6 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Everyday


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Healthy foods you should eat everyday

With growing focus on diet and health, our ideals for daily nutritional requirements have changed in the last few years. Lot of myths have been broken and increasing focus is on healthy foods you should eat everyday. What was once thought as an energy booster is now known as the culprit for many ailments, and with increasing concentration of chemicals in food items its even more critical to have these superfoods which are comparatively safer to consume.

Our health is a function of the diet we take and fitness routine we put ourselves into. Therefore we must adopt these superfoods in our daily diets. For superfoods are multi-tasker foods with medicinal and healing benefits in addition to their low calorie prepositions. Also they are flavored to suit our taste buds too. Many superfoods are exotic and hard to find everyday, so we have worked upon the details and made this list of healthy foods you should eat everyday, which are easy to find and for most of our meals they are everyday foods.

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6 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Everyday:

1- Blueberries:


– Blueberries are packed with anti-oxidants called flavonoids. They help in softening our skin, boosting brain functions and may even prevent cancer.
– Blueberries are also anti-bacterial, they contain compounds which prevent bacteria from accumulating to our bladder walls. This helps in preventing urinary tract infections.
– The blue color of blueberry is due to anthocyanins which attack cancer causing free radicles and even block the growth of tumor cells.
– Blueberries also reverse age related memory loss and degeneration.
– Blueberries are rich in fibers, Vitamin C, B6, calcium, potassium, folate and phytonutrient contents. Thus they lack cholesterol so aid in heart health too. [Know some of the cholesterol lowering foods here]
– The fiber in blueberries lower the cholesterol already in our blood and decrease the risk of heart diseases.

2- Spinach:


– Spinach is a power house of nutrition. Spinach is rich in plant based omega 3 fatty acids and folate, which help in reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke and osteoporosis.
– Spinach helps in building up our muscles and increases blood flow to help in preventing from age related sexual issues.
– Spinach is also packed with lutein which fights muscular degeneration.
– Spinach is low in cholesterol and fat, and high in protein, niacin, zinc, fiber, Vitamins A C E K, calcium, iron, phosphorous, manganese, potassium and copper.
– Spinach is healthier than kale, which is far too prominent in the US as a healthy food option.
– Spinach is made up of 91.4% water, 3.6% carbs, 2.9% protein and 0% fat. It regulates blood sugar levels and eliminates toxins from our body

3- Beans:


– Beans are a rich plant based source of iron. Pair it with Vitamin C for helping your body in absorption of iron and aiding transport of oxygen from the lungs to cells in your body.
– Beans are a powerhouse of nutrients including anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals like copper, magnesiums, manganese, folate, iron, potassium, phosphorous and zinc.
– Beans can lower cholesterol as they provide our body with soluble fiber. They also reduce the risk of colon cancer

4- Yogurt:


– Yogurt is prepared by bacterial fermentation on milk under normal temperature. They are formed by curdling of milk which produce lactic acid. Yogurt is thus a rich probiotic and good source of animal protein with active bacteria for our system health.
– Yogurt is rich in calcium, Vitamin B (socially B 12 and riboflavin) which prevent heart diseases and certain neural tube birth defects.
– Yogurt is also rich in phosphorous, magnesium and potassium which help in regulating blood pressure, aiding in metabolism and enriching bone health.
– They are probiotics as they contain one bacteria which help in digestive health and also build up immunity in our body.

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5- Broccoli:


– Broccoli is a very good source of dietary fiber. It is rich in manganese, phosphorous, choline, pantothenic acid, Vitamin A B E, potassium, protein, zinc, calcium, iron and copper.
– Broccoli is the most beneficial cancer fighter food as it contains some sulphur compounds like sulforapane.
– Broccoli has some excellent benefits for the skin due to anti-oxidant properties. It maintains skin health, promotes skin regeneration, has anti-aging benefits, aids hair nourishment and strengthens hair strands too.
– Broccoli is known for its benefits in improving heart health, skin regeneration, improving vision, regulating blood pressure and detoxification.
– Broccoli is best when it’s steamed, its nutrients and taste are at prime.

6- Tea:


– Tea is one of the richest source of natural antioxidant. They protect from heart disease, stroke and cancer.
– Tea also slow the breakdown of bad LDL cholesterol, thus preventing against heart diseases.
– Tea improves blood vessel function and prevents blood clots. People who consume tea daily have 45% lower risk of developing narrow arteries.
– Tea surprisingly helps in aiding weight loss.
– Tea battles cancer and improves body immunity.
– Tea has rich water contents and it boosts mental health. It helps in fighting flu and infections too.

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Healthy foods

The above compilation on 6 Healthy foods you should eat everyday is based on experiences and readings over time. There are ample reasons these superfoods have been consumed from centuries. They not only offer dietary nutrients and essential supplements but also help in curing and preventing a lot of ailments. They must be consumed in the most effective way and optimum quantities. Be sure to check with your health care provider for specific allergies.

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Minu Manisha