11 Interesting Homemade Dry Shampoos – Forget Chemicals And Go Organic!


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11 Interesting Homemade Dry Shampoos

Are you looking out for a sober product that is capable enough to replicate a dry shampoo? Well, what’s the issue with a dry shampoo? May be you do not want your hair getting too much exposure to chemicals although it gives your hair that wonderful look when you have to do your part of self-admiration.

You cannot always rely on chemicals to suit all the needs of your hair. Do you think chemicals would be as co-operative and eco-friendly as homemade dry shampoos would be.

Think about every organic product you use, you will get all your answers and if you want to use that money that you use for a dry shampoo elsewhere then you have made a good choice because you can do so.

Read through this article and learn about how to make use of alternatives to dry shampoo and make them all on your own. Trying a natural way is anytime nice.

Why Do You Use A Dry Shampoo?

Why Do You Use A Dry Shampoo

To learn about the alternatives to a dry shampoo it is essential to understand why do you use it at all. Would it make a difference if you do not use it or would its substitute compensate for your hair.

Reasons Why You Use A Dry Shampoo

Reason No 1 – To clean your hair

Just like any shampoo, dry shampoos are effective in removing all the dirt and oil settled in your hair. As the name suggests, a dry shampoo cleans your hair without water.

Reason No 2 – Styles your hair

Would you get a style on your hair if you just washed it with water and didn’t blow dry it? You would not right? However, in the case of a dry shampoo, a good dry shampoo spray would automatically give your hair a good style.

Reason No 3 – To retain shine on your hair

When you apply a dry shampoo your hair gets a lovely shine by letting the natural shine stay unaffected.

Reason No 4 – To save natural moisture in your hair

Wet shampoos and washing your hair tends to steal away the natural shine on your hair. Dry shampoos seal the moisture and at times it is nice to use it, besides, using it to remove all the dirt from your hair in the last minute when you do not have time to wash your hair with water.

Reason No 5 – Keeps your hairstyle lasting

Sprays are usually used on the hair after your get it curled. Do dry shampoos work the same way? If not exactly, they work in a similar manner. It helps your hairstyle stay for longer when compared to a wet shampoo.

Reason No 6 – Its fragrance is amazing

You can try using dry shampoos to experience what does it smell like. You would love to use it just because it smells lovely.

Reason No 7 – Shields hair color

Dry shampoos not just protect the color from fading but they are also good with protecting your hair from getting damaged because of hair colors. Contrarily, the more a wet shampoo comes in contact with your hair, the faster the color fades from your hair.

All in all, you had to get a clarity as to why is a dry shampoo used at all. If you know its importance you would like to learn how to go further and try making home made alternatives for dry shampoo that almost do the same job as dry shampoos.

Read : 18 Best Dry Shampoo Brands For Those Cheat “Good Hair” Days

Everything You Need To Know About Making Homemade Dry Shampoos

Everything You Need To Know About Making Homemade Dry Shampoos

How about finding a way to make a product that has no risk involved? That’s exactly what homemade shampoos do!

You are assured of not getting your hair damaged if you use homemade ingredients to make a dry shampoo. You can call it an alternative to product based dry shampoos.

It is as good as using a natural remedy to get over pimples instead of choosing a cream to get away from pimples.

No doubt about the convenience in using a product instead of making it. However, are you sure of the chemicals in the product suiting your skin? Why be doubtful? Supposing you have sensitive hair you have to be overcautious. This way you do not have to bother much.

You never know how one of the natural ingredient can end up improving the texture of your hair. You might use a natural remedy for it to work like a dry shampoo and later you discover its positive effects in making your hair beautiful.

How Often To Use A Homemade Dry Shampoo?

How Often To Use A Homemade Dry Shampoo

Everything that you do with your hair or skin comes with its set of rules that you need to abide by if you do not want your hair to get bad. Having said, if you are wondering on how often should you use a dry shampoo it shows that you care for your hair.

So, you will use a homemade dry shampoo only when you notice your hair getting oily, this usually does not happen the day you wash your hair, it happens when you have not washed your hair in a long time.

Never wash your hair with a homemade dry shampoo when it is clean because you will reverse things and not let its natural moisture and shine remain. Natural moisture is essential for the hair so that it does not go dry and frizzy.

Is Using A Homemade Dry Shampoo Bad For Your Hair? Know its Woops!

