25 Spectacular Tips on How to be a Good Girlfriend


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how to be a good girlfriend

Being perfect is not an art but moreover, it’s about finding the right space at right time. And when you happen to grab the right guy, it’s about you. How to be a good girlfriend and how to keep the flame ignited in your relationship. All men want is…. well! It isn’t easy to crack. But it’s definitely easy to understand how to be a perfect girlfriend and how to tell if a guy wants you.

A Good girlfriend masters the art of keeping her man truly, madly and deeply in love with her all the time. Men look for more of a companion than anything else. So do women, someone whom they can talk to for hours, laugh at common jokes, crave for more and more time together, like more things about each other than they look for finding faults and more so who keeps their passion alive to love more each day.

What is a perfect girlfriend anyways

We all have read all about a good girlfriend, a perfect girlfriend, and an ideal girlfriend. But what makes a girlfriend good, perfect and ideal depends on how important she thinks of the man she is dating. Women must value the relationship and regard it to keep it forever and only then she would make it as utopian as she can.

What a perfect girlfriend does:

All she does is to make her man feel important and values the relationship. It is very important for women to be able to express this in an earnest way. Though every guy has a different perception for what they consider as a perfect girlfriend. But most of all, they wish for some common qualities in their girl. These include:

1- The Girl Must try and Look Great all the Time:

And by looks, it is more about feeling good. The happier your are, it shows on your face. And to make the man feel happy about having you on his side takes some smiling and styling. Be sure to grab trendy and wonderful clothes everytime you go out. Dress well and keep up your style quotient high

2- Make Your Man Feel Special All the Time:

You man must feel valued and special all the time. Simple things like remembering everything he says does or speaks about shows a lot of concern. Every guy loves to be pampered by his girl. Especially showing immense love and care, never missing his calls, replying to his texts as soon as you see them and making the dates with him a top priority. The more gratitude, love, and passion you show to the man, more and more he draws towards you. Beware there’s just a very thin line between showing concern and intruding his personal space. Don’t be the latter, men just diss the women who try to capture their personal space.

The more gratitude, love, and passion you show to the man, more and more he draws towards you. Beware there’s just a very thin line between showing concern and intruding his personal space. Don’t be the latter, men just diss the women who try to capture their personal space.

Make your man feel special all the time

3- Praise Him A Lot:

No false praise but cherish everything you like about him by expressing it. Appreciate small things about him. Whenever he is nice to you or does something you simply love, just appreciate the efforts. Believe! these would come back to you sooner. The more you praise the better it feels to be in the relationship. Being appreciated is what everyone likes, be it a girl or a boy.

4- Surprise Him Often:

Give as many pleasing surprises as you can. And keep the small little gifts coming in. Just when you thought it was a weekend, you picked up the cell to order some flowers, and while you were away you did make him some special snacks, you returned late from work and you got an extra-large pizza. These are the cute surprises everyone loves. Sharing presents and celebrating them makes for a wonderful relationship.

[Read: How to save your relationship from crisis]

5- Keep the Passion Alive:

Don’t let the flame fade, keep the passion live and alive. Make every effort to sparkle those wonderful moments where you can show the love and romance your relationship brings. Sneak moments to be with him, find ample time to just sit back and relax in each other’s arms.

6- Be a Part of His Family and Friends:

It’s not just the man who needs to feel special. For more serious relationships share a great bond with his family and friends. Put efforts into meeting his social circle and try to be as much part therein as possible. Be as cheerful and easy with his family as possible. Every man loves it if his girl pays attention to his family. Despite the baggage, try being as nice and kids as possible

7- Add Some Humor too:

Don’t let your relation be just the usual man loves woman kids. Add a lot of fun, humor, and excitement into the relationship. Don’t let monotony get into the fun so soon. Try as much as you can to be full of life all the time

8- Make way for Adventure:

Men mostly love sporty and adventurous women, and they do appreciate it in every aspect. Try and be as adventurous as possible. Show him your fun side as it is. Men love to go trekking, hiking, bungee jumping, paragliding and what not; with their girls.

[Read: Golden rules of a relationship]

9- Never Lie:

Don’t lie to your man, he may not know it at first but this is not the perfect bond you both would like to share. There must not be any secrets from the time you both met. There may be stories from the past which are not necessary but all other important things must be shared with each other

10- Don’t be Jealous and Show it:

It’s human to get jealous and feel left out. But don’t let that jealousy take the good part from you. Be a good girlfriend and stay calm. You can discuss the issue later at the right time. But don’t show as if you are pesky girl with too many insecurities

11- Earn Respect and Don’t Demand it:

Every woman must know how to earn respect in a relationship. You need not be vocal about respect and demanding it, but rather be self-assured, determined and strong. And always remember it’s more how you want it than how the man shows to you. You have the power to get respect by respecting and not giving in at every instant

12- Be Intelligent and Witty:

Be intelligent and witty but don’t boast around about your knowledge. You must be quick and witty. Men adore intelligent women with substance. Try to speak sense and never let your dominating side come out, just yet.

