30 of the Most Amazing Hobbies for Women


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hobbies for women

Having ample time at your disposal and not finding the right things to keep yourself busy, hobbies are the perfect way to not only get enriched but also groom yourself for career ahead. A good hobby is not only entertaining but also fulfills your life in ways unimagined. Finding good hobbies for women is challenging if you haven’t explored your areas of interest yet.

Hobbies not only give you a creative platform but also help you cope up with your daily grind. Its a king of healthy outlet for your emotional stress and upheaval in your life. Adopt a hobby and groom it, for you never know what life brings in. This hobby can help you in your career, in helping you come out of depression and also recharging you

Hobby need not be expensive but fun, intriguing and invigorating. Cheap hobbies for women are also interesting and spectacular. You just need to find your passion from within and connect. So even if you are living between the bills, you cans still find your passion and enhance it further.

Some interesting and fun hobbies for women:

fun hobbies for women

Hobbies drive your passion and stimulate you to rise ahead with them. They not only help in building a stronger self but also uplift self-confidence and self-esteem. There is no reason why you must not pick a hobby at later ages in life, as thats the time when you are most eager to put your strengths and inspirations into the hobby to make something wonderful out of it. Some good hobbies for women include:

1- Writing:


Writing is not just putting thoughts into words, but a larger than life event and a way of life. Writing gives immense knowledge and makes you prudent at whatever you do. As a hobby if you begin writing, you can take it to wonderfully amazing career paths as well. And when you have ample other things going on in life and you need some time off, writing can be your go to friend.

Writing spearheads your imagination, adds creative dimensions to your thoughts, driven your hidden passion and also adds life to your mind. It enchants you so deeply that you consider taking up writing as your daily time off the grind. Begin with short stories, poems, diary writing, blogging, content writing or even book writing. Once you start you continue to find more and more reasons to write further.

As a writer myself, i have come to a conclusion that writing was more of a fantasy and dream that lived with. I began writing as early as middle school and it was all thanks to the diary writing etiquettes from convent. And i kept on with it as hobby which helps me get over my extreme emotions. But now writing is my career which has made me take the plunge with a challenge in my second innings as a professional. Writing gives a satisfaction like no other hobby could ever for me

2- Cooking:


Pampering the tastebuds and experimenting with flavors is a uniquely satisfying hobby. It involves a lot of love as preparing for someone with all your heart. And with more ideas from pinterest and online clubs it is simply the most passionate hobby most women are taking up. I have been a part of some wonderful Food-blogging sites and food groups.

As incredible as they look, the recipes and the preparation is almost heavenly. You can never imagine what a simple food item can turn into and taste like. Many women are taking baking as a profession just after their experiments with their beloved hobby. And these nutritive recipes not only provide popularity but also satiate you like no other.

3- Reading:

A book is your partner for life. I have always admired books and been almost a bibliophile. My love for books goes back to the middle school, when pre-teen angst and exploring more about life and relationships brought me to some mills and boon romance. I immediate became a voracious reader and tried from fiction, non fiction to almost everything i could put my hands upon.

Specially the shakespearean era, with words oozing royalty and sophistication i began exploring more on classics. There are gazillion reasons to take up reading as a hobby, and not to forget the language development and command over your own speech can reach acme with reading as a supplement.


Reading happens to be healing and satisfying, and when you join the no cost book clubs online like goodreads or at your local libraries, they make you an orator yourself. When you begin writing reviews about the book you read and why you recommend; it brings amazing self confidence and motivation to you.

4- Acting or performance arts:

You need not be a thespian to take up acting as a hobby. Nearly every community boats of an acting group, you can easily join and promote your expressions. Acting is an oddly satisfying hobby. You show extreme emotions and even cry on-stage but it brings a sense of delight and comfort to you. Your creative independence and imagination help you to bring out the best emotions in you. This not only inspires you but also helps in making you a better individual

5- Blogging:

In current scenario you ought to take up blogging whatever you do. Even if you are a stay at home mom you would be blogging about mom and baby stuff. Blogging helps in providing a platform for your thoughts and also in connecting you with the outside world. Blogging is rewardings and fun. It make you share ideas, inspiration, information and strategies. It also helps in promoting your business, talents and knowledge. And who knows you begin blogging as a hobby and take it ahead as an extremely lucrative career


6- Basket ball:

