric reconstructor: these also work to treat mild hair breakage.
What Are Hair Repair Products:

How to repair damaged hair by using products for bleached hair. There are ample hair repair products and all of them have a lot of natural compounds and ingredients which make them so richly popular. Some of those hair repair product ingredients are:
- Aloe Vera
- Apricot kernel oil
- Ceramide
- Glycerol
- Jojoba oil
- Keratin
- Caffeine
- Collagen
- Macadamia oil
- Olive oil
- Panthenol
- Sesame oil
- Shea butter
- Wheat protein
- Wild rose oil
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