Be intelligent and witty

13- Take Care of Basic Things:

As women, we are blessed to be able to take care of everyone around. We tend to multi-task despite challenges of time and resources. So let this trait be your core competence. Remember basic things like meals, hygiene, cleanliness, and organization at home. You need not be the one who does it all but be the provider who makes it done on time

14- Love His Friends as He Does:

Try to find connect with his close friends. Love him the way he does. And never ask him to miss any chance to meet them. A man needs his own time off, to unwind and relax. Don’t try to steal those personal times from him. He may not say it at first but men don’t like to miss their relaxing times, as us. We have our own ways of unwinding and we must stick with them too

15- Take Pride in Introducing Him:

Show him off to everyone around. And take pride in introducing him to your world. He must know how important you feel about having him in your life. Men always appreciate being given importance. And when it comes to your social circle, men have real strong desire to know it all about you.

16- Men are Sensitive and Respect that Now:

Men are comparatively more sensitive once they start finding a bond with anyone. They may take the time to open up their sensitive self. But they sure don’t like to discuss it with everyone, care about this feeling and show him the comfort and trust he needs to see in you. These are probably the most important qualities of good girlfriend, trust, and comfort

Men are sensitive and respect that now

17- Never Make Fun of Him in Public:

You may nag in private but don’t ever make fun of him in public. Men take these things seriously and to heart. Be his soulmate who understands his pulse and acts accordingly.

18- Romance and Intimacy are the Binding Factors:

Once you know you have found your guy, its time for you to show the qualities of perfect girlfriend. Intimacy, love, passion, and sex conquer the most important space. If your bodies aren’t comfortable with each other, then how can you take the relationship ahead. Be innovative, sporty and as lovable as possible. Keep the flame alive and add more fun with spontaneity. You just have to find ample new and interesting ways for them all

19- There will be Fights but Don’t Overdo them:

There will be fights in every successful relation. And there’s no full proof guide to avoid fights. The more you fight the better understanding you have. As a good girlfriend, you have to value the relation and don’t over do the issues. Reiterating the issues that caused misunderstanding and fight would not help the relation to last. A good girlfriend always finds a way out and calms the situation

20- Keep Your Ego Away and Don’t Kill it too:

A self-sufficient and empowered woman doesn’t mean showing ego, keep your ego hidden and don’t let it spark. It’s good to have a healthy ego but not that ego which ruins your relations. Keep it controlled and don’t expect ego massage in your relation.

21- Let Him be the Man and you Enjoy the Womanly Privileges:

All a man wants is to be himself and take the charge. Let him be the one, and don’t try to dominate on petty issues. You need not worry about the self-respect aspect as being in a relationship needs a lot of compassion and effort from both ends, mostly at initial stages.

22- Make us more Prominent than I:

It’s more about you both or partners than about you or him. Don’t let the I part ruin your relationship. A perfect girlfriend always lets We over Me and gives move focus to both of your than only herself

23- Take Time off, and in a Healthy Way:

You may like the man for now and even think of spending the rest of your life with him. But being a good girlfriend you must also take care of your own space. Sneak me time outs and enjoy your life too. Don’t let these personal times take over your relationship. But you need to have a life and live it too. The man may or may not be there in your life after a few years but you will be living a healthy life for sure. So keep that spirit up.

24- Be Much Better than all the other Girlfriends you Know:

It’s easier to benchmark a behavior and rise ahead. Try to be much better than all his girlfriends. And if you know some of the relations he had in past, you sure know why he left them behind. Just grab those points and don’t let these enter your relation. be a good girlfriend and rise above the others in his life. He must never miss any of those girls when he is with you

25- The Best Quality of a Good Girlfriend is “CCHR”:

CCHR stands for Character, Confidence, Humbleness and Respect. And men just adore these in their girlfriend. So keep CCHR up and rise above your weaknesses to be the perfect girlfriend he wants to be with all the time

The above compilation of 25 spectacular tips on How to be a good girlfriend is to help you is not letting the charm of your life drift away. Keep up your perfect girlfriend qualities and don’t let the man go away from your life if you believe he is the one and he can make you happy for life. Cheer up and be his priceless princess, who he would never want to part with.

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Minu Manisha