Is Using A Homemade Dry Shampoo Bad For Your Hair Know its Woops

Yes, over using or replacing a wet shampoo completely with a homemade dry shampoo would simply do bad to the hair.

You are only good to go using a homemade dry shampoo when you are not able to use a wet shampoo. It does not mean you make that a habit and always start to use a dry shampoo. Do not use anything that is more than required.

What happens?

  • Hair follicles get bad
  • You lose out on the health oil from your hair
  • Your hair might get all the more dry
  • No dry wash can ever replace a wet wash
  • You hair might end up becoming half in volume

Knowing the risks, do you think it is worth risking it? Not at all! Stay away from using too much of homemade dry shampoos.

Things You Can Use As Alternatives To Dry Shampoos

Things You Can Use As Alternatives To Dry Shampoos

Alternatives to dry shampoo is nothing but using natural homemade remedies. It is good for the health of your hair to do a dry shampoo replacement.

Natural dry shampoo alternatives are too many. You just have to know what to use, why to use and how to use. Take a look at few homemade dry shampoo alternatives

Alternative No 1 – Powder A Baby Powder On Your Hair!

Powder A Baby Powder On Your Hair

You must ensure to use a baby powder that does not have talc because it would not do any harm to your hair. Talc is risky on the hair. Whereas cornstarch will do good on your hair and protect it.

How to use it ?

This would work better if you have oily hair. Having said, take a little powder in your hand and randomly powder it all around your hair. Once you do that take a brush and keep combing your hair until you see it disappear and gone into your hair.

Alternative No 2 – A Great Cleanser Baking Soda

A Great Cleanser Baking Soda

There are homemade ingredients that have the ability of changing the entire history of your hair. This means, it would not damage your hair so you can use it without any fear.

You should be happy that it does three good things for your hair, removes all the dirt from your scalp, does not let the pH level of your scalp get high and does not let your scalp smell. Unlike spending on a dry shampoo you do not have to spend too much on baking soda.

How to use it?

Take a little baking soda in your palm and apply it on the oily places on your scalp. Let it stay for a few minutes and then scrum it out of your hair. This is an amazing natural alternative to dry shampoo.

Alternative No 3 – Dryer Sheet As Dry Shampoo

Dryer Sheet As Dry Shampoo

You won’t believe it but a dryer sheet has amazing benefits of making your hair stand straight and all the frizz on your hair disappears in no time. Dry sheets are known to make all the oils as well disappear from your hair.

How to use it?

Take your comb and cover its ends with a dryer sheet. Now, slowly comb your hair with the dryer sheet covering the teeth of your comb bit by bit. This way all the excess oil from your hair comes out and your hair tends to look straighter than what it naturally is.

Take a look at this video :

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXi7pUw4E8k[/embedyt]

Alternative No 4 – Sprinkle Flour

Sprinkle Flour

Flour is a natural alternative to dry shampoo, it is good to remove all the oil from your hair provided it does not stick to your hair, it is all on how you apply it on your hair.

Having said, before you apply flour on your hair it is better to blend it and finely powder it. It gets easier to sprinkle it on your hair and at the same time it would not get stuck either.

If your hair is not blonde then you can add a little cocoa powder as well because this helps in sustaining the natural color on your hair.

How to use it

  • You have to sieve the powder
  • Apply it with a brush on your roots and then dust your hair

Take a look at this video

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lReUtQC82bs[/embedyt]

Alternative No 5 – Your Hair Needs Alcohol

Your Hair Needs Alcohol

Deodorants and hand sanitizers are always going to compensate a dry shampoo. How? There must be an ingredient in the deodorant that is keeping your hair good by saving it from all kind of greasiness.

Yes, its right above. Alcohol is present in almost every deodorant and in sanitizers as well. Contrarily, if it does not suit the skin on your scalp then it can cause irritation on your scalp.

How to use it?

Spray a little deodorant on your hair and see how is it suiting your scalp. If you do not feel a burning sensation then you can spray a little more on the areas your hair is oily.

The same goes with a hand sanitizer, you cannot apply loads of it, you just have to take a few drops of sanitizer and apply it in your roots and massage your hair.

Alternative No 6 – Do Good To Your Hair With Cornstarch

Do Good To Your Hair With Cornstarch

Would you like to use an ingredient that makes your strands wonderfully soft like silk threads and at the same time take away all the excess oil from your scalp?

You would enjoy to feel your hair that way, isn’t it? Cornstarch is one of those alternatives to dry shampoo and it works for real.

How to use it?

