How To Avoid Shoe Bites And Treat Them – Try 11 Best Remedies!


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How To Avoid Shoe Bites And Treat Them Try 11 Remedies

At times buying shoes comes with a bigger cost of bearing the pain of a shoe bite. Have you been in that situation when you are super-excited to go for a party and you realize at the end of the party that you can’t work because your skin is totally peeled off?

The peeling off happens due to a stinging shoe bite. You might be wearing expensive pair of heels or shoes and half way through when your skin peels off, isn’t that the most uncomfortable feeling? For a while you just become ungrateful about owning nice pair of shoes. Neither does the design or style of the shoe seem to attract you. All you think is if there was a problem with the quality or you went wrong with selecting the right size. Happens?

Read this article to understand why we get those shoe bites, how to cure it, avoid and the best precautions to take the next time.

Why Do We Get Shoe Bites

Why Do We Get Shoe Bites

Shoe bites aren’t like scorpion bites, yet they cause burning sensation and it is painful when you have to take a shower the next day. Why does this issue arise, ever thought of it? Well, see why so that you are careful with your legs the next time

No 1 – Incorrect Shoe Size

When you go to buy a new pair of shoes and don’t check the size or walk around to see how comfortable you feel, it gets tight on the foot and ends up biting the portion above your angle, or at the edge of your toes.

Buying shoes one size smaller or the one that exactly fits into your feet can be the biggest problem.

No 2 – Bad Quality

The quality of the shoe must be bad. Watch the video above to get better insights.

No 3 – Issue With The Shoe’s Material

The material of the shoe must have not suited your skin. While walking there would have been a friction in your shoes and skin. Eventually, this would have ended up in a painful blister or a swelling.

So, a tight shoe, shoe with a poor quality or the continuous friction between your shoe and skin are the reasons for shoe bites.

How To Avoid Shoe Bites

How To Avoid Shoe Bites

None of you will want to experience a shoe bite after paying so much for a shoe already. So look at what better you can do to avoid shoe bites. Handle it better with the tips mentioned below. Take a look!

No 1 – Buy The Right Shoe Size

Looking at the design and color of your shoe is a good way of making a choice. Besides, that you got to focus on the size and whether it is comfortable when you walk or not.

So if you want to avoid a shoe bite, just take a quick walk around the place, you will know it.

No 2 – Cover Your Feet With Socks

The material that is used to make a shoe and your skin cannot blend in well. For the most part, when you don’t cover your feet with a pair of socks, it will cause blisters. Thus, prevent bad blisters and pain by wearing soft and comfortable socks.

No 4 – Lubricate The Shoes

If you want your skin to get comfortable with the shoes, you need to lubricate the shoes. A night before wearing your shoes, add a little oil or petroleum jelly to the internal sides of the shoe.

This oil or jelly will make the surface easy and softer, this will help in preventing blisters and pain.

No 5 – Add Ice Into Your Shoes

To make your feet comfortable in a pair of shoes, you need to put a few ice cubes, let it melt and leave it that way for a few hours. The logic behind doing this is to expand the size. So, if you are unhappy with your shoes being too tight. Simply dump some ice cubes.

No 6 – Wear Socks And Blow Dry Your Shoes

Basically, your shoes can expand in size if you let some air get into them. For instant results, you will need to use a blow dryer.

Therefore, to let air get collected and stay, you need to wear a pair of socks and then use the blow dryer all around your feet. The air gets in, your shoes expand and your skin is in a safe zone.

No 7 – Dip Your Feet In Water

When there is moisture or dampness, the going gets easy. Having said, if you want to feel comfortable with your sandals, you just need to dump your feet in a bucket of water and let your feet remain in it for a minute or two. Then wipe your feet a little and move, you will notice a difference.

No 8 – Wear Two Socks

As you know how socks is important to feel comfortable with your shoes, you can wear two socks on each foot and then wear your shoes. Moving gets easier and there are lesser chances for a shoe bite to bother you.

No 9 – Spray A Deodorant

Deodorants add moisture around your feet and it reduces the friction in your shoe and feet. When there is too much friction, blisters arise.

So you need to spray a deodorant on your feet and inside the shoes. Once you do that, then wear your shoes.

No 10 – Use Powder/Lotion

Earlier you would have seen how applying oil inside the shoe is useful to avoid friction.

Now, you will be glad to know that even talcum powder is good to keep the excess friction away. It is the moisture that will help you feel comfortable. Before you put your feet into the shoes, sprinkle some powder or lotion on your feet.

No 11 – Wear A Band Aid On Your Heels

Sometimes it isn’t the material of your shoe, but there is a problem with your skin that ends up in blisters when you wear new shoes. If this has ever happened to you, the next time you need to wear band aid on both your heels or even in the front of your feet and then wear your shoes.

No 12 – Use Silicone Tapes

Silicone tapes are soft and they fit well into your shoes. They are available online. If you want to prevent a shoe bite, you can stick these tapes at your heels and then put your feet into the shoes.

Take Away

To avoid shoe bites, you need to select options that can expand your shoes and lessen the friction – Oil, petroleum jelly, talcum powder or a lotion can help. Apply them on your feet. Apart from this, you can use doctor’s prescribed Dr’ Scholls Band Aid.

