Top 13 DIY Homemade Pregnancy Test


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homemade pregnancy test

Pregnancy can be exhilarating and exciting. And it makes you enter a roller coaster of emotions, hormonal imbalances, mood swings and some surprising physical transformations. Women endure so many of these spectacular yet challenging transformations, and yet the only driving force stays a happy-healthy child.

When a women misses her period, there are ample ways she must check for probable pregnancies. Testing strips are common but may need to go out and buy. But homemade pregnancy tests are by far easiest and simplest. To confirm the strip test also women needs to take up a few more DIY homemade pregnancy tests. There are ample options and some of them are vouched as a best home pregnancy test for sheer accuracy being way above the rest.

Pregnancy tests are undertaken to check for conception. And most often there are other symptoms underlying which ensure positive or negative pregnancy tests. The store brought pregnancy testers are not hailed by those who wish to keep their pregnancy a secret, so for them, there are ample natural methods to confirm for existing fetus.

Why opting for a Home Pregnancy test DIY:

Well, there may be affordable pregnancy testers available in the market but some women wish to keep it a secret until it is obvious. And there are some really strong theories which back the idea. Yes! sharing too soon may give you a lot of advice, truly unnecessary for such early in the pregnancy.

Homemade pregnancy tests ensure your privacy and are absolutely free of any charge. Their contents are readily available at home mostly and require no effort of going out and buying them for the sake.

Homemade pregnancy tests help you keep the pregnancy a secret until you wish to disclose. Proceed with DIY homemade pregnancy tests and keep the result in conformity and comfort of your home.

Homemade natural pregnancy tests don’t embarrass you and help you stay away from public eye.These tests also help you save some quick money, that may not be a huge amount but savings are what matters.

It may be difficult to get an appointment with the doctor for such short notice. And using 2 or more of the natural homemade DIY pregnancy tests can ensure the accuracy of highest order. It also helps in keeping the natural values for some beliefs intact by not letting medical professionals enter the scene.s

How these Homemade DIY Pregnancy Tests work:

DIY pregnancy tests work

Homemade pregnancy tests work exactly in the same manner as other tests done at hospital or from store brought testers. Pregnancy tests are aimed at checking a hormone in a women’s urine called chorionic gonadotrophin or hCG hormone. This hCG hormone is made by cells working to form placenta for fetus development. Placenta protects and nourishes the fertilized egg after it has become attached to the wall of the uterus.

Just an important point, you need to time the utilization of these tests to get most accurate results from it. hCG cannot be found in non-pregnant women so this is the only check to proceed in the homemade pregnancy tests.

How to make a Homemade Pregnancy Test:

Making your own pregnancy test can be simpler and easier with DIY homemade items. These items are all within the accuracy levels of over the counter pregnancy testers. The simple answer to how to do a pregnancy test at home is, even if you buy an OTC tester you will have to do it yourself. So why waiting and spending so much money when homemade pregnancy testers offer the same level of accuracy. Some important methods on making your own pregnancy test include:

1- Dandelion leaves DIY Pregnancy test at home:

Dandelion leaves are effective as an early pregnancy test. Dandelion leaves can help in conforming pregnancy easily. Cut a few dandelion leaves and place them in aplastic container. Don’t let them come in contact with direct sunlight.

Drink ample water before beginning this test. Let the bladder be fuller at the maximum level you can hold. Now urinate on the leaves till they get fully submerged. Keep it there for 10 minutes and then check. If there are red bumps then its a positive test for pregnancy.

2- Pine Sol DIY Pregnancy test at home:

Pine Sol is a house cleaning agent containing pine oil. Pine Sol is used for cleaning and other benefits. Just mix fresh urine with pine sol and wait for a few minutes. If color changes you are pregnant.

3- Toothpaste test as a DIY Pregnancy test at home:

Toothpaste test for pregnancy happens to be the easiest and quickest as its readily available at home. Mix white toothpaste and urine in a plastic jar. If the toothpaste turns blue, its a sign that you are pregnant.

