How To Be Photogenic? 12 Easy Tips For Gorgeous Women!


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I’ve always got to hear this from my sister ‘How are you so photogenic? Owing to the fact that we are sister’s, why am I not as photogenic as you’? I immediately boost her morale and tell her how pretty she is. To give her the right piece of advice, I told her that could be that she doesn’t know how to look photogenic. If you’ve had a similar conversation with your significant other, then you should be certain that there are knacks that will help you.

Now, whether you want to pose and send a picture to your loved one or you want to create a good impression about yourself with a good picture, you just need to know how to look photogenic. Don’t come to a judgment that you aren’t photogenic.

In this article right from angles, poses, to grooming tips, read through how to look photogenic and feel less awkward in pictures.

Tips To Look Photogenic And Lovely – Reflect On These Tricks!

It is funny to make a grumpy face and sit sad just because your selfie’s or pictures aren’t coming out well. It is either because you have no knowledge on how to do it right or you are just not coming to a point of being satisfied with your pictures. Whatsoever be the reason, may be solutions to your small sadness is right here!

Tips To Make Up Your Mind And Look Photogenic

Tip 1 – Observe All Your Pictures


Most women looks like a new person in different pictures. If it is about questioning whether you can be photogenic or not, you need to look at many pictures of yours, do your part of the study on ways to look photogenic and then come to a conclusion.

So you need to observe and only then can you move forward with getting educated with some of the best tricks.

Tip 2 – Perfection Comes With Practice


To attain perfection in looking photogenic you will need to work on it. If most of your pictures are a blunder because of your posture or angle.

It is good to practice taking many pictures if the issue is the angles and poses. On the other hand, if the problem is with your grooming, then check on your makeup, remove what’s more and add what’s needed before you pose and are ready to click.

Practice enough and one day you will master the tricks to click a great picture!

Read: How to Pose for Pictures to Look Stylish and Elegant

Tip 3 – Ask An Experienced Person To Evaluate Your Pictures


A person who has good knowledge in photography or a selfie queen can correctly tell you if your pictures have got better over the time or not.

If you think you can find out all on your own then you are wrong. Another person can tell you better. Don’t take their point of view personally even if the criticize your picture. The idea is to learn, so entirely concentrate on making yourself look photogenic.

Tip 4 -Appear Confident


Attaining confidence in looking perfectly photogenic is impossible for a few women who hate the way they look in pictures. However, only if you trust that you can look photogenic and you stay confident, it is easier to look excellently photogenic.

Confidence comes with maintaining a firm eye contact, keeping up to the expression you want to give and smiling well.

Another important factor you must never miss out on is that of feeling comfortable. If you are not, it will be seen in your face and eyes. Whether you are standing or sitting. Confidence must be expressed.

Read: 10 Must-Know Tips To Be A Confident Woman

Tip 5 – Plan Your Pose


Planning the pose is a big secret to looking amazing in pictures. If you are someone who is not used to clicking pictures, until you get used to it, you will need to plan the way you want to pose before you appear in front of the camera.

This saves time and the only areas you will need to rectify is may be on editing or re-clicking the picture. It won’t be a problem if your plan is made.

Final Word- You need the right motivation to look photogenic. Rest of the tricks and tips follow.

Beauty Tips To Look Photogenic


Tip 1 – Highlight Your Eyebrows


Eyebrows makes the outer part of your eyes look beautiful. Especially when you are taking a selfie it is good to slightly darken the eyebrows with a pencil. This can even blend well with your makeup.

Read: 15 Make up Tips to Get the Best Selfies Ever!

Tip 2 – Wash your face


If you are getting clicked for a special person or it is for a professional reason that you want to click, first wash your face well. All the tiredness and greasiness will be brushed away. You can apply an overnight face mask if you know of being clicked the next day.

Tip 3 – Color Your Lips


Owing to the fact that lips occupy a special place on the face, you should make it shine with a pretty shade. Quickly apply a lipstick right before you get clicked. A plane jane will turn into a hep girl!

Things you need to do – Be neat in applying the lipstick, pick a shade that is in contrast with your dress color and choose a color that will suit your skin tone well.

Read: How To Pout Your Lips? Learn It The Stylish Way – Be The Miss To Kiss!

Tip 4 – Brighten Your Eyes


To look photogenic, if you make your eyes look magical with some good eye makeup, half your job is done. It is okay to just have your hands on basic eye makeup. To brighten your eyes, go for either wing eye makeup, some colorful eye shadow touch or stay sober with a kohl pencil and eyeliner.

Final Word- Your skin is worth a little pampering and grooming to make you look photogenic.

