15 Tips On How To Be More Feminine – Take Pride In Femininity!


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How To Be More Feminine
Src: lovepanky.com

Being feminine is not about biologically being one! The beauty of a woman is enclosed with endurance, compassion, sense of understanding, the ability to empathize, sympathize and value every being around her. She is that one creation who has the ability to shield a life in her womb. Having these magical qualities would you ever be able to deny that a woman is way too special?

Indeed every woman is special and it is necessary that every woman out there celebrates who she is. While few of you must be doing it well already. For those of you who are missing on seeing your true value, its now that you have to learn to celebrate and know what you are worth.

Here is an article for the young, middle aged and the beautifully wrinkled women about how to be feminine, why shouldn’t you be? you aren’t a woman for the sake of it, you should treat yourself well, by dressing up well, feeling mentally and emotionally sound and walking in the world with the right attitude. Come along and read through this article to get tips of how to be feminine.

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Tips To Be More Feminine – Love Who You Are!

To learn to be more feminine you have to consider every dimension that makes you feel like a woman. In terms of how you gracefully dress, how you take care of your mental health, how you work on developing the right attitude from the inside out and your outlook towards positive and negative in life.

Perhaps the word feminine seems to be focusing on appearance but get over this misconception and explore some of the tips to be more feminine.

Tip No 1 – Feel The Woman In You

Src: brisklimbs.com

Each day of your life wake up and feel happy that the creator made you a woman who is unique and special. You do not have to wait for a third person to tell you that, knock on your mindset and say to yourself that ‘I am a beautiful and strong woman and happy for being one’ Think of the best thing that makes you happy about being a woman. Think of all those times you have been a brave girl in facing difficulties in your life and how has it helped you evolve. Now you know how to feel the woman in you. Embrace it with joy!

Tip No 2 – Believe in The Strength You Are Born With

You have to look beyond the thought that certain things are not for women. This is where you are making a mistake. You are made with the same mental and physical strength as that of a man. Look at the qualities that make you a strong person and how you struggled and became who you are today, how would that be possible without strength?

It is because you had that mental and physical strength because of which you made it until here. So never will you ever forget that you are strong and strength is the symbol of a woman.

Tip No 3 – Whether You Are Flat Or Plump – Embrace It!

Src: huffingtonpost.com

A lot of women are always brooding and complaining about greener grass. Have you found yourself saying things like I wish I was thinner or I wish I had a perfect figure? something like this? Time to put an end to it. Yes, you always have a scope on working to be a better person but never ever forget appreciating your own self.

Let there be 1000 flaws in how you look, you still have to love yourself for the way you are because how would the world look beautiful if all women looked alike. Understand that you are different and focus on one of the features that make you look amazing, it must be maybe a dimple on your cheek or your thick long hair. Look for what makes you feel beautiful and you will finally learn how to embrace who you are.

Tip No 4 – Get Decked Up The Way You Want!

Src: jadorelexiecouture.com

Well, a woman is one of the most beautiful creations among all. True right? When you are a beautiful creation then you should get decked up to feel good, no to impress a man of your dreams or your crush, but just because you like it and because you think you are lovely.

Take care of your skin and hair, get a pedicure and manicure done, go for a head massage, keep changing the colors of your nail polish, try a new hairstyle or get a tattoo done. Dress up in the style that you love, if your cool is to be a makeup maniac, just be one! If you think you do not get along with heels but you love your sneakers then just be that tomboy. It is all on you!

In whatever way just dress up the way you want for yourself and maybe give secondary importance on dressing for someone else.

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Tip No 5 – Strive For Getting Better Not Necessarily Perfect!

Src: lifehack.org

You do not have to wrack your brains or think too much about being a perfect woman but it is all on you to know where you are going wrong and correct yourself. You might be going wrong on how you value yourself or maybe you are not treating someone well etc.

Given the numerous reasons you need to try hard and get better from who you are today. If you can attain perfection in doing so, well and good, but if you aren’t able to achieve perfection then at least keep working on getting better, this is one sign of trying to be more feminine although it does not directly point at your feminity it just makes you a good woman which means you are indirectly being feminine in the most positive ways.

Tip No 6 – Let Your Grace Make You Glow

Src: stevenaitchison.co.uk

Grace is typical feminine quality. You might be graceful on something, find out what and let that grace of yours be there no matter how many decades you pass by. Yes, changes would come in you but you can keep certain things just the way they are.

