Why Do Testosterone Levels Go High In Women? Study It In Detail!


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Src : healthywomen.org

Are you anxious with that excess untidy hair growth on your cheeks and chin? Probably it is an indication of increased testosterone in the body. Does that make you curious to know more?

An imbalance in hormones in a woman’s body could end up hitting on the reproductive system. It is never considered a healthy sign because its effects can be really bad. Talking of one such negative effect, if the level of testosterone in women is high it can disturb the tissues and bone weight in the reproductive system because testosterone is their guard.

Testosterone is a shield to the estrogen in a woman’s body. When testosterone and estrogen levels do not function well it can affect the ovaries and adrenal glands. These elements play an important role in the reproductive system.

In this article, you will know more about the importance of testosterone in a female body, what causes the testosterone to increase, signs and how to naturally treat high testosterone in the female body. It is essential for a woman to be aware of these minute yet major aspects in the body.

What Is the Role of Testosterone In A Woman’ Body

Src: zeenews.com

It is a healthy sign if the testosterone is not produced correctly by the ovaries because it plays its role in a woman’s body. Take a look a how does it play a role

  • It is responsible to improve libido
  • It is a significant red blood cell contributor
  • It has the ability to affect the process of reproduction by keeping a check on one’s sexual drive. Be it, men or women.
  • It contributes to boost energy

Why should the testosterone levels be in control? To save your body from getting diseases and having other health concerns, for healthy body composition and to improve sexual activities in the body.

There is no age exception, testosterone levels can go high in women at a young age. However, it is higher when a woman reaches the menopause stage. It is known to be common at that age.

Causes For High Testosterone In Women

Src: medicalnewstoday.com

To determine what causes high testosterone in women you need to know what should be its moderate level. Do you agree?

That said, a woman is not supposed to exceed 70ng/DL in her level of testosterone. If it has gone beyond this level it means you would need to take care of it.

In general, testosterone levels vary from body to body and it keeps changing at the start and end of the day. All said and done even your lifestyle will affect the levels of testosterone to an extent.

Take a look at the major causes as well as signs and symptoms of high testosterone in women. Being aware of the terminologies can help

Cause No 1 – A Genetic Disorder

Times genetic disorders can impact your adrenal gland, one such is congenital adrenal hyperplasia. There are necessary enzymes that are produced by the adrenal gland. When a person is suffering with this disorder the enzymes do not get produced normally and it affects a few of the body functions.

What happens?

  • Impacts your metabolism
  • Your immune system is affected
  • Blood flow gets disturbed
  • Impacts the cortisol hormone

Symptoms Of This Disorder

  • A woman’s voice gets hoarse and loud
  • Pubic hair grows faster
  • The clitoris gets bigger
  • The hair on the body increases
  • Hair starts to grow on a woman’s face
  • A woman either does not get her periods or it does not happen at the right time
  • A woman tends to get acne on her face

It is tough to understand why a woman get’s this disorder because it is not related to habits, it is all got to do with genes. Over time the symptoms could come down but there is no surety of completely getting cured from this disorder.

Cause No 2 – A Condition Of Hirsutism

This condition is often witnessed when a woman has genetic issues. A woman has abnormal facial growth. Why does this happen? A family member might be suffering with the same issues and it passes on. This usually happens to girls when they enter their teens. The blend of male sex hormones and female causes this.

What happens?

  • There is excessive hair growth on the face, chest and back
  • The androgens go out of control

Symptoms Of This Disorder

  • A woman’s clitoris gets large
  • A woman tends to get acne
  • There is an increase in muscle mass
  • There are chances that a woman loses hair
  • It affects a woman’s breast size

Thus, if there is an imbalance in androgens and if it is been in the family a woman tends to suffer from Hirsutism.

Read: 12 Helpful Ways To Take Care During Menopause – Don’t Stress Out!

Cause No 3 – Tumor In the Ovary

If at all there is a tumour in the adrenal glands there could be chances that the testosterone levels rise. During menopause, it is common for testosterone levels to increase.

Cause No 4 – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS is common to happen to women between 20 – 30 years. It is a disturbance in the hormones. The negative impact of this disorder is that women find it tough to conceive or their menstrual cycle is affected.

What happens?

This happens because the ovaries get incapable of producing eggs and the ovaries get affected because of imbalanced hormones. Instead, small structures called cysts grow in the ovaries.

Symptoms Of This Disorder

  • The ovaries tend to get bigger and they are not in the position to produce eggs
  • The menstrual cycle gets totally disturbed, it either gets irregular or goes on for long
  • A woman will witness too much of hair growth on her body
  • A woman tends to put on weight
  • Depression is a common symptom in this situation because a woman has a disturbance in the menstrual cycle and it is sure to affect one’s moods
  • A woman has chances of having a miscarriage or there could be infertility concerns
  • A woman finds it tough to get a peaceful sleep
  • There are chances for a woman to have diabetes or heart diseases

Thus, PCOS happens either because it is genetic, an increase in androgen or the effects of insulin in the body.

Cause No 5 – Excess Intake Of Steroids

It is believed that if you take too much of steroids it can end up affecting your body by increasing the level of testosterone in the body. Why does this happen?

