10 Key Habits for Building Better Relationships


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Building Better Relationships

As said by Theodore Roosevelt, the most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people and these days people are striving to build better relationships with people around since little they know how to get through to someone in person in absence of social media.

In the age of thriving technology, the maxims for relationship building skills are manifold. Our ability to make relationships better with others determines how successful we will be in our workplaces and in our lives outside work too.

Are you a person with lack of an attribute to build relationships? No worries, here we are to provide you with some of the keys to successful relationships – no matter it is with your vexed boss or with your boon companion:

1. Become a Great Listener

Great Listener

The most taken for a granted form of a pat on the back is when you be a great listener. It makes people feel supported and valued and further boosts another person’s self-esteem.

Nonetheless, people today are too sluggish or owing to any other reason to even listen to what other people say and too busy thinking of what they want to say next consequently leading to disturbances in relation.

If you find yourself in this situation, take a breath and correct your activity by listening well. Remember that we naturally bond with people who genuinely listen, hear us and that we would want to spend time with.

2. Communicate without Any Constraints

without Any Constraints

It is indeed a perfect idea to talk about the way things are going. The lack of communication in a relationship leads to misunderstandings and mental strain.

3. Ask Questions

Ask Questions

The best way to make people know that we are listening to them is by digging deeper and asking questions. It is well-advised to repeat back to them what they say in our own words to make certain what we heard makes sense to us.

When the opposite person sense that we are making an earnest attempt to understand them, they tend to open up and share more with us. This intensifies the relationship and puts us in the category of people they want to seek out and talk to.

4. Develop Empathy

Develop Empathy
Src: babycenter.com

The important key to a successful relationship is developing empathy and understanding of another person. As famously said: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And, this is actually in accordance with reality.

Empathy and understanding help in building a connection between people. It is a state of perceiving and relating to another person’s feelings and needs without laying the blame on others, giving advice or trying to fix the situation.

Reading another person’s inner state and interpreting it in a way helps the other person and offer support and develop mutual trust.

5. Learn to Trust More

Learn to Trust More

No matter it is a business, romantic or friendly relationship, trusting a person plays a pivotal role in any case. It is beyond the shadow of doubt one of the main factors in building a positive and healthy relationship.

But then, living a life inspired by the trust can be demanding to come through, especially if you’ve been deceived in the past. But every time you decide to put your trust in someone else, you’re also opening yourself up to receive from the universe, by living in the moment and not worrying about the past or the future.

6. Appreciate Each Other

Appreciate Each Other

In order to keep relationships going, everyone needs to be appreciated. If you at any time realize that one has done a stellar job, applaud them. It not only motivates them but also helps you in growing vigorously.

7. Pay Attention to the Whole Person

Pay Attention

To pay attention to the person just doesn’t mean focusing on the tone of their words. Besides, it also includes paying attention to facial expression and body language. Catch sight when someone’s words don’t match their body language and facial expression. This will open doors to having profound, more relevant conversations that will lead to developing trust and stronger relations.

8. Remember Things

Remember Things

Nothing annoys people like if a person forgets his/her name. Remembering people’s names is the first step to relationship building, and remembering other important aspects about them continues the building process. All you need to do is paying attention while talking to them.

If you are a person who is bad at reading people, here is a tip. When they are speaking about a family member, an event, or a hobby and their faces light up, remember that it is important to them. It is not necessary to remember each and everything about them, but just focus on their names and that one important piece of information.

9. Handle Mood Swings

Handle Mood Swings

Irrespective of how we are feeling, there will be some situations where we have to for some time put aside those feelings and fully listen to the other person. Because it is often said that people whose mood swings from hot to cold have a difficult time creating meaningful relationships. But, don’t make it true for you.

Suppose you are going through a phase experiencing strong emotions that keep us from being fully present with the other person, it is better to express it to them. They will appreciate your honesty and openness.

10. Back Each Other

Back Each Other

Loyalty is a must to keeping relationships healthy. We may not agree with a co-worker or friend, but we can stand by him or her when they are in a jam.