Talking of grace, you may have a beautiful way of walking with confidence, you might be good at cooking mouth watering dishes, you might have the quality of rejuvenating someone’s mood etc. Likewise, see what makes you graceful and keep it with you do not let it fade away in time. If it fades away, be graceful in some other way. You got to be feminine and grace is a right hand that will help you grow as a person.

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Tip No 7 – Be Crazy!

Src: psychologytoday.com

You can be crazy only when you never let that child in you die deep down. For no reason should you ever erase the fun factor in you that makes your life crazy. Every woman is crazy in some way or the other. You might be crazy with mimicking people or you might be crazy when you are around your favorite people. Being mischievous must be a part of your day. Continue having the spirits of being crazy no matter how old you grow.

Tip No 8 – Be High Minded Yet Simple

Src: positivewomen.org.au

Build yourself in such a way that you think of a bigger picture always. Live life with simple formulas and be organized with your thoughts. It would not matter much if there are 5 scars on your face ten years from now. Yes, you would feel the pinch a little bit. But if you do not work on bettering your thought process today, ten years from now you would feel miserable.

However, if you work on synchronizing your mind with positive thoughts, clarity with what kind of a life you want and how you want to follow your principles, it would help you be a high minded person. Start working on your inner self first and always lead a simple life in terms of your thought process.

Tip No 9 – Keep Your Cool

Src: awaken.com

You want to be a good woman at the end of the day, isn’t it? Therefore always keep in mind on how you express your anger or anything that you do not like. It is important that you keep your dignity and express all that you feel in the right manner. How you conduct yourself will make a lot of difference in your personal as well as professional life. Keep your standards high in terms of how you behave. Take this as one of the most effective tips to be feminine the good way.

Tip No 10 – Regard Everyone Equally

Src: liveabout.com

A woman who respects others just as she wants to be respected is indeed a beautiful woman from the inside as well, the little things in you behaviour matters the most and every woman should focus on respecting every person irrespective of the age of a person. Therefore, when you respect everyone you would feel a different joy altogether.

Tip No 11 – Stay Confident

Src: powerofpositivity.com

You have to be thankful with what you have and be confident in whatever you do and say, confidence adds on to a feminine characteristic. Be confident about your physical self and mental self. When you gain that confidence, you gain the right posture and you will always walk with your head high. Keep this in mind, take pride in appreciating yourself but let it not make you a proud person. Keep your head high in confidence not in pride.

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Tip No 12 – A Smile Completes

The curve on your lips would look way better than what the frown on you lips look. If you want to be a charming woman the best way to do so is by smiling your heart out as smiling completes you and a woman smiling is contagious in a way that it works even more better than make up. If you want to look your best and consider getting more feminine the best thing you can do is to smile your heart out.

Tip No 13 – Fill Your Mind With Knowledge

Src: businessinsider.com

The intelligence in a person makes him/her all the more attractive. If you want to be an attractive feminine, feed your mind with the best knowledge. Knowledge has no limit, it is beyond what your mind can think of.

You have so much to learn, you could probably begin with learning about a topic that interests you and keep yourself aware with what is happening around you. It is always good to fill your mind with knowledge because at the end of the day you are developing and getting aware.

Tip No 14 – Be Approachable

It is necessary that you are friendly with whoever approaches you because you never know may be they want you to help them solve their concern or they just need your company. Being friendly will cost you nothing and when you are approachable you in turn know hoe to express what you feel as well and being a frank woman is good fro you.

Tip No 15 – Take Inspiration From Great Women

Src: beliefnet.com

If you are serious about how to be all feminine then you should talk great women as an example in your life and try to follow what they did in the world. You may not be able to follow everything that they did but you would take them as an example in your life.

Read women eccentric books, watch women eccentric movies and learn from them.If you have the time or want to make time out then participate or volunteer in activities that are conducted for the welfare of women. You can call this a way to be feminine.

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As you have gone through a series of tips on how to be feminine, start to work on them. That being said, be clear that being feminine is not about becoming rude and being a harsh woman. It is about doing right, being right and not standing for what is not right. The other ways of dressing up, having fun, being a girly girl are all tagged on to your womanhood.

“ Strong women wear their pain like they do stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is the beauty of it.” You be that strong woman in your life and walk the path of becoming feminine for the right reasons.