Home Remedies for Dry Skin


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Home Remedies for Dry Skin

Dry itchy skin can be a nightmare for you. Sharing some home remedies for dry skin to help you revitalize and regenerate your skin. Sometimes weather changes, hormonal imbalance and lack of hydration can result into dry white patches all over the skin. It not only looks bad, but also causes itchy and scratchy urged. Which again is discomforting. Even pollution, wind and climate can actuate them and make the skin lose its natural moisture and elasticity. The skin becomes dehydrated and loses its flexibility and radiance, also becomes cracked, scaly and itchy. We must be alert if any of these symptoms occur and take proper skin care. If any of this is left unattended for long it may result in long term skin deformities like dermatitis.

Dry skin needs lubrication and rehydration. There are variants for dry skin like mild, low, extremely dry and sometimes just a part of the body is dry rest is normal. So be wise and careful while opting for any skin treatments, as it may help grooming some part and harm other parts of the skin. Be sure to see your dermatologist before proceeding with any of the treatments, and get checked for dermatitis.

[Check Home remedies for skin pores]

Some Home Remedies for Dry Skin are:

1- Olive oil

Olive oil

Olive oil is a rich anti-oxidant and contains healthy fatty acids. These help in hydrating and nourishing the skin. It also calms and conditions the dry patches on skin which cause itchiness.

Apply olive oil on your your entire body half an hour before taking shower. Do not use soap or chemical based products. Use diluted body wash, which is extremely mild, you can dilute it by adding water to the body wash, for one drop of body wash add 5 drops of water.

Also try olive oil masks which are nourishing and revitalizing. Some olive oil masks are:

– Olive oil and honey face mask: Add olive oil and honey in 2:1 ratio. Also add brown sugar to it, then mix it into a thick paste. Rub this paste with your finger tips on the dry areas. Keep it for 15 minutes. Now rinse it with cold water. Apply a thick moisturizer

– Olive oil and egg white mask: Mix olive oil in egg white and form a paste. Apply this on your face and keep it for 10 minutes. Now wash with cold water. Apply moisturizer.

2- Honey:


Honey is a great Natural anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and hydrating agent. Its anti microbial properties make it a detoxifying substance richly used for skin and health from centuries. Honey makes skin replenish its luster, smoothness and shine and also it has vital minerals and vitamins that enrich health. Apply honey all over your body before taking bath and leave for 10-15 minutes. Now take shower and do not apply soap or body wash. Repeat daily for smooth and radiant skin.

3- Yogurt:


Yogurt is an excellent anti-oxidant and its probiotic properties make it helpful in soothing dry and itchy skin. The lactic acids in Yogurt help in fighting germs and microbes which may be causing dryness on skin. Yogurt must be used daily for seasonal changes and other effects on skin. Apply yogurt on your face and body and leave for 15 minutes before bath. Now wash it with lukewarm water. Do not apply soap.

# Yogurt and Papaya mask:

– Blend yogurt and papaya and form a paste.
– Apply on your face and leave for 15 minutes
– Now apply Lemon juice and scrub your face
– Now wash with cold water
– Repeat once a week.

# Banana Yogurt mask:

– Blend banana and yogurt and form a paste
– Apply on your face for 15 minutes
– Now gently rub and add lemon juice or olive oil
– After rubbing for 5 minutes wash with cold water
– repeat once a week.

4- Coconut oil:

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is power packed natural ingredient which is useful for any skin ailment. Infact from tan, blisters, rashes, burn, spots, moles, dry skin, lines, wrinkles and everything else; coconut oil has been a conventional and age old remedy for curing skin.

Apply warm coconut oil on your body before heading to bed. Leave it over night and wash with when you bathe the following morning. Do not use soap. Also for extremely dry skin types, apply coconut oil after bathing also. Just a few drops in place of your regular lotion. And this will help in replenishing the skin charm and flexibility soon.

5- Glycerin:

Glycerin is a natural hydrating agent. It is an ancient skin remedy for dry skin. Mix rose water, glycerin and lemon juice drops and store in a bottle. Apply this every night before going to bed. This is a great natural remedy for dry skin and for cold weather skin blisters. Everyday application brings the skin radiance also back.

6- Castor oil:

Castor oil

Castor oil has natural therapeutic powers and it is rich in Vitamin E. It acts as a natural astringent and cleanses the skin too. It passes through skin pores and helps in removing germs causing dryness and itchiness. Just apply few drops of castor oil on dry touch patches, AVOID EYES AND SENSITIVE AREAS ON FACE. Keep it overnight.

7- Avocado:


Avocado are natural hydrating agents and astringents. They are good for the skin. Apply avocado paste and leave for 10 minutes and wash with cold water. Repeat daily for great results

Dry skin is not a disease, but a situation, which is caused by innumerable reasons. There are preventive and curative ways both have excellent natural remedies, Try to eat a balanced diet, have a fitness regime and improve lifestyle by reducing caffeine. For women over 30 regal homemade facial massages must be done to prevent any such dry itchy skin spells. The above compilation is based on a suggestion from our avid reader. We are happy and excited to reach out and help you with these solutions. We love hearing your feedbacks and suggestions.

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Minu Manisha