Pose and Posture Tips To Look Photogenic

Tip 1 – Master A Knack With Your Eyes


Imagine how helpless it feels when you are ready to click and the picture gets spoilt just because of a blink that could have avoided for a split-second. It messes the picture really bad.

Correct It

When you want to click a gorgeous picture of yourself and send it across to your ‘Mains’. Simply focus on the camera. Don’t strain your eyes much. Close it and still focus, just before you want to click, open them.

Tip 2 – Spot The Right Angle


You might beat even Princess Diana with your beauty, but its going to be of use if you know how to look photogenic and the simple logic you need to stay by is that of clicking the picture in the correct angle.

What to do?

  • Stand a little to the side while posing for a picture
  • If you are taking a selfie, always let the camera face up and be away from your face
  • Keep the angle straight
  • Always take pictures in spots where light is coming from an opposite direction
  • Don’t shake your hands while clicking a picture, it will come out blurr
  • The best time to click is during day light
  • One important factor to consider is a good background
  • Make sure you are in the frame

What to avoid?

  • Avoid standing at the face of the camera(right in front). In other words, don’t take pictures from close
  • If you are seated and wish to take a picture, remember that it shouldn’t be at an angle below your chin. This will make you look bloated.
  • Never click pictures in wrong lighting. Know what is your preference, is it dim lights or bright lights that you want?
  • If you want to highlight your dress then take a full picture and if you want to highlight your face, then take a selfie

Tip 3 – Effectively Pose


A good pose is an integral part of looking photogenic in pictures. You must be wearing the best dress, clicking the picture in a perfect angle but for some reason, your posture is out of place. It is going to look odd. So, if you don’t want to look odd, here are a few tips you must keep in mind!

  1. Bring your head forward and slightly tilt it when needed, this will save your face from looking too healthy.
  2. Know your strength, which means, look at which part of your face looks good on camera. Left or right?
  3. Adjust the size of your eyes while posing. Make it big or small based on the way you are posing. The eyes must look bright and beautiful.
  4. When standing to take a picture, don’t stand like a disinterested person. See to it that there are curves all around your body. There should be curves between the breast and arm. See to it the same curve is near your hips as well. To look feminine you can place both or one of your hands on your waist.
  5. Just as you slightly tilt your head, it will look fantastic if you can slightly bend your ankles, knees, arms, and shoulders. Keep in mind that too much bending isn’t good.
  6. If you are not taking a selfie-and posing for a picture, see to it that you don’t look straight into the camera, try a sexy or cute pose that will make you look curvy.
  7. If you want to look stylish in the picture, you can lift your leg up or slightly face it in front of the camera. This pose will make you look smart and photogenic.
  8. Let the shoulder and chest part be a little slanted. Avoid standing stiff for pictures, lightly loosen your body and relax while posing.
  9. If you want to go pose with your fingers in a picture, then avoid opening up all the fingers. You should keep the fingers together and show only a little of it on your face.
  10. If you don’t want to look too healthy in pictures, you can stand comfortably in a way that your weight is equally falling upon two sides of your body.

Some more poses,

  1. And If you want your body to look perfect and confident, you can keep both your legs together and slightly lean.
  2. Also If you are squatting and clicking a picture, ensure to stay close to the ground and then give instructions that you are ready to click. You should keep this in mind to be comfortable and at the same time not look odd in the posture.
  3. If you are clicking a picture being seated on a sofa and the camera is kept straight in front of you, you must keep your feet together and slightly tilt both of them.
  4. When If you are clicking a picture being seated on a sofa and the camera is clicking you from the side, you must keep your feet together and sit in a 45 degree angle.
  5. Moreover, If you are clicking a picture with both your fist closed and sticking to the chin, make sure to keep your arms slightly away from the body. When you keep it close you tend to look healthier than you are. Folow the same procedure when you are clicked from head to toe. Slightly spread your arms away from the breasts.
  6. Be as creative as you can in the way you move your eyes, if you open it too big and don’t smile, you will look scary. If you try making it look small and give a small smile, you will look sweet. So, the way you look into the camera is really important.
  7. Make your hair look great. Place all your hair to one side or completely bring it in the front. Don’t let your hair free on the shoulders.


To be photogenic, you need to have a positive outlook about your appearance in front of the camera (Be confident that you look nice). Once you make up your mind, your poses, angles, and makeup will look fabulous.

Quick points to store in your mind – To be photogenic, be confident, comfortable, focused, be an original version of yourself, practice clicking in different angles, practice poses before getting clicked, concentrate on the lighting and background.