It is no different from applying other powders on your hair. Divide your hair in two partitions and start to sprinkle the cornstarch in the areas that are oily.

Let this powder stay for 5 minutes. Thoroughly massage the powder on your scalp. You will notice the cornstarch evenly spread in your hair. If you think the color of the powder is visible then you need to massage it even more.

Alternative No 7 – Aromatic Cocoa Powder

Aromatic Cocoa Powder

Cocoa powder is known to spread fragrance in your hair and it is one of the best alternative to a dry shampoo because it adds fragrance as well as removes all the greasiness.

How to use it?

Take about 2 tbsp of cocoa powder, add a 1 tsp of cornstarch. Mix both of them well. Grind it into a finer powder and sprinkle it on the roots of your hair.

You can use a makeup brush to apply it on your hair or simply apply it with your fingers.

Alternative No 8 – Powerful Arrowroot Powder

Powerful Arrowroot Powder

The anti-fungal properties in arrow-powder helps in making your scalp clean and fresh by cleaning all the greasiness, it is certainly a good alternative to a dry shampoo.

How to use it?

Take about 2tbsp of arrowroot powder, add a few drops of essential oil and stir this mixture well. Once you stir it, store it in a container and when you want to apply it, you can use a makeup brush to apply the powder all over the roots in your hair.

Alternative No 9 – The Yummy Oatmeal

The Yummy Oatmeal

Powdered oat-meals are good to remove all the unwanted dirt from your hair. You can mix a few drops of essential oil in this mixture and store it for about a day.

How to use it?

To apply this on your hair the oatmeal has to be a fine powder so that it does not stick on your hair. Take a makeup brush and apply it on the roots of your hair and massage it well.

Alternative No 10 – Strong Cinnamon Powder

Strong Cinnamon Powder

Did you know that cinnamon stimulates better hair growth and is one of the best homemade alternative to dry shampoo. Its fragrance and color is an add on to your hair.

How to use it?

You will have to take a few sicks of cinnamon, powder it well and mix cocoa powder or cornstarch in it. Take a makeup brush, dip it in the powder and apply it on the roots of your hair. Massage it well on your scalp.

Alternative No 11 – Bentonite Clay Powder

Bentonite Clay Powder

Bentonite clay powder is a great natural remedy for your skin and hair. When it comes to the hair, bentonite clay powder strengthens the roots of your hair and you can apply it whenever you are looking for an alternative instead of a dry shampoo.

How to use it?

Take a little bentonite clay powder in a bowl, use a makeup brush to apply it on your roots and thoroughly massage it into your hair. It will make your hair look good.

Quick Tips On Keeping Away The Grease From Your Hair

Quick Tips On Keeping Away The Grease From Your Hair

Based on our genes and the kind of lifestyle we live, it all shows on our body. A few of us might have dry scalp while a few of us might have an oily scalp. It cannot be the same case with all. However, there are common ways to keep greasiness away. Take a look at simple tips

1. What seems fun might be destructing

You might think fiddling with your hair is fun. That said, you are not sure if your skin is oily and while touching your hair the germs on your fingers might enter into your hair. Thus, the tip is to keep a control on touching your hair if you do not want it getting greasy.

2. Have a cold water hair wash

Cleaning up your hair with cold water is a good choice. You will be able to save the natural oils from fading away. If you do not want any kind of greasiness on your hair then just follow this simple tip.

3. Give An Organic Life To Your Hair

It is the same case with how our body is, if you do not live a healthy lifestyle, you are going to end up having issues. The same goes with your hair and skin, focus on using products that are rich with natural ingredients. Keep away from greasiness.

In conclusion, homemade dry shampoos are cost effective and healthier so they prove to be great alternatives to dry shampoo.

It is not that dry shampoo is a bad choice. Dry shampoo is good in its way but if you want to change your preference to being more natural then he alternatives to dry shampoo are the best for your hair.

While you can use the homemade dry shampoo once in a way when your hair gets greasy, you have to remember that it serves the purpose only until there, you cannot consider it to be a replacement to a wet shampoo.

Go natural and make the most of the natural remedies!

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Vihaa Nichani(Neha Makhija) is a content writer whose passion for penning down thoughts channeled into the right direction and became her profession. She is keen on deep diving into every topic she writes about and is inclined towards challenging her capabilities by writing on diverse topics such as women’s health, beauty, fashion, relationships and lifestyle. Besides this, she enjoys dancing, traveling, jogging and trekking.