Home Remedies For Acidity Prevention And Cure


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Home Remedies for acidity

Ever experience the discomfort of acidic re-fluxes? We have the home remedies for acidity prevention and cure. In medical terms, acidity is the term used for excess secretions from the gastric glands. In common parlance, acidity is the burning sensation in the stomach. It can be coupled with heartburn and bloating.

Home Remedies for Acidity


Our stomach produces Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and other juices as an aid to digestion. HCl has corrosive effects and thus there are natural bicarbonates in our body to subside them. When these natural bicarbonates weaken or reduced it damages stomach lining and thus comes the problem of acidity.

1- Spicy or oily foods:

Spicy or oily foods

Over-indulgence of spicy and junk food can cause severe stomach ailments. Acidity is one such painful and discomforting outcome. As spicy foods are high acidic and once they reach the mucous lining of the stomach, they cause irritable digestive tract. They affect the natural barriers and prevent their subsiding tendencies causing acid re-fluxes.

2- Caffeine specially coffee on empty stomach:

Caffeine specially coffee

Coffee on an empty stomach increases acidity. This higher level of stomach acid creates problems for heartburn and indigestion throughout the day. High acidity can eventually lead to severe abdominal issues such as Stomach Ulcers, Heartburn, Irritable bowel syndrome and Acid re-flux disease

3- Smoking:


Smoking weakens the lower part of esophagus and produces harmful enzymes affecting digestion. It eats up the bile juices from the intestine and causes acidity. They also prevent absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals thus causing acidic re-fluxes

4- Alcohol:


Alcohol relaxed he food pipe, thus making the acids flow back and forth. This results in acidity and bloating. Beer and wine increases acid production in the stomach and causes inflammation on stomachs inner lining.

5- Anti inflammatory drugs:

Anti inflammatory drugs

Over the counter anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen, antibiotics and other sedatives are extremely as they trigger acidity. They relax the esophageal tract and thus causing acidic re-fluxes.

6- Chocolates:


Chocolates are high in cocoa, caffeine and fat. All of which are acidity triggers. Thus resulting in acidity.

Symptoms of acidity:




Simple lifestyle changes can cure acidity. It is thus very important to have a proper balanced diet and control the urge for spicy junk foods. Try to emulate the below in your routine; to get rid of acidity and other digestive ailments:

  • Quit Smoking
  • Take small portions of food at a time
  • Do not take spicy food in more quantity
  • Drink plenty of water in a day
  • Drink lemonade or buttermilk instead of tea coffee
  • Do not take acidic foods on an empty stomach
  • Do not wear tight clothes
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables than processed foods
  • Drink a glass of chilled milk after 2 hours, every time you eat spicy food. This is to neutralize the effects of spices and oil triggering acids in your stomach.
  • Do yoga and walk for healthy and happy lifestyle
  • Avoid tomato and dairy on an empty stomach as it increases acidic ref-fluxes.

[Also Read: 10 Minute Yoga For Transcendental Effects]

Home Remedies for acidity:

1- Banana: (specially over-ripened)


Banana is rich in potassium and thus keeps a check on acidic secretions in our body. They are high in fiber and thus help preventing the mucous lining in the stomach. Eat a ripe banana every morning. And try to have banana in shakes and smoothies during the day.

2- Ginger:


Ginger is most effective as it has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidation effects. Ginger specially has medicinal properties. Ginger aids the emptying of stomach from excessive acidic juices, thus instant relief. It can be taken as additive to food, in smoothies, just plain piece of ginger in honey or also its juice mixed with honey or diluted with water.

3- Clove mixed with honey:

Clove mixed with honey

Clove specially is a blessing for any and every ailment. As it has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic and analgesic properties. It prevents gas formation and boosts digestion. It helps relax gastro-intestinal tract and reduces stomach related illness. And honey can make its anti-inflammatory properties boost further up. Honey is an aid in digestion and treating stomach and mouth ulcers. Clove powder and honey if taken 3-5 times day can be excellent for treating acidity.

4- Cold Milk:

Cold Milk

Milk does not provide treatment, but is an immediate relief for discomfort arising from heartburn and acidic refluxes. Milk if taken chilled acts as a subsiding agent for acidity in stomach. it provides instant relief. But it should not be taken much as extreme quantity of dairy causes acidic refluxes.

5- Mint:


Mint is a calming palate cleanser and digestive aid. It thus soothes stomach in case of acidic re-fluxes. It helps in secretion of digestive enzymes thus reducing acidic triggers.

health tips

A few diet and health tips can help you avoid acidity and other digestive ailments. Home Remedies for acidity prevention and cure are a guideline for your happiness ad health. For more severe cases visit your health care provider asap.

Minu Manisha