How to Cure Shoe Bite Marks

How to Cure Shoe Bite Marks

If you are unaware of taking the right precaution before wearing a new pair of shoes and you have got into this mess of blisters above your heels, its time to look at natural ways that will cure all your shoe bite marks. Take a look!

No 1 – Potato Juice

Potato Juice

Potato juice is an effective ingredient to cure a shoe bite as it has anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties that quickly heals all wounds.

What you need to do?

  1. Peel a small potato, cut it two pieces and then make it a juice.
  2. Take a piece of cotton, dip it in this juice and apply it on your wounds.
  3. For a while, cover this with a piece of cloth so that the properties of potato works on the wound.

You can try this remedy once a day.

No 2 – Alcohol


Alcohol is known for its anti-septic properties, although it is strong and might prick you in the beginning, this ingredient is good with healing your wounds.

What you need to do?

  • Take a few drops of alcohol in a small bowl
  • Pull out a small piece of cotton, dip it in this liquid
  • Now gently massage it on your wound
  • For a while, cover this with a piece of cloth so that the properties of alcohol works on the wound

You can try this remedy once a day.

No 3 – Butter


Owing to the fact that butter has strong moisturizing properties, you can reduce the severity of the shoe bite with this ingredient. It helps in drying up the wound faster.

What you need to do?

  • Take a small piece of butter, heat it up for a few seconds
  • Once you see it has melted, apply it on your wounds
  • Leave it on your skin for a while and keep it covered with a cloth
  • Wash it with cold water

You can try this remedy every day.

[Also Read: Healthy, Glowing and young looking skincare with Cocoa Butter ]

No 4 – Powdered Aspirin

Powdered Aspirin

Aspirin is a powerful compound, it has medicinal properties that can quickly heal wounds. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties for making it possible.

What you need to do?

  • Take an aspirin. Beat a container and powder it
  • Add some water to this powder and give it a good stir
  • Gently apply it on the affected areas
  • Keep it covered with a cloth and wash it after a while

You can try this remedy once in alternate days.

[ Also Read: 20 Homemade Foot Scrubs for Glowing Foot ]

No 5 – Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a bleaching agent. It can effectively cure the problem of shoe bite. Its anti-inflammatory properties would reduce the severity of the wound.

What you need to do?

  • Squeeze half a lemon
  • Dip a piece of cotton in this juice
  • Gently apply it over the affected areas
  • Cover this wound with a cloth
  • Leave it on your skin for a while and wash it with cold water

You can try this remedy two times a day, you will see a change in your skin after a week.

No 6 – Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a great humectant. It has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively heal your wounds. Just as aloe vera juice is a great remedy for acne, it effectively heals infections as well.

What you need to do?

  • Cut a small piece of aloe vera
  • Remove its peel
  • Scrap out all the gel and gently rub it against with wounds
  • Keep it covered with a cloth for a while
  • Wash it

You can try this remedy every day.

[ Also Read: Detailed Guide on How to Do Pedicure at Home ]

No 7 – Honey


For wounds to heal, it is important that an ingredient has moisturizing properties. Honey has the ability to to dry up wounds of your shoe bite.

What you need to do?

  • Take 1 tsp honey
  • Gently apply it against the wounds
  • Keep it covered for a while
  • Wash it with cold water

You can try this remedy every day.

[Also Read: Benefits of Honey for Healthy Living ]

No 8 – Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is known to soften your skin and heal all your shoe bites. It also helps you remove tan and makes it glowingly ever. All thanks to its moisturizing properties.

What you need to do?

Take a little petroleum jelly on your fingers and gently apply it on all the wounds overnight. In a week’s time it will completely heal your skin.

No 9 – Tooth Paste

Tooth Paste

Toothpaste is naturally a drying agent that completely eliminates all the wounds and you will no more see shoe bites on your skin.

What you need to do?

  • Remove a little tooth paste
  • Gently rub it on your wounds
  • Leave it on your skin all night
  • Wash it the next day

This remedy will quickly dry up all your wounds.

No 10 – Rice Flour

Rice Flour

Rice flour is known to heal wounds and scars. Besides, it even has skin lightening properties to eliminate dark spots.

What you need to do?

  • You will need to take a little less than handful rice flour
  • Grind and make it a fine powder
  • Add some water to this powder and apply it on all the wounds
  • Leave it for about 30 minutes and wash it

No 11 – Neem And Turmeric Paste

Neem And Turmeric Paste

Neem and turmeric have anti-septic properties, these are medicinal and very effective in healing scars and wounds. This remedy will certainly treat your shoe bites.

What you need to do?

  • Take 4-5 neem leaves and 1 tsp turmeric powder. Grind this well
  • Add a little water to this paste and apply it on your wounds
  • Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes
  • Wash it with cold water

In the next one week, all your wounds will heal.


Shoe bites are common when you wear new shoes. You must keep your fashion quotient in mind, however, don’t pick up shoes that are too tight and don’t fit into your feet easily.

The best way to prevent shoe bites is by adopting to everything that expands them. If the shoe bites start to prick, you can apply home remedies that have anti-septic and healing properties.

Be gentle with your skin!