Health Benefits Of Papaya Seeds


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Health benefits of papaya seeds

Papaya seeds contain nutrients that help in healing liver and kidney infections. It has rich anti-inflammatory properties in addition to killing intestinal worms. Health benefits of papaya seeds are ample and so we have some of the most wonderful ones compiled here. Do not just throw away the papaya seeds as they carry ample health benefits and have miraculous healing properties. Be sure to check with your health care provider before opting them.

[Read: Benefits of papaya for hair growth and nourishment]

Health benefits of papaya seeds include:

1- Papaya seeds for liver disease

Papaya seeds for liver disease

Papaya seeds have all the nutrients that help in healing cirrhosis of liver. Take 10 dried papaya seeds and crush them, now grind them with some fruits or juices and add some lime juice. Make a shake or smoothie and consume every few days. This will have amazing benefits for maintaining liver health. Also it will prevent more liver infections.

2- Papaya seeds kills intestinal parasites and worms

Papaya seeds kills intestinal parasites

Papaya sees contain and alkaloid called Carpaine that kills intestinal worms and amoeba parasites. Also it helps in breaking down the proteins which make the gastrointestinal tract prone to parasite accumulation. Papaya seeds contain proteolytic enzymes like papain which help in getting rid of body parasites. Drinking Papaya seeds juice mixed with papaya helped 75% of the kids studied for getting rid of worms from intestinal tract

3- Papaya seeds help in treating food poisoning

treating food poisoning

Papaya seeds not only prevent but also cure food poisoning. Seeds of papaya have strong anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects on our digestive system. An extract made from papaya seeds and papaya helps in killing E. coli, salmonella, staph and other bacterial infections.

4- Papaya seeds for cancer

Papaya seeds contain agents that prevent cancer causing cells to grow. Also it has rich anti-inflammatory properties in addition to isothiocyanate which works best for colon, lunge, breast cancer, leukemia and prostate cancer.

[Read: health benefits of ginger]

5- Papaya seeds for fertility and family planning

Papaya seeds for fertility and family planning

Papaya seeds are believed to reduce sperm production and without affecting the male fertility. When consuming papaya seeds regularly the sperm count goes to zero and when stopped papaya seeds intake in diet, sperm count comes back to normal. Women use sap of papaya plant and green papaya to prevent pregnancy.

6- Papaya seeds are anti-inflammatory:

As an anti-inflammatory papaya seeds helps in reducing pains and swelling due to inflammations caused by arthritis, joint pain, swelling and redness

7- Papaya seeds for kidney diseases

Papaya seeds for kidney diseases

Papaya seeds are also believed to treat kidney diseases and preventing renal failure. It also works great for poisoning related kidney deformities.

8- Papaya seeds for viral infections:

Papaya seeds help in preventing viral infections due to their anti-viral properties. It has also been used for dengue infection treatments effectively.

9- Papaya seeds for spices

Papaya seeds for spices

Papaya seeds have a distinct aroma and taste. They are also used as a spice in place of pepper. They are pepper like in flavor with a little bitterness. These are great and healthy substitutes for pepper if the taste is set

10- Papaya seeds to treat stomach ulcers

Papaya seeds to treat stomach ulcers

Some people believe papaya seeds prevent gastric ulcers and heal minor stomach ailments.

Precautions when using papaya seeds:

Precautions when using papaya seeds

– Pregnant and nursing women must not consume papaya seeds
– Young children must not be given papaya seeds for treating tummy worms. As they are too powerful for kids gastrointestinal tract.
– Papaya greatly reduces men’s fertility so it may prevent pregnancy completely
– Papaya seeds interfere with a women’s menstrual cycle, if taken in large quantities.
– Papaya seeds contain an enzyme papain which suppresses progesterone which is needed to prepare the uterus for conception and maintain pregnancy. Papain also breaks down the membrane needed for fetal development.
– Papaya seeds can lead to increase in breast size over time.
– Papaya seeds and whole papaya fruit must be avoided by people having latex allergies. Their allergic reaction maybe swelling, itching on face, lips, tongue and throat, and abdominal pain.

papaya seeds

The above compilation on Health benefits of papaya seeds is based on experiences and learnings over time. Papaya as a fruit has ample benefits and papaya seeds are additional benefits we can derive from the miraculous fruit. Check with your healthcare provider before opting for this as it may cause allergic reactions. Share ahead and keep writing us, we love hearing form you!

Minu Manisha