Honest Reasons Why You Are Still Fat


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why you are still fat

Despite all your fitness efforts and diet controls, you may have faced situation with no weight drop. Sometimes it is just not happening, all your weightless mantra fail over and over, we have listed some “honest reasons why you are still fat” to help in strengthening our goal of fat loss. Most of my fitness routine has not given the kind of weight loss i would expect. It has been adding strength and happiness, but not helping in weight loss. Then i started finding reasons why was the routine not helping in losing weight and why most of us still stay fat. Sharing some thoughts which may help in revising our routine and accomplishing better in terms weight loss.

[Check : Diet foods for weight loss]

When we start on a weight loss regime, at first we see a lot of success. But after a while there a break-even at which we get stuck, we neither lose weight nor gain weight with this same fitness and diet routine. This is mostly true for later ages. We have some actionable tips that will help you replenish the weight loss cycle with some refreshing additions and few deletions.

Reasons why you are still fat:

[Check: Ways to cut 500 calories in a day]

1- Maybe you are not calculating the right calorie count in your diet:

calorie count in your diet

Sometimes we mess up with calorie counts of some foods and end up consuming way too much. Also, we tend to forget our intake in terms quantities and energy derived. It is therefore advisable to use a diet book to keep track of exact servings and calories. This is a known difference between people who lose weight continuously and who get stuck at break-even.

2- Maybe you are not eating more proteins:

eating more proteins

Sometimes we confuse with carbohydrates as proteins and end up consuming less of proteins and more of carb. This makes rather put on weight despite our fitness regime.

3- Maybe you are not consuming adequate water and fluids:

adequate water and fluids

The water balance of our body should be maintained well for losing weight. Keep check on glasses of water in a day and strive to reach the goal. This helps in circulation and detox in the body.

4- Maybe you are not eating whole foods and rather consuming processed foods:

consuming processed foods

Eat as much direct while foods as possible. Substitute processed foods with salads, vegetables, fruits and who grains. It is better to consume brown rice than white rice, whole grain flour than bread flour.

5- May be you are taking too many cheat days:

many cheat days

Try to stop having a single cheat day until you reach your weight goal. Indulging in guilty pleasures for a few meals appears like a fair deal. But it ends up binge eating and consuming way too much.

6- May be your fitness regime is not effective:

fitness regime is not effective

Select a fitness regimes with diverse exercises for every part of the body. Best is to have a day or two in a week dedicated for special activities. Choose your daily adrenaline delights from zumba, running, gym, cardio, swimming, barre, pilate, yoga, dance, aerobics and biking. A perfect blend of all must be opted for total body fitness and toning in addition to weight loss.

[Also check: 10 minute yoga for weight loss]

7- Follow fitness format:

Follow fitness format

Do not involve in rigorous exercises without proper warm up and warm down. Having a set patterns of warm up then strength trainers then again relaxation then toning and then warm down will help in structuring your fitness routine. And definitely is a better pick for results.

8- You are not sleeping well:

You are not sleeping well

A fitness routines is a failure if proper sleep is deprived. Our body needs 8 hours of sleep a day and a few instances of power nap over the week. This is to enrich the weight loss process in a more sustained way.

9- Maybe you are consuming sugar that you don’t realize:

sugar that you don't realize

Some foods specially fruits and breads have high contents of sugar that aid in weight gain. Also aerated beverages and caffeine drinks are severe culprits in adding unnecessary sugars to our body. Beware and figure out your sugar intake and stick to it.

10- Maybe you are starving too much:

Weight loss does not mean completely stop what you are eating. Starving works the opposite way. It makes you over eat in the few meals you end up taking. It makes you fait the weight loss test. While on diet have short meals every few hours and just eat mindfully. Adequate enough to keep you energized and fulfill.

Effective an healthy weight loss regime is not a mathematical calorie in calorie out format. But a more structured and elaborate method. It is just not the diet or exercise, it’s also about your mind and soul. Keep yourself positive and happy, willing enough to accept the regime you have opted for. Do not worry for a few delays and deviations, keep yourself strong and proceed well for the goal you have set up for yourself. A rich nutritious balanced diet with a fitness regime and healthy lifestyle, will sure help you reach your weight loss goal.

The above compilation on Honest reasons why you are still fat, is based on my own experiences of failing over and over while my earnest trials at losing weight, and then fixing it with the above recipes and still working happily towards my goal.

Remember “success comes to those who GO FOR IT, and not those who wait for it”

Minu Manisha