Adopting one sport based hobby is not only incredible for you peace of mind but also gives a boost to your fitness regime. Basket ball is one such sport which can be played alone as practice or with a group as matches. It makes you relax, cool off and refreshes you too. The physical activity it provides not only helps in your health but also brings a sense of wellness to you

7- Watching movies:

Watching movies is a wonderful pastime. And it also it inspires you to enjoy life to the fullest. Movies with morale and subjects can enrich you and also motivate you too. With movies you may also add some more interesting things like workout during movie or yoga with movies and don’t let the sitting around TV add laziness to you

8- Art:

Sketch, paint and make some wonderful pieces of art. In a list of Good hobbies for women definitely mention art as an important ingredient. Art helps in creative stimulation and enriches you too. From water colors, fabric colors, oil colors and more you just have to pick your niche and groom it ahead. You don’t have to be a master artist to paint even an amateur gets the same levels of satisfaction as does a pro when they finish an art project


9- Music:

Music heals and music connects you to your soul. The most soothing and invigorating of all hobbies music helps in rejuvenating you. When you love to play any instrument or sing as a hobby it acts as an anxiety and stress reliever. Music also helps in shaping your feelings and emotions. Music brings a sense of patience and control within you. You become more responsible and feel connected

10- Running:

With the marathon, 5k run and half marathon storming around, and internet being a showcase for them; running is gaining so much popularity as a hobby and also way of life. There is no satisfaction for fitness routine more than running and running helps in cooling you down, drive your passion and fulfill your goals too. Running relaxes min, body and soul also it is great for heart too. It also promotes healthy lifestyle and it involves no investment in taking up running as a hobby.

11- Swimming:

Extremely wonderful hobby and a great sport activity. It improves flexibility, body toning and shaping, and also body balance. Swimming also soothes and calms you while improving the fitness. Swimming also is a peaceful and relaxing hobby with ample benefits for health too

12- Dance or zumba or aerobics:

Dance is a more subtle form of art, it brings the mind and body to a complete relaxation. It gives you a platform to express and also brings out your creative self too. Zumba or aerobics ca help you forget the daily grind and workout with foot tapping songs

13- Singing:

Make voice your guru and sing on top of your voice to make the lungs feel healthy, and make yourself feel alive and happy. It makes you a deeper women and helps you in connecting with who you are. In helps in self-exploration and self-actualization. Singing as a hobby directs your thoughts away from anger, fear or obsession. Singing also brings the feminine energy to a full force.

14- Horse riding:

Horse riding challenges you like never before. It wants you to stay alert and mentally present all the time. It connects you more with life and you begin finding inner peace. Horse riding can be interesting and challenging at the same time. It also helps in connecting with nature. Horse riding as a hobby also develops a love for life and life forms

15- Learning a foreign language:

Adopt a foreign language language lesson as a hobby. It improves your multi-cultural awareness and also makes you dynamic. The more languages you know the better chances are for your employment. Also it helps in connecting with people from different cultures and traditions

16- Jewelry designing:

Everything sparkling, glittery and shimmery mesmerizes us. Women are in awe of jewelry and being able to design their adornments can be extremely enchanting. It is a great way to brush your art skills, and also feel the creative splurges and imaginary enthusiasm. Jewelry making can also take you places as these can be special gift items or mementos for your near and dear.

Jewelry designing

17- Join toastmasters or public speaking:

Public speaking is an art and a hobby that builds up your confidence and self-esteem. It can be challenging but what is better than conquering your own fears in utmost exciting ways. At toastmasters which is a non profit international organization you can improve your oratory skills. Talk about anything, impromptu to make it as interesting as possible. Public speaking increases influence and helps in improving interpersonal skills too.

18- Photography:

Photography is an amazing hobby which not only enlightens you but also helps in exploring the delicate details of things around like never before. Photography as a hobby helps you to capture and cherish all the wonderful moments of your life. It inculcates a passion to excel your own outputs everytime. There is immense learning and thrill involved when you take up photography as a hobby. It makes you creative, gives you opportunity to travel and explore, meet new people and also develop your own unique style. Proceed ahead with photography blogging for more career prospects


19- Knitting:

Knitting is a old school hobby for many women. It is a great creative outlet and is enjoyed by many. And when you know the knitted garment is for you, the sense of satisfaction is just amazing. Knitting can be also enriched with decorations further and crocheting. A thorough mesmerizing and appealing hobby.s