This happens because steroids are powerful and it has the ability to increase male hormones, athletes take steroids to boost up their energy and physical structure given the intense activities they perform. Thus, a woman who is into taking too much of steroids can end up having high testosterone in the body.

Cause No 5 – Excess Blood Sugar And Insulin In The Body

It so happens that if there is an increase or decrease in your blood sugar levels it can end up affecting the adrenal glands. If there is an increase in the blood sugar levels your insulin can go up as well which leads to an increase in the level of testosterone.

Natural Ways To Treat High Testosterone In Women

Choosing natural ways to treat high testosterone is essential before you go into getting yourself medically treated. By doing this you could be saving yourself by the side effects in medicines.

More or less the only ways to treat high testosterone in women is by concentrating on the diet, it is essential to have a balanced diet so that your levels of testosterone do not go high and you get to stay away from complications during PCOS and menopause.

Take a look at healthy and natural ways to get treated!

Treatment No 1 – Plant Herbs Will Help

Herbs always have a way to treat several health concerns and on the other hand it helps in improving your health as well. Here are the herbs that can naturally treat high testosterone in women.

Licorice – This is supposed to be a powerful root of one of the plants, intake of this root will help in getting testosterone in control

Green tea – Have you heard of the term DHT? If you haven’t then DHT is one of those that take care of the making of male characteristics, when testosterone goes high it loses its balance and can become a DHT. In order to not let this happen, drinking green tea when your testosterone is high can help control the situation. Surprisingly green tea is superb in taking care of our hormones as well.

Spearmint leaves – You would be happy to know that spearmint leaves can reduce the testosterone levels in your body. This piece of information is derived from an animal study.

Treatment No 2 – Super Protein Soy!

Why soy to decrease testosterone?

Have you heard of phytoestrogens? You need phytoestrogens in your body to keep the testosterone levels stable, this replicates the estrogen in the body to stabilize estrogen deficiencies and take care of the increase in testosterone in the body.

The phytoestrogens co-operate and help women before and after menopause. That said, eat soy in any form and make the most of it.

It’s Wows

  • Increases protein, fiber and it is a boosted source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • It is super healthy because it has no lactose, no cholesterol and less saturated fat.

Nutritional Content

  • Comprises 11.2 grams protein and 3.8 grams fiber.


All credits to phytoestrogens that can naturally treat the increased levels of testosterone. Why don’t you include it in your diet? If you have about one serving of soy it should serve your purpose.

Treatment No 3 – Re-freshening Mint Leaves

Why mint to decrease testosterone?

You must be wondering that how can leaves help in decreasing testosterone. Isn’t it? The reason mint leaves are good to decrease testosterone is that it has properties to soothe your stomach. This soothing element treats the levels of testosterone.

It’s Wows

  • It is good in curing bad breath issues
  • Accelerates the digestion process
  • It is good to treat nausea

Nutritional Content

High in vitamins, potassium, calcium and minerals. It has 12 grams of protein and 0.30grams of fiber.


Studies proved that there was a decrease in testosterone after women had mint leaves.

Treatment No 4 – Good Vegetable Oil

Why vegetable oil to decrease testosterone?

The reason vegetable oil is good to decrease testosterone is because of the presence of fatty acids, it is dietary fat and it would treat high testosterone.

It’s Wows

  • It is rich in Vitamin E
  • It has powerful antioxidants


Make sure to use vegetable oil in your food not just to decrease testosterone but to even benefit from its other nutrients.

Treatment No 5 – Healthy Flaxseeds

Why flaxseeds to decrease testosterone?

Have you heard of lignans? Basically, lignans is one of the nutrients present in flaxseeds, this is useful because it helps in releasing excess testosterone from your body. So now you know how flax seeds keep the testosterone balanced.

It’s wows

It increases fiber and protein in your body. It helps in keeping the blood pressure and cholesterol levels low in your body.

Nutritional Content

It contains 1.3grams of plant omega-3 and it is the highest in having lignans when compared to other plant foods.


Therefore, you should eat flax seeds if you want the protein and fiber to increase in your body.

Treatment No 6 – Take Good Care Of Your Weight

There are chances that an increase in testosterone would end up making you put on weight. Try different exercises and lift weights to take care of our body and you never know how the testosterone levels in your body might decrease.

Treatment No 7 – Remove Unwanted Hair

Src: justrandomnews.com

If the testosterone level in your body is high and you have unwanted hair growth then you cannot do anything about it. You just have to take good care of your skin by removing your hair often. It is recommended to go for waxing over any other method of hair removal.

Final Word :

Unwanted hair and abnormal flaws in the body such as facial hair growth or enlarging of the clitoris can be turning down. However, you have to rise above every concern and eat the right diet to naturally treat high levels of testosterone in your body.

The are other ways of getting treated for high testosterone is through medicines, oral contraceptive and various hair removal treatments. These methods of treatment would be applicable if the level of testosterone increases too much.

If you are taking any kind of supplements to reduce the level of testosterone in your body, you should always get a doctor’s consultation. Do not take a call on your own.

All in all, to be on a safe side it is the best to frequently keep an eye on the testosterone levels in your body and monitor if it is too high, too low or balanced and accordingly get treated.