4- Vinegar solution for DIY Pregnancy test at home:

Mix fresh urine with some vinegar in a plastic jar. There may be some bubbling, but don’t worry that will be for either of the outcomes. Now observe carefully, if you see a color change from when you mixed the two, its a sign for pregnancy.

DIY pregnancy test at home

5- Pregnancy test with bleach:

Mic fresh urine and bleach in a plastic jar. Wait for 10 minutes and check it, if there is foaming in the solution you sure are pregnant.

6- Homemade Pregnancy Test with Sugar:

DIY pregnancy test with sugar at home is probably the most popular of all. Take 3 spoons full of sugar and one big bowl. Add the sugar to the bowl and directly urinate over it. Make sure you add the first urine of the day. Wait for 5-7 minutes. Now check if the sugar does not dissolve, this sure is a sign of pregnancy.

7- Mustard powder DIY Pregnancy Test at Home:

For this test, fill your bathtub with hot water. Now add one bowl full of mustard powder in the bathtub. Use hands to mix the powder thoroughly. Then have a bath in this water for 45 minutes or so. Wait for 2 days for the start of periods after bath. If they don’t start then its a sign of pregnancy.

8- Soap test for Pregnancy at home:

Take any bathing soap and cut a small piece from it. Then pee on it and observe the reaction. If bubbling begins then its time for welcoming the baby soon.

9- Latch DIY Pregnancy test:

One of the oldest methods of pregnancy test at home, used from past 7 centuries. This test has been vouched for the highest level of accuracy so it is regarded as best DIY homemade pregnancy test. Take a latch and a container. Put the latch in container and now pass fresh urine onto it. Wait for 3 hours and then take out the latch. If you see an impression of the latch on the base of container, you are pregnant.

10- Wine DIY Hhomemade Pregnancy test:

Mix half cup urine and half cup wine in a container. Leave it undisturbed for 10 minutes. Then check, if you see any color change then its a confirmation for pregnancy. Even wine test for pregnancy has been used since ages.

11- Red cabbage DIY Pregnancy test at home:

This test may also reveal the gender of the baby, according to some beliefs. Take a cabbage and cut into 2 equal parts. Put one piece of cabbage in a pan of water. Boil this water for around 10 minutes. Then let it cool down, and strain the water into a jar. Take one more jar and collect the fresh urine into it. They must both be in same quantity. Now mix them both if the color remains unchanged it tells a baby girl is on its way. If you see a pinkish red color it is time to welcome a baby boy.

12- DIY Homemade Pregnancy test with seeds of wheat and barley:

Take half cups each of barley seeds and wheat seeds. Mix them together properly, then add fresh urine to this. If the seeds sprout a few days later, its a sign that you are pregnant.

13- DIY Pregnancy test with baking soda:

Baking soda test also reveals the gender of the fetus. Take a bowl and add 2 tablespoon baking soda. Now add fresh urine to it. If you see bubbles like soda pop, its a baby boy coming your way. And if you see no reaction of the mixture then its a baby girl coming.

Some Precautions when doing Homemade Pregnancy Tests:

homemade pregnancy tests

  • Homemade pregnancy tests are just a guide and need not be taken as 100% accurate
  • Homemade pregnancy tests are not accurate for first few days of conception, at least wait for the day you miss your period.
  • Use fresh urine or the first urine of the day for testing, this will ensure most accurate results.
  • Watch out for natural signs like nausea, vomits, enlargement of female parts, mood swings, morning sickness and more
  • Perform 2-3 tests at least to confirm the outcome
  • Use the ingredients in utmost accurate measures
  • Proceed with caution when using vinegar and bleach
  • Do not smell or taste any mixture as it may cause severe repercussions, wear ask when proceeding
  • Use only plastic jars for the tests
  • Dispose off the containers immediately as they may call for infections.

The above compilation on Top 13 DIY Homemade pregnancy test is just a guide and for reference purpose only. Do not miss to consult your OB-GYN soon, these tests are for basic checking and must not be taken in place of care and benefits of hospital.

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Minu Manisha