20- Gardening:

Connecting with nature is a pleasing and delighting hobby. Gardening is relaxing and rewarding at the same time. Grow your own kitchen garden or have some flowery blossoms around, they make you relax and enjoy. Gardening makes you decorate the home to reach the admiration levels of people around. Check some gardening tips here

21- Gymming:

Hobby and fitness blend to form a unique outlet to your passion. Gymming is an extremely enriching and satisfying hobby. And while you work out ample body toning, body balancing and weight loss goals are met too

22- Collecting antiques:

Collecting antiques is a high class hobby but you may still have this and keep it with flea market treasures. Find your most values vintage piece of furniture or kitchen item. Exploring the antiques has been a suave hobby from centuries. Go out and about your Sunday markets and grab the delights they put up there.You can even exhibit them later

23- Wine tasting:

Wine tasting

A wonderful and charming hobby, wine tasting involves some connoisseur skills. Learning how to find a good quality wine and appreciating it too makes for a relaxing and fulfilling hobby.

24- Candle Making:

Candle making is easy and a fun filled hobby. You get to choose your own colors, scents and fragrances when you make them. The supplies are available at cheap rates online or stores around. It calls for some pleasing and creative insights and is definitely a rewarding hobby

25- Yoga:

Yoga is the most buzzing word in current scenario. Thanks to Bikram guru and Baba Ramdev our knowledge and appreciation of Yoga have been like never before. The most incredibly rewarding work out which not only improves health but also refreshes mind and soul too. It helps in connecting with your inner self, find your hidden energies and passion, increases body flexibility, increases life span, enriches mind and strengthens body too.Yoga helps in countering stress and anxiety like no other medicine.

26- Calligraphy:

Calligraphy is an artistic form of writing. Calligraphy is also considered as a way to transform one’s temperament. Calligraphy is hugely satisfying and immensely creative way of writing. Just add them to cards or letter and here you are out and about promoting your new hobby

27- Numismatist or coin collection:

From the times i began learning about hobby, i have been greatly enamored by collection of coins. As a hobby i began collecting coins from different countries and also from different eras. It has been a uniquely enriching hobby. It includes collection of coins, bank notes and medals. This is not just for a few days or hours but you keep adding further for years decades ahead

28- Philately:

I have been a stamp collector from elementary school times, with the hobby coming up as a way of grabbing the posts from the mail box. With one of my family member getting posts from around the world, the unique stamps i could see at such early age made me fall in love with them. Stamps from around the world and of different era speak so much about their culture, tradition and beliefs. It is an enriching hobby with some wonderful rewarding scrapbooks you end up preparing of the stamps you collect

29- Traveling:

Road trips, camping, backpacking, exploring far and wide sounds like a very interesting hobby. It can be exorbitant money but when it becomes a hobby it definitely helps in driving your passion. Traveling is more of fun when you do the old school way, just begin your road trip with some navigation supplies and trek, hike and explore the areas around. A special nature connect and awareness of the cultural details of people in the areas. This is a wonderful hobby which helps in improving awareness and knowledge too. Check some of the most mesmerizing travel destinations

30- Star gazing:

As an amazing hobby star gazing makes you connect with spatial and cosmic world around. It is a pleasing and enchanting hobby. You learn about the heavenly bodies and space. The more you explore the more you get connected with stars, planets, and moon.

Some cheap hobbies for women:

Cheap hobbies for women include cooking, reading, writing, biking, running, yoga, singing, music, gardening, quilling, photography, painting, art, public speaking, baking, surfing the internet, video games, watching movies, stitching, window shopping and wine tasting. These are sure to charm you and inspire you to keep your passion alive within

I need a hobby:

I need a hobby

Well, everyone out there looking for a hobby first check what makes you happy. Not everyone can do all the above. Explore within and see if you like art, music, literature, craft, travel or more. A thorough self analysis will help in bringing out the most beloved of your interests. These can be your effortless hobby and help you to cool off while you get enriched

The above compilation on 30 of the most amazing Hobbies for women is to help us all in adopting a hobby which can not only help us get an outlet but also enrich and enchant us too. It is very important in this busy life to find sometime for yourself and hobbies provide that connect. This keeps us sane, connected within and puts us together with rejuvenated self. Read the above hobbies for girls and find your passion.